Category Archives: Uncategorized

You’re cancelled! No, you’re not. My experience is things always work themselves out for me.

I got a notice yesterday from my homeowners’ insurance saying they were not renewing due to lack of a required inspection a year ago. I knew it was an error, since I’m the queen of documentation.  I got my copies from the file and sent off to my insurance guy last night. This morning while I had an accountant friend on the phone, I asked for a referral to a homeowner’s insurance company. She told me “a lot of people are getting cancelled because no one wants to insure a home in Florida.” I hadn’t heard that, so I had no idea.  I also knew it did not have to be my experience. I don’t typically attract stuff like that. I wondered if her telling me that would make it play on my mind and make me attract a similar situation to myself.  I knew I was the one in charge of what thoughts I choose to think.  Maybe I couldn’t help what thoughts came to mind, but I could help what thoughts I chose to dwell on. I took a few moments to remind myself that my experience is things like that always work themselves out for me.  I pay attention to business and do what is required of me and I keep organized records.  I decided to call my insurance agent rather than wait for an email response.  As soon as I said my name, I was told they got the email and the inspection report and were looking into it.  I was assured me it would be rescinded. The one I spoke to was “Faith,” of course. See?  My experience is things always work themselves out for me.  I have no evidence anywhere otherwise.  Yay to me when I can remember that.

Sundown Sadhana

Yoga on the back porch watching the drizzling rain at sundown. Coming inside to meditate at the fireplace altar, I can hear the raindrops falling on the giant wind chimes and the metal chimney top. Breathing in, I smile. Breathing out, I surrender.

A Sunday beachwalk

A lazy day lounging around, took a ride to the boardwalk for a walk on the beach late afternoon. There’s nothing like walking in the sand with my man. No one else has ever kept me laughing so continuously. A dinner salad of mixed greens plus carrot slivers, chopped fresh yellow squash, edamame. Dressing for the salad is 3 parts honey, 2 parts rice vinegar, 1 part mayo (I know), a dab of dijon, a drop or 3 of sesame oil. That’s a copycat recipe for Applebee’s oriental chicken salad dressing. How can it get any better than this?

This is how my days off begin

Ah, I can stay in bed all morning if I want.  Nice! It’s nice and warm in this bed, let me check weather on the iPad.  Hmmm 49 outside, ima stay in bed!  Maybe I’ll just check email real quick… well, I can answer a few of these right away… Lemme make do a To Do List while I’m at it. I can print the subscription labels real quick and get that over with. I’ll print some return address labels while I’m at it. Let me set up the mailing table real quick and get that out of the way. I’m going back to bed right after this. I’ll stay there as long as I want. Hmmm financial documents are due at the tax accountant’s, I’ll just pull up the transmittal letter and have it ready to go. Car payment due, I need to make a deposit before I make the payment. I can run the deposit in right now and be back in 30 minutes. As long as I’m dressed, I may as well deliver mags to Melbourne, that’s just a couple of hours. And this is what happens on my days off if I don’t set an intention and stay focused on it. I still get work done, I still have fun, but there’s something to be said for having a plan to squeeze the most joy out of a day off.

That tree doesn’t fall in this forest anymore

tree fallsTo the friends who report someone is repeating old fibs about me as new news, that’s fine. Don’t worry when people lie about you. It has nothing to do with you. That is just how they work their own mirror out. So, someone speaking about me unkindly or untrue-ly?  Thank you, but I don’t need to know. That tree doesn’t fall in this forest anymore.

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, the tree needs a better marketing strategy.

Conquer the angry one by not getting angry; conquer the wicked by goodness; conquer the stingy by generosity, and the liar by speaking the truth. Dammapada 222 & 223