Category Archives: Uncategorized

Grief is work but it doesn’t have to be grim

Stephen Gaskin 1972 Summertown TN

Stephen Gaskin 1972 Summertown TN

Ina May Gaskin doesn’t describe her husband’s death as a loss. “Sometimes when you check out of your physical body, your work takes on a new dimension.”

Family celebrates life of commune founder, counterculture icon
L.A. Times Stephen Gaskin dies at 79; founder of The Farm commune
NY Times  Stephen Gaskin, Hippie Who Founded Enduring Commune, Dies
ABC News Stephen Gaskin Dies

The end of death as we know it

You feel negative emotion when you’re looking in the wrong place

“The money isn’t in the bank yet, and when I look at the money that isn’t in the bank yet – that I want and need – I feel negative emotion, and the negative emotion is because I’m looking in the wrong place. I’m looking in the bank, instead of into the vibrational reality.”  If you’ll look in the vibrational reality where it is, now you’ll resonate with the Source within you. You’ll feel wonderful and, when you feel wonderful, that’s the condition that is necessary for the thoughts to turn to things. But if you are conditionally-based, running around sorting the things, acknowledging the things, measuring the things, comparing the things, noticing the things that you’ve got and the things that you don’t have, then you can’t move beyond the existing conditions. You can’t move beyond what-is, if what-is is all you got going on in your vibration.      Continue reading

Would you marry your married lover?

With past partners, she ended up having to row the boat on her own. She knows it will be different this time.

With past partners, she ended up having to row the boat on her own. She knows it will be different this time.

A friend is marrying the latest love of her life.  They’re having a commitment ceremony without the legal confines – the best of both worlds – since her latest is still married.  The heart connection is what matters, though, not the legal status.  She doesn’t care to legally share in his marital debt anyway. A piece of paper doesn’t keep someone with you; love does, and trust.  She doesn’t know his past history in honoring commitments, but knows it must be a vibrational match to her own.  The questions she is starting to wonder about now are: How did his past relationships end?  What is his relationship with his family, with his wife, his children, his parents, his brothers and sisters? What is his relationship with his employer? His past employers? With his friends?  If it’s a commitment ceremony, she’d like to know he has a history of doing what he says he’ll do.  Continue reading

Your astral body gets addicted to the emotional charge of telling a painful story. Only you can take yourself out of that trance.

It’s not easy to turn your attention away from what is bringing you down, but you have to do it if you want peace. No matter what it is, it is only a thought you are dealing with, and you are the one in charge of those. Sure, troublesome thoughts arise, but we can train ourselves to change our focus to a better feeling thought and bring ourselves out of a funk.   A friend wrote he can’t get out of his mind that he somehow caused a loved one to die tragically.  It’s not easy when the troublesome thought is about someone you love, especially if you feel responsible. I lovingly reminded him: “One way to stop triggering the pain is to stop repeating the story on a weekly basis. I know it’s not easy to break the habit, since talking about it keeps her alive in your consciousness. But telling the story keeps you in the pain. By repeating the story, you put yourself into a trance and the pain body is addicted to the emotional charge of telling the story. There are new stories to be told, new things every day to appreciate. It’s crucial for mental health to seek out and focus on good things in the now. They are there waiting for you to notice them.

RELATED:  The Tipping Table Knows
We clear Domino’s house of a playful spirit
What is the value of contacting ghosts or loved ones in spirit?
The haunted chair, journeys out of the body
What Andrea believes

The End of Death As We Know It: What The Crossing Over Experience Was Like As Reported By Those Who Made The Transition

No astral entity can survive without your attention to it

Important to remember that no astral being can survive and hold place in your consciousness without your attention to it. If you have no emotional attachment to it, it will leave your experience. That is because the astral plane is where our emotions live. If we let unwelcome astral thoughtforms hold center stage in our awareness, it puts us on a hamster wheel of nonproductive discontent. Being unfulfilled and dissatisfied is one of the hardest nightmares to awaken from. Nothing has taken over your mind and your thoughts. It’s simply that you’ve chosen to allow yourself to keep thinking every thought that comes in your head. Steer your thoughts in another direction. Make the choice to change your focus to a better feeling thought and do it every time the unpleasant thoughts come up. Soon enough they will stop coming up and you’ll be living a different life.

RELATED:  The Tipping Table Knows
We clear Domino’s house of a playful spirit
What is the value of contacting ghosts or loved ones in spirit?
The haunted chair, journeys out of the body
What Andrea believes

The End of Death As We Know It: What The Crossing Over Experience Was Like As Reported By Those Who Made The Transition

Holding a Vision for the Downed Power Line on Summer Solstice

Last night about 8pm, after lots of lightning, the power went out. It was off for about 10 minutes when we drove a block away to the bf’s house to turn off his computer so it didn’t run down the battery. On the way, we ran over a downed power line stretched across the road. I called it in to 911 and we watched as emergency crews responded. I didn’t want to deplete my phone, otherwise I’d have live reported it on Facebook as it happened. A fire truck responded within 10 minutes, and four patrol cars within another 10. It had stopped raining by the time the two FPL trucks arrived 20 minutes after that. At 8:45 pm the sun was setting and they had the big giant search lights playing on the tall Australian pine trees, where a downed branch had torn down the line. Continue reading

My dad died on Father’s Day 1987

Daddy & Sabby, one of our pet ocelots

My dad died on Father’s Day 1987. This is only a sad story if we believe there is only one life and this is it. I KNOW IT IS NOT. This is not a sad story to me. This is a success story of someone who made a hard decision and chose his own way out, in his own time. Today marks 37 years since my dad committed suicide age 62. He could be psychologically abusive. He smacked us at times. He was what they now call bi-polar. He used to drink Canadian Club. As teens, none of us got along with him, the typical syndrome when you think you hate your father.

He was strict and controlling. He had a 6th grade education, worked construction. I know now that he did a long hard job and came home to kids who smart mouthed him. That couldn’t have been easy. He mellowed after my youngest brother, Bobby, committed suicide in 1976 at the age of 22.
Daddy took massive amounts — up to 80+ a day at the end (that’s like 3 an hour, he seldom slept) — of Tylenol 4 with codeine due to a back injury that left him partially disabled. Pain controlled his life. Years of drinking and Rx had taken its toll on his judgment and he could see no way out. In 1987, he shot himself, as my brother did 11 years earlier.

My father was a troubled soul, a shell shocked (PTSD) veteran, alcoholic, addicted to painkillers from an injury. After he shot himself, he was in a coma for almost 2 weeks before he dropped his body. The night nurse would tell me that he was “marching” in his sleep. Even in sleep he was working out his stuff. I left dad’s bedside at Baptist Hospital in Miami where I’d signed for him to be taken off life support and it was a cathartic 3 hours drive home north along highway AIA, the ocean drive. Mom held a lot of guilt that dad kept so many secrets and estranged his family, yet her choice was to stay or leave. She stayed as long as she could.

When loved ones are passing, know that our consciousness links up with theirs and we are able to send them love and comfort and have the final conversations we could never have in waking life. Know that nothing unsaid ever needs to remain unresolved.
He died on Father’s Day. Free at last, Daddy.

How to forgive and find closure if the other is unwilling, absent or dead
The End of Death As We Know It
If you could see where I have gone
Revisiting the childhood father energy

After the Ecstasy, the Laundry: Housework as a Spiritual Path

woman sweeping with cat for blogLaundry has never been an issue. No kids, I’ve always done my own and my mates do their own. I’ll wear something until I sweat in it. Lately I’ve been working in the yard a few times a day = more laundry. Working out every day = more laundry. Thus, Sunday morning has become laundry day. The past year I’ve been staying home Sunday mornings, taking a break from church to catch up on personal time. I like having nowhere I have to be and no one to answer to. I’ve found that doing the laundry is a valid spiritual path. Keeping my own home clean and cleared of unnecessary items has become a great metaphor for keeping my life clear and uncluttered. When I find things piling up, that reveals my state of mind.   Continue reading

If one income stream slows down, be on the lookout for opportunity

seekingIf one door, whether it be relationship or a stream of dollars, is beginning to close and momentum seems to be slowing down, that’s your signal to look around because another is staring you in the face, waiting to be discovered. Trust me, the Universe is waiting to delight you. You’ve just got to get into the vibe of allowing it. How do you get into the vibe? By looking for it.  Look for something to interest and excite you. By expecting it.  Expect that any moment you may have opportunity staring you in the face, possibly disguised as the most unimportant, mundane nothingness ever. Look at everything around you as though you expect it to whisper the answer to you, and it will begin to.  How do you allow it? You allow it by dropping all resistance; resistance to anything, since it’s all related.  You clear up the past and forgive anything you’ve left unforgiven. Then stand back and watch the floodgates open in ways you never thought possible.  Continue reading

Show the world you walk your talk—and when you don’t, what went wrong.

Spiritual brother Wayne Wirs writes: “Personally, I don’t want to live my life as a hypocrite—or worse, die as one—so I strive for transparency in my blog. I don’t want to preach A while living B. If you consider yourself a spiritual student or authority, even if you have no interest in becoming a teacher, I strongly urge you to start a blog, or if you have one, to intersperse your “teaching posts” with personal posts. You’ll be amazed at how humbling and eye opening the experience can be. Become transparent. Show the world you walk your talk—and when you don’t, what went wrong. Show the world your flaws. The most powerful aspect about blogging about your personal life is that it throws your actions right back in your face. Personal blogging makes you very conscious of the difference between your theories… and your actions. Personal blogging forces you to live true. And to live true—isn’t that what a spiritual life is all about?”