Category Archives: Uncategorized

Be mindful when sharing photos of friends and giving credit

no-photos-please-greenI’m loving all the RennFair pics posted this week, such a good time and beautiful weather for the costumery.  I’m as vain as the next guy and generally like to see a photo of me before someone shares it with the world.  That doesn’t always happen.  The nature of my work is that when I’m out and about with friends, there are lotsa photos taken.  In a group pic, not everyone is going to be happy with the look on their face. That’s the problem with candid group shots. Another problem with candid group shots is who else appears in the photo with you in the background and do you have their permission to share it?  I’ve seen pics of group shots with friends in the background that I knew did not want to be unknowingly caught on camera, nor appear on someone else’s page.  Innocent fun can be misconstrued by those not in attendance.  The best rule of thumb? If anyone else appears in your pics, get their permission before sharing. Also, as a publisher, I give photo credit each time I use a pic someone else has taken, especially if I use it in my promotion, like here above on my blog and in the print magazine.  It’s only fair.

When you can’t carry the bullshit any longer, you’re having a breakthrough, not a breakdown

Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown

So many breakdown because they cannot carry the weight of falsity any longer. They are breaking through to a more authentic consciousness. Sadly, this is often stigmatized as a ‘breakdown,’ as though they are machines that stopped working. We need to up-frame these experiences and see them for what they are: break-throughs for inner freedom. At some point, we just can’t carry the bullshit anymore and long to be real. Jeff Brown 

Those who don’t feel this love pulling them like a river, let them sleep

sunrise orientalThose who don’t feel this love pulling them like a river, those who don’t drink dawn like a cup of spring water, or take sunset like supper, those who don’t want to change, let them sleep… This Love is beyond the study of theology, that old trickery and hypocrisy. If you want to improve your mind that way, sleep on. I’ve given up on my brain. I’ve torn the cloth to shreds and thrown it away. If you’re not completely naked, wrap your beautiful robe of words around you and sleep. ~Jellaludin Rumi

Weeding the path to maintain the vision

It's not clearly defined in the beginning

The path is never clearly defined in the beginning. You may be the only one around you who sees it right now.

This morning as I was in the yard, I found myself stooping down every few feet to uproot an acorn that had sprouted, or re-route the swedish ivy that had grown across into the walkway.  I was surprised at how quickly everything had grown since just last week.  It’s the same with my nature trails in the woods out back; if they go a month without attention, they can quickly close up, with new growth obscuring the trail. I’m often the only one around me who sees it, and that can make it hard to get back on track.  As I uprooted the oak seedlings midpath, I pondered: I know I should take this one from the center of the trail, but what about this one near the edge?  How narrow exactly IS my path and just where are the boundaries and why?  At times the path is only 14″ wide and at times 48″.  I get to decide how wide my path is.  I get to decide what to weed out in order to maintain my vision of what I want my path to look like and where I want it to take me.  I’m the one who decides how narrowly to define it, how quickly to travel it and whom to invite upon it.

Creative visualization: If you are not receiving ideas compelling enough to motivate you into action, you are simply not visualizing effectively just yet. Practice this and you will.

If you’re visualizing effectively, you get in the moment with the feeling and the vision at the same time. From that place, you will receive thoughts and ideas that propel you into action. Action may be making a call, it may be opening a phone book, cleaning your house, taking your kid to the park or escorting your grandmother on a day of errands.  Get yourself in motion and stay alert for clues. If during visualization you are not receiving thoughts and ideas compelling enough to motivate you into action, you are simply not visualizing effectively just yet. You’ll get better as you practice.  See the link below for The Creative Visualization Process if you need a quick refresher.   If you help after that, email me at, there’s no charge.

RELATED: The Creative Visualization Process (yes, it works)
Why doesn’t Law of Attraction always work? How do I really do it? 

Full Moon in Virgo March 16 at 1:08pm

Full moon in Virgo tomorrow 1:08pm. When the Moon peaks in the sign of Virgo on March 16, relationships could turn into anxiety-ridden critique fests. The best way to work with this is to consider it a time to purify our minds from the illusions and delusions of Pisces (the opposite sign.) Virgo asks us to take a critical and discriminating look at what works versus what’s just a big mess when it comes to our partnerships. By paying closer attention to the details, we may be able to untangle and find new solutions to some of the more elusive patterns and problems. Continue reading

Vibing in Perfect Resonance: Soul Mate or Wound Mate?

Jeff brown

Jeff brown

It doesn’t matter whether we think we’re drawn by love or destiny. We attract the ones we need for as long as we need to work out the issues we have. Woe be the partner ready to work on theirs when your mate isn’t.  Some partners can’t feel alive unless they continually poke at each other’s wounds.  Jeff Brown says, It’s often difficult to distinguish a soul-mate from a wound-mate because powerful connections excavate the unresolved emotional material that each of us holds. The stronger the connection, the stronger the light shining on those dark places. Some wound-mates truly do contain the seeds of our soulular expansion. But not all wound-mates are soul-mates. Sometimes they are toxic connections masquerading as something more heightened. Sometimes they are destructive battle-grounds with very little possibility for expansion.  It’s an important distinction. We want to go where we grow.

Wound-mates: Those relationships that are sourced in unresolved emotional patterns, issues and holdings. Not to be confused with soul-mates, which will also trigger shadowy material to the surface, but which hold a greater deal of promise. At the heart of soul-mate connections is an opportunity to work with the shadow in a growthful manner while wound-mates just flounder in the mud, trigger after trigger, downward spiral after downward spiral, attached at the waste. If they don’t help you glow, then let them go.

(Excerpt from the ‘Sacred Feminine Rising’ Healing Course)

Sunlight can even enter a broken window to light up a room

window brokenLet someone love you just the way you are – as flawed as you might be, as unattractive as you sometimes feel, and as unaccomplished as you think you are. To believe that you must hide all the parts of you that are broken, out of fear that someone else is incapable of loving what is less than perfect, is to believe that sunlight is incapable of entering a broken window and illuminating a dark room.”  Marc Hack

Won’t I make more money doing readings instead of the mag?

girl running smallA friend asked why I spend so much time on the magazine when it only pays for itself and doesn’t earn income, why don’t I spend 40 hours a week doing readings instead?  Wouldn’t I make a whole lot more money? True, my readings are the income but, the magazine – I’m in it for the outcome, not the income.  Plus I enjoy it so much, it’s like the story of the Chinese lettuce farmer who was known far and wide as a writer of exquisite poetry and the grower of poor, bitter lettuce.  “Why don’t you stop farming lettuce and spend all your time writing poetry?” he is asked time and again. “Because, ” the farmer says, “If I do not grow poor lettuce, then I cannot write beautiful poetry.

Building momentum – do it for the income and do it for the outcome
The Horizons Magazine Mission Statement