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Finally, no more competition!

A friend asked if it irked me that someone new in town began a blog because I have a blog, and began doing psychic readings and astrology because I do it.  I told her if she thinks it was done because of me, then I feel grateful and honored to have inspired someone. There’s no reason for it to irk me. There’s plenty to go around and there’s no competition. No one does exactly what I do just as I don’t do exactly what anyone else does.  I don’t compare apples and oranges. She’ll attract the ones she’s in vibrational harmony with and I’ll do the same.  Back in the psychic fair days of the 90’s, I’d do readings at big hotels on the beach and there’d be up to 8 readers.  Lots of walk-in traffic since we were on the billboard on AIA during a holiday weekend. With 200 people coming in for readings, you’d think each reader would get 25 clients but not so.  Some had a line waiting for hours and others did maybe 10 readings the entire weekend.  We each attract what we are in vibrational harmony with, despite mathematical expectation. I’m never in competition with anyone for anything, anywhere. Continue reading

A rainy, lazy, bicycle Sunday. We exchange vowels. I buy my first convection oven.

bicycle suncruiser pinkHere’s my cushy Moonbeam Pink Sun Retro bicycle with her newly inflated tires, 40psi please. With her new front light – she’s legal!  I pulled her out of the shed where she’s been for a couple of years, and I polished her up.  She has 2 baskets and she’s ready to cruise.  Saturday night I missed kirtan to stay in the office to finish final layout on the October Horizons Magazine.  I got my chant on while I worked. Afterward, I took a ride around the neighborhood on the bike.  Earlier in the afternoon, I bought an Oster convection oven which can roast lots of veggies at once, an entire eggplant along with peppers, onions and squash.  I tried it out last night. Continue reading

How is this month’s Grand Cross affecting you?

Astrologically, a grand cross going on right now with Mercury, Uranus, Jupiter and Pluto in the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. A grand cross literally means that four planets are lined up in the shape of a cross. Each planet carries energy and brings certain aspects of our lives to the surface. Planets opposite each other create a juggling act and a need for balance.   Mercury represents communication.  Uranus breaks down structure and the rules change. Jupiter expands and represents good fortune. Pluto represents rebirth and total transformation, which must happen for evolution to occur. A 3 Month Future Prediction Astrology Report will show you what areas you can expect this rebirth to happen in, as well as tips for making it go smoothly. It’s often as easy as letting go of the old way and letting new patterns emerge.

If you’d like one, Paypal and email me your birth date, time and location of birth.

When the new one claims to have crazy exes

If anyone claims to have a bunch of crazy exes, ask yourself what the common denominator is.  Be informed, especially if you have children. Ask yourself, “How does someone get to a place where they have zero friends but me, whom they’ve just met?”
They didn’t know their partner had a secret life
Profile of the Sociopath and the Narcisscist
How to spot a sociopath – 10 red flags
Psychopaths: 30 Red Flags
Beware the narcissist disguised as your soul mate

Email Readings

Why a psychic reading by email?  To have a written record.  There is a kind of magic that happens when you type your questions out.  You will have begun the process to attract accurate guidance. You may make your question as long and complex as you wish.  Whatever you want, I can help you make it happen.  Email and Paypal to

Some Kind Testimonials
Ask the Right Question
An email reading giving a detailed process to read for yourself

Predicting Astrological Compatibility

Compatibility is not only about lovers.  We want to be compatible with coworkers and business partners also.   We make or break anything in our lives by our attention and focus to it, astrology notwithstanding.  Nonetheless, I’ve found astrological comparison charts helpful in making decisions about how involved to get with someone new. When I met my former partner, our compatibility chart showed while he and I have houses 12 (the unconscious) and 1 (the personality) in common in our charts, our astrological “lessons” fall into houses 6 and 7.  I told him if we have a solid house 6 (work/service) relationship, then overpouring into the 7th house (relationship/partnership) will cause conflict.  It did.  Had I followed my heart rather than my ego who wanted to be a savior, much grief could have been avoided. Continue reading

How do you trust the new one, how do you not compare?

A galpal asks how do you trust the love words of the new one when the “love” words of the last one are still stinging? How do you believe anything they say? My answer:  Don’t compare, period. There are 0nly so many combinations of words. Trust that words said in the moment are true for the moment.  I was once hurt by someone’s false words and it made me take with a grain of salt the next time I heard loving words. I let my past experience diminish the vastness of my partner’s disclosure in the Now.  It revealed to me that I was viewing him through a filter of every partner who came before him.  It was only when I witnessed consistent behavior for months that I began to relax into a place of trust. For me now, what I would do is trust from the first moment and see where it takes you. Communicate what you feel.  Be yourself. Don’t hold back.  Attract the same out of him. You will either mesh or you won’t, but there will be no surprises. See each person each day with new eyes, with no comparison. Act and respond as if every word spoken is the truth of the moment.  It’s the only way you have a chance.

Excerpt “Invisible Supply: Finding the Gifts of the Spirit Within” by Joel Goldsmith

There are principles in every business, in every art, every profession, and every line of work. Those who abide by these principles, even though they may have many struggles, eventually achieve success. In our work it is more so. We need principles with which to work because we are continuously faced with appearances of discord, that is, sin, disease in every form, old age, death itself, lack, limitation, and poverty. The Bible tells us that we will have the poor with us always, and we certainly will have them until the principle of supply is understood, and we will have sickness until the principle of health is understood. The Infinite Way principle of supply is that in our oneness with God, we already have all that the Father has because “I and the Father are one and all that the Father has is mine.” If we individually are experiencing a lack, it is not because of any actual lack. It is because of our inability to make contact with our supply.   Continue reading

This morning’s meditation: Invisible Supply

My waking thought was the subject of this morning’s meditation: invisible supply, the fact that (my understanding of) God is my supply. This realization changed my understanding and changed my life. I see Google Books has an excerpt of Joel Goldsmith’s book online.  Pages 3-7 tell you enough to rock your world.  Read those pages over a few times, take them into meditation.  Your world will change.  It helps me to see supply, friends, happiness, money as coming out of me, just as an oak tree comes out of an acorn.  It’s all within us. All we need do, as Robert Browning wrote, is to open a way for the imprisoned splendor within us to escape.

RELATED: Meditation links