Category Archives: Uncategorized

I love when I can copycat my favorite restaurant recipes

Saturday we went to Pho Cali Vietnamese Noodle House in Mebourne and had crispy tofu with broccoli and brown garlic sauce. I tasted it and thought “I can make that!”  So tonight I did. I cut the tofu larger than normal, which resulted in it not getting crunchy all the way through.  The coating was crisp, and it was good, but I like the crisp crunchiness of the savory tofu I usually make. I cooked half the tofu last night.  For the next batch, I’ll cut it in smaller bites. It’s been in the fridge basking in panko crumbs so it will be perfect.  And I have another head of broccoli to test it out on! Maybe I’ll add some fresh green grapes to the sauce to sweeten it…

I dreamed I was painting soul portraits of friends

I dreamed last night I was in an outdoor festival setting and I was painting soul portraits of friends. I was using elaborate astrology and tarot symbolism. I was also standing behind myself, videotaping myself painting.  The videotape me was stationary.  The scene I was videotaping was moving in a slightly fast forward/time lapse motion. It surprised me when I turned around and smiled back at myself.  I have for several months thought of painting a friend whose energy field goes technicolor when he plays music and chants. Maybe this is a signal to begin with that one. Acrylics or watercolors?

RELATED — LINKS TO MORE DREAMS:    Continue reading

It’s fun what I attract when I (through willpower, discipline and replacement thoughts) keep myself centered and happy

Three solid months of continually even, mellow, convivial daily interaction.  No disagreement, no harsh words, no surprises, no moods, no fires to be tended to.  Only loving attention, fun adventures, animated conversation – light and deep, giggly and profound – and a seeming unending bank of mutual interests and curiosities. When I think that sounds too good to be true, I remind myself that’s what I attract by staying centered. By knowing what’s important in my life – peace of mind and joy – and focusing only on that. Continue reading

If you’d like a 3 month future predictive astrology report

Paypal $28 to me at and email me your birth date, time and location of birth. I love the interpretations given in these reports, they tell me what to expect and how to manuever easily through it.  Like right now I am going through a real critical phase. Knowing that I am allows me to have the thoughts arise and not feel I have to share them. I see it as an opportunity to discipline myself to keep my thoughts to myself unless it is helpful, kind and true. When the thoughts and feelings arise, I observe them as they were expected visitors, but I do not let them take me over.

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The Universe knocks me out so I can receive info in a dream

I had an odd happening this morning.  I’ve been reprogramming my sleep schedule, and the last two nights took benadryl. After two good night’s sleep, this morning I head out toward Melbourne to deliver the September Horizons Magazine. Half way there, I am overcome with feeling sleepy, almost to the point of pulling over.  I got home and fell into a sudden deep sleep.  I woke up 45 minutes later after a vivid lucid dream, with my head filled with the details of a new project.  A friend and I work together on several writing projects and two months ago we briefly discussed the topic I just dreamed of. I told her I’d get back to her, then I got busy and didn’t think of it again.  I didn’t have to.  Apparently she (and others) provided sufficient energy on the topic to make it into a viable thoughtform, so it began creating itself and calling ME to it, rather than me calling IT to me.  I awoke with the entire outline in my head, with details still coming.  I thought, “this is what the sleep was all about.” Sleep changes everything. I get enough sleep and the deeper part of my spidey sense kicks in and takes over.  I’m back in the flow. I wonder now what else can I dream into being?

RELATED — LINKS TO MORE DREAMS:    Continue reading

Make peace with your past to quelch the fire. Isn’t it time?

Make peace with your past so you can move forward and attract nothing but Love from here forward.   The trial by fire you are going through now is burning off the dross of your own past momentum.  When you make peace with the past, only Love will reign within you and you will attract only Love.  I can go though life hating anyone I feel ripped me off in any way, or I can feel compassion for their not knowing any other way to live and survive in this world. I can send love and move forward. Easy? Not always. But always easier than the alternative: a less-than life because I’ve left past stuff unresolved and it keeps biting me every time life gets good. That’s why it’s a good idea to clean it ALL up as soon as you find yourself hitting bottom. Otherwise things can be going well and then SPLAT you have to deal with it as it comes around again. Let there be one big crash and burn, burn ALL the residue off at once and get on with the good stuff of life, without the axe hanging over your head. Only you can quelch the fire, only you determine how quickly you are on the other side of the chaos in your life. As usual, it’s always and only up to you, and what thoughts you feed yourself all day long.  Your life is a product of that. Make peace with your past to quelch the fire.  Isn’t it time?

RELATED: Make Peace with the Past
Coming clean about past lies will set you free
Her effort to clear up the past gave her a clean slate
The magic of making amends with those you have unclean energies with
The solution is simple: Come clean and see what the Universe rewards you with
Do the inner and outer work to clear up the past, so it doesn’t taint your new beginnings
You destroy the chance for your future by not clearing up your past
Come clean and see what the Universe rewards you with
Put only kindness in motion from this point forward

RELATED:  How To Be Honest


Why I schedule thought time to hold your vision

Talking with a friend about yesterday’s activities, I mentioned my routine of giving thought time for particular projects. Thought time? Yes, friends and clients who ask me to help them hold a vision of something they want to bring into their life, I do that by giving thought time to their vision. I schedule thought time the same as I’d schedule any other appointment: I put a time segment on the calendar and keep the appointment. Asked why I felt compelled or directed to give thought time to someone else’s visions, why I thought it was important, I answered that I knew anything I maintain consistent and focused thought on helps add to that thoughtform and makes it increase. I know the power of my thoughts, of your thoughts, of our combined thoughts.  Empowering one empowers all.  We all benefit.

RELATED:  Choosing your thoughts is a daily yoga

HTML code in the aura? I love getting new tools.

In a reading this morning, I experienced a new symbol in someone’s aura. Yes, I can “see” the aura over the phone, since the screen upon which appears is my mind’s eye. At times there will be a movie playing on a filmstrip under the main screen, within the energy field itself. I wrote about it in detail at How One Clairvoyant Sees The World.  We had just finished the  Ho’oponopono, a Hawaiian Healing Process . She felt unresolved with an ex, even though we’d spent some time doing the process on him. I’d been working on my websites and was tickled to see html code within the aura. I’d not experienced that before. In the code, it was spelled out exactly what was going on behind the scenes. I didn’t have to look for suppressed anger in the aura, I could see it in the html code.  I wondered if it’d be as simple as inserting the code (on the screen of my mind’s eye) to turn it off after it’d been turned on.  As soon as I thought that, my caller said she felt a rush of love and forgiveness flow through her heart for her ex. I was tickled it had been that easy. It had never occurred to me to ask or try that. This life is like living in the best sci-fi adventure EVER.

RELATED:  What I see when I see the aura
HTML code in the aura? I love getting new tools.
A Psychic Reads the Auras of the Real Housewives of Orange County. How the aura and energy field appear to me.

Hot flashes are easing up just as I was starting to enjoy them

Hot flashes! Sometimes ya just gotta give in and go with the glow. Mine began at age 42 and 19 years later I still hot flash. I tried everything for it through the years, and found that everything works… the creams, the pills, the herbs… for awhile anyway. Different foods bring them on for me: dairy, soy, pickled or spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol, processed foods.  I wrote about mystical menopause and sage-ing while aging here.  Stress brings hot flashes on as well, even unconscious  stress. They don’t bother me anymore and are down to a few times a week. Hot flashes and sleep changes were my only menopausal symptoms, no moodiness, no depression, no dryness. Had I to do it all over again?  I wouldn’t take anything for it, I’d eat a healthy diet of unprocessed food and stay active and maintain proper weight.

What’s the symbolism of finding a 1964 nickel?

A Facebook friend posted, “Hey gang. Advice/info needed please. I keep receiving 1964 nickels. This makes the 4th one! I’m not a numerology guy so any info is appreciated! The only reference I have to nickels is that on the anniversary of my brothers death, I found a nickel of his birth year. I have no knowledge of friend/s born in the year 1964. Thanks” I knew that one!  I commented, ” 1+9+6+4 = 20 = 2, so I’d say a partner is coming into your life. Business? Romance? Sidekick? Continue reading