Category Archives: Uncategorized

When inner guidance comes in your own voice

Question: “My spirit guide quit answering me. Has this ever happened to you?”

Andrea: My experience is when guidance seems to ebb rather than flow, I have some resistance somewhere keeping me from focusing fully. Divine guidance or inner guidance is likely coming but you think it is your own voice. Guidance comes to me in my own voice when it wants me to take ownership of what I know and who I am. It’d be easy to obey a command from Whoever I think is the highest Source, God, some guide or angel, whatever. But to test my faith and see if I can practice what I know, without being sure I am connected to ANYTHING or anyone in the moment? Oh yes, that’s when the alchemy takes place. That’s when the kundalini rises and awakens me to higher knowing. I get to see, by the evidence of what I attract into my experience, how awake I am and where I am  focusing my attention at any point in time. The evidence is always what I am living right now.

A snake sheds his skin in a bush at the front door

Friends had a snake shed his skin high in a bush at their front door. For devotees of Shiva, the destroyer of illusion, the snake is an auspicious sign, meant as a boon, a benefit, to those who witness.  Here’s an excellent article, Shedding Skin by Doug Marman. “The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come,” says Joseph Campbell, the famous teacher of mythology, referring to the ancient symbol of snakes shedding their skin as a metaphor for inner growth. “If you want resurrection, you must have crucifixion…We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” Continue reading

Comparing spidey sense notes for future predictions

A friend and I were comparing notes on how we first learned to give future predictions. My first time happened spontaneously. Afterward, I intuited a technique to project my consciousness into their emotional body at a future point in time.  Basically, as I stand in their emotional body, their astral field, several months down the road, I tune in to how I am feeling, what I am thinking about and where my focus is. That tells me all I need to know.  I often hear readers say, when asked for future predictions, that “nothing is written in stone.” That’s technically true, but more often no one takes the time to consciously change the course of their life, which is what renders the future so predictable.


Florida Land For Sale $6,000 thirty minutes south of Daytona, along I-95 (this post contains all info and links)

Adjoining property

Adjoining property

I have two 2.5 acre parcels of undeveloped land in Volusia County, Florida for $6,000 each. They are 30 minutes south of Daytona Beach, between I-95 and US 1.  I have several posts about this property, but this one contains all the info and links in one place.  The properties can be seen from I-95, Lot 327 Section E and Lot 336 Section G are near Maytown Road (which is shown on some maps as Halifax Road), and shown here on this map in yellowThe lots are land locked, so you would go through the process to apply for an easement to gain access and for use.  Adjoining neighbors have locks on the gates of the access roads.   The below is all the info I have on the property.

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Tarot Card of the Day: The Hanged Man

Tarot Hanged ManYour Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.   YOU DID. There are no mistakes.
MEANING:  You are at a crossroads – one with only two options i.e. in or out, up or down, yes or no. You may find yourself very much wanting to do something but having no idea what it is or how to do it. If that happens, that’s a clear sign that you should stop, relax, and look at ways that you might need to let go of attempts to control life/ situations/ people/ things. It’s possible that there is an outdated attitude you need to let go of. Any sacrifice that you make will open up your life to something even more positive than what you let go of.  This should be a thoughtful, reflective time, particularly if you are willing to look at if or how you might best serve your own interests by being willing to change. Continue reading

The Pyramids, Coral Castle Miami: How harmonic sonic levitation works

Coral Castle in Miami

Coral Castle in Miami

“Building Coral Castle? Building the pyramids? How harmonic levitation works is this: The crystalline structure of the blocks is made of dipole molecules. A dipole means that it has a magnetic positive and negative. Every stone / molecule has a series of harmonic frequencies that cause the poles of the molecules to arrange in a specific manner. When the correct arrangement of the magnetic poles is achieved, it will literally repel the gravity of earth, and will levitate.”  During an Abraham-Hicks conference call I was in on several years ago, they explained this was how the pyramids were built. Continue reading

Shamanic Events with Jade Wah’oo Grigori in Indialantic, FL July 24-30, 2013

July 26 Friday: 15 minute shamanic sessions – 10:00 to 1pm and 3:00 to 5:00pm  NOTE: Please arrive at least ten minutes prior to your appointment. Cleansing, Blesssing and Renewal Sliding Scale: $52 – $104.  For those who want an initial experience of Shamanic Healing; for those who may not want to have a full hour and a half session, but just need a tune-up; for those who want something specific – such as a relationship, health, a business etc – cleansed, blessed and renewed.  His website is
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A testimonial for Sleepytime Recharge mp3

From LKW: “I was listening to the Sleepytime Recharge recording. it was very nice. Much different from some of the recordings I have with affirmations.  It is more like you are telling a story and I really enjoyed that.   You have a very soothing voice, if it is you on the recording, I mean. (It is.)  I know how the subconscious works and really thought I could do it myself with affirmations and subliminal affirmations, but apparently not.   There must still be a block somewhere, which I am hoping your recording can remove for me.  I came across your website a week ago but I had to think about it first before I was buying, but I am glad, I did. They are really very good and I know I need some help in this area. So I want to thank you for making these available.  L.K.W.

I found my old profile!

online dating keyA friend and I were talking the other day about online dating sites and I shared my links below with her.  Then I searched and found my old profile.  I’d probably say the same thing today if I were looking.  I’m not looking.  Check it out: “I’m an easy going, kind hearted, independent person who finds fun in everything I do.  I am a writer and publisher, with a private consulting practice. I do not smoke cigarettes or drink, but it’s ok if you do. It’s not ok if you get sloppy drunk or burn holes in anything I own 🙂 I enjoy helping friends create habitats in their yards to encourage wildlife. I like to garden. While I embrace my times of solitude, I love spending time with friends who are interesting. Who you are is a lot more important than what you have or what you do. Good teeth is a plus; doesn’t matter if they’re yours. Hair is irrelevant, bald is just as sexy as a ponytail. Continue reading