Category Archives: Uncategorized

Tarot Card of the Day: The Fool Reversed

Your Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.  Not everyone attracted this message.  YOU DID.
MEANING:  The Fool is an indicator of newness; as well as the open-hearted energy of a child. This is a positive card, with the caveat that it’s important to take time to be sure that you are looking where you’re going.  In reversal, The Fool can show that there is a need for a new beginning, but that there is some hesitancy about making it happen.  This card indicates new beginnings that have some deeper spiritual meaning – and in reversal it can mean that you have some level of resistance toward this new beginning. Sometimes in this context it can mean that the “fresh start” is coming, whether you want it or not. Continue reading

Feeling on the verge and wanting to travel: Here’s why

balanceA friend wrote that she’d been feeling stuck in a rut and asked what to do to overcome it.  I sent her a link to my 13 Steps Back To Balance (also below.)  She also feels she’s come to a wall and has the urge to travel, so I wrote:  “You are getting the urge to travel because once you are in motion is when the ideas can come more clearly to you. Staying where you are, you only have access to the same ideas you’ve had up to now. You can’t go beyond them until you do something different. Movement anywhere, even grocery shopping in a new store in a different part of town, will cause movement within your consciousness as well. What appears to be a wall is really a billboard. It usually says, you can choose to paint anything you want here and then you can choose to move toward it.  I find it’s important to write down things you want to do and be, write down things you appreciate. When you begin those 2 simple lists — the writing is crucial — ideas will come into your head which lead you forward into the next stage of unfoldment. Do anything different and do it long enough to let new ideas begin to flow, then contemplate them as they pertain to your personal life. Begin to see everything in front of you as a metaphor for what is happening in the unfolding of your own consciousness. What plays out in your physical life is a reflection of your soul’s evolution. If there’s any ick at all, do forgiveness work and make peace with the past. That in itself will lighten a load considerably. You are on the verge of awakening to a very good life. Continue reading

Tarot Card of the Day: Ace of Coins

Your Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.  Not everyone attracted this message onto their monitor.  YOU DID. There are no mistakes.
MEANING: The Ace of Coins is likely to find you enjoying a new beginning on several levels, and this is a very positive new beginning. Your health and vitality is likely to be at a high point. The appearance of this card is usually the sign of a turn for the better in terms of fortune and wealth, and sometimes it can even indicate gifts of money, or inheritance from unexpected sources. It does not mean that someone has to pass over for you to receive this inheritance. You are likely to be feeling optimistic, upbeat, and hopeful about your future. Things should be going well. You could well be starting something new very soon, this could be in the realm of work or personally, but either way, it’s a good thing. Continue reading

13 Steps Back To Balance

I’ve found the best way to get anyone to want to change to a better life is to let my own life be my example. To let my life be my message. To let others feel hopeful that good things can come their way if they redo some self talk on what the future may hold. Got some stinking thinking? Write a script and read it to yourself everytime that other thought comes up. Sound silly? I don’t care, it works for me.  It’s mostly just reminding myself what I already know. Repeating phrases that I know to be true and repeating them long enough that they overtake the other thoughts and replace them. Phrases like these: Continue reading

Tarot Card of the Day: 8 of Swords

Your Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.  Not everyone attracted this message onto their monitor.  YOU DID. There are no mistakes.

Introduction: The 8 of Swords may be a sign you need to acknowledge your own role in a bad situation. When the 8 of Swords appears, you may be unaware you are holding your own self back. Do you fear moving into the future? Are you wary of getting hurt by a new situation? Think through what it is that you’re afraid of. A little reflection can yield big insights and understanding will ease your fears and bring forth opportunities.   Continue reading

Tarot Card of the Day: Knight of Wands

Your Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.  Not everyone attracted this message onto their monitor.  YOU DID. There are no mistakes.
MEANING:  This is a great time for travel if you can get away. You should be feeling charged up, full of energy, and ready to get things done. Your self-confidence is likely to be increasing and this should help you toward your goals. Knights are messengers, and in the Wands suit, the messages are likely to be positive and related to work or career. Your projects are likely to be/have been more successful than you would have expected or predicted. You have a lot of reasons to feel pride. Savor it. Continue reading

Rest in Peace Hardee S. Henderson, III

Hardee S. Henderson, III

Hardee S. Henderson, III

Rest in peace, old friend.  In 1992,  Hardee was the last attorney I worked for before doing what I do now.  Hardee could be a very kind and generous man, and his personality was bigger than life.  He was beloved by many. He gave me courage to morph from a 22 year career as a criminal defense paralegal into doing my own thing. We’ll meet again, my friend.  Thank you for everything you added to my life. July 15, 1952 – May 30, 2013. Florida Today obituary here. MS Obituary here.  A celebration of his life will be held Friday, June 14 at 12pm, at the chapel at Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy’s Upper School (5625 Holy Trinity Drive, Melbourne).  In lieu of flowers, please send donations to To Write Love On Her Arms (

RELATED: The End of Death As We Know It

Bury St. Joseph to Sell Your Home

St. Joseph statutes come in many looks, choose your favorite

St. Joseph statutes come in many looks, choose your favorite

St Joseph is known to the world as best real estate agent ever – since hundreds of years he has been helping people to sell their homes.  Where should you bury a statue of St Joseph?  According to tradition if you really want to sell your home quickly you should bury a statue of St. Joseph upside down in the yard of your home. Praying to St. Joseph for a quick sale and burying a statue of him is said to always bring a fast offer on the home. Realtors and homeowners swear that this legend is true and that if you do bury a statue of St. Joseph while praying for a quick sale that your prayers will be answered.

But make sure that you bury that statue of St. Joseph in the right spot. If you don’t bury the statue in the right spot then you might end up helping the neighbors across the street sell their home before yours or you might end up helping a person on the street behind you sell a home. Where you put that statue of St. Joseph can make a big difference in how quickly the home sells. The tradition of burying a statue of St. Joseph in the yard of a home that you’re trying to sell goes back thousands of years. It is believed that because St. Joseph is the patron saint of home and family, if you pray to him for help when you’re selling your home and you bury a statue of him on the property he will help you by sending buyers to the home so that you will get a quick offer on the home. Time and time again people that are trying to sell their homes have turned to St. Joseph for help and thousands of people that have successfully sold homes are convinced that St. Joseph answered their prayers and helped sell the home.   Continue reading

Tarot Card of the Day: Eight of Coins

Your Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.  Not everyone attracted this message.  YOU DID. There are no mistakes.
MEANING:  The 8 of Coins can indicate a period of very hard work. This does not have to be a negative thing, but you must be prepared for it. Think about what it is that you are working for. This work can be personal or professional. Be prepared to ask for help if needed.  This card points to necessary efforts. You will have a lot on your plate that you must accomplish. Dedication to the tasks at hand is important. Be clear on what you want to accomplish. Strive for balance.  Continue reading

Tarot Card of the Day: 5 of Swords Reversed

Your Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.  Not everyone attracted this message onto their monitor.  YOU DID. There are no mistakes.
MEANING: You may be having an urge to prove that you are right about something to someone – and this could be a serious waste of time and energy. If you’re right, you’re right, and it doesn’t matter if people believe you. Put your energy into more productive efforts.  The reversed 5 of Swords indicates power struggles and conflicts.  Consider your priorities and the things that matter most to you. Be pleasant. Continue reading