Category Archives: Uncategorized

The owl as a medicine totem animal

If Owl has silently glided into your life, you may need to remove yourself from the noise of life and become the still silent observer. After slowing down and becoming stable you will be amazed by the wealth of information and meaning that surrounds you. It may be bringing you the ability to see what others may miss. Open your eyes and truly examine how things are, you will be surprised that suddenly you can see things that are normally hidden from view – like the motives of those around you. External appearances will give way to the truth and meaning hidden beneath.   Continue reading

Painting is a daily meditation for me

The festival of painting continues! I painted until 3:00am yesterday morning, then 8am-ish made coffee for the man. We’ve got an easy morning routine of chatting about what we’ll do each day. Self employed from home, we keep each other motivated to stay on task! Today I couldn’t goof off until I finished billing, answered emails and returned calls but I was in the art studio by noon.  In true Aries fashion, I’d begun several paintings and had them set up around me in various stages of completion.  In the midst of working on one of an out of body, astral flight, I began the one you see here to the right.  I notice I’ve got an owl in many of my sketches. I never felt a particular affinity for them until recently.  I was surprised to find I’d sketched so many through the years, several different kinds.  The subconscious at work! I wrote here about –-> The owl as a medicine totem animal.

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Update from the art studio

I’ve been spending my leisure time painting this week and sharing my updates on Facebook. It all began as I was organizing the supply closet and pulled out an acrylic painting I’d begun several years ago.  A car accident whacked my paws and halted the project in 2000 and I never got back to it. I had the idea to pull out my acrylic paints and finish it up.  That led to my former dining room becoming the art studio and the igniting of my renewed interest in painting.  While I had a supply of good acrylic paints, I was missing a selection of portraiture hues, so I bought a set remarkably cheap online.  It was a set of 48 Liquitex Basic acrylics.  I had a few canvasses but Michael’s had a sale, so I bought a dozen more. Ok, maybe I got a little carried away. My mission had been to do whatever was necessary so I could finish the faces in the one acrylic painting. Now I’ve got a dozen canvases to fill and new paints to do it with. And here I’d been wanting to play in watercolors…   Continue reading

Be aware of storefront psychics like Tina on AIA Cocoa Beach

fortune teller 72psychic readerLast week I received three phone calls about the storefront psychic on AIA in Cocoa Beach named Tina who can apparently remove curses from you for $400. Doris in Melbourne on US 1 does the same. Buyer beware. They advertise a $5 palm reading or $20 psychic reading, then they get you concerned about something and up-sell the curse removal. They upset you to up-sell you. You’re already upset or you wouldn’t go see them in the first place. As a seeker with a question, you’re vulnerable whether you think you are or not. A friend wrote, “Yep! she has been at this for years and I had MANY friends get scammed big time and even energetically damaged with things that were recommend for them to do to “Remove the Curse” This used to make me really upset till I learned that most of these people were looking for quick fixes to the issues they had that required lots of self work. I had friends who told me about another one, her name is Doris on US 1 she charges $800 – $1000.”
Andrea: The thing is that — due to vibrational matching — we always attract those we resonate in harmony with at any given time. If our emotions are wildly out of balance, we may temporarily vibe in a place that attracts chaotic others. Taking time to do your research and wait for good word of mouth recommendations will give you time to get in a more cohesive vibe and attract a more satisfying result.

RELATED: Psychic Scam Artists in the News
More psychic scam artists in the news

When you begin fulfilling your soul’s purpose, it will become easy to attract the people who want what you have to offer.

easy buttonWhen you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing, it’s easy to attract the people who want what you have to offer. You don’t have to pound the pavement or try to push your product or service down someone’s throat. They’ll recognize the value, they’ll see the talent and they’ll want some of it. If you’re doing what you love to do and not earning a living from it, there is simply another talent you’re overlooking.  You’re not seeing the bigger picture.  If you can do what you love to do, whether money is involved or not, the dollars follow.  If you notice the dollars haven’t shown up yet and complain about how ungrateful and unsupportive people are, you are looking for the wrong people to support your vision.  They are not your market.  You are barking up the wrong target audience. You want the ones who want what you have to offer. The ones you want to be selling to and are not: clearly you are not a vibrational match right now.  When it’s right, it’s easy. There’s no struggle.  You can either find your other talent, or you can change your perception to vibrate in resonance with those who ARE grateful and DO support your vision and WANT what you have to offer. Then it’ll begin to flow.  Then it will be easy.

RELATED: This is how we manifest with vibrational matching.
You destroy the chance for your future by not clearing up your past
The Creative Visualization Process.
A Dollar Script Visualization.

What I discovered when I did a music fast

I went from this

I went from this

I did an experiment the past 12 months.  I limited my time spent listening to popular music because I wanted to come out on the other side with a deeper appreciation for it.   In rearranging furniture a year ago, I stuck the stereo and cd player in the closet, then forgot about it for about a week.  That spurred me on to do the exercise of a short fast from popular music.  I rarely played it in the car, opting for silence instead.  I don’t usually have music on. I did listen to kirtan chants and indian devotional bhajans and ragas.   Continue reading

Hard as it is, get used to death. God would not stop an acorn from growing into an oak, nor a tadpole from becoming a frog

cicada shell new one emergingAnother beautiful soul has dropped their Earth body. A friend remarked, “This is happening too often, this has to stop.” Really? It’s not going to stop, everyone drops their body, it’s part of life. Why is death deemed tragic and why would God allow it to happen? It’s not tragic, it’s just the cycle of Life, so why should God prevent any of it? We’re all going to die. We simply need to know it’s nothing to fear and that it’s not the end. What a caterpillar calls death, we call a butterfly. Would He intervene to prevent the caterpillar from becoming a butterfly? Would he keep a tadpole from becoming a frog? Would he stop an acorn from growing into an oak? Would he prevent hot water from becoming steam, or cold water from freezing? These are just natural changes and it is no different than our own transition from one state of being to another. It’s just a change. Would we keep a toddler in kindergarden or a 6th grader in elementary school? No, we let them graduate to the next phase in the process, so they can continue to learn and grow and become more of what they are meant to be.  That’s all death is: going from one form to another.

Grief is work but it doesn’t have to be grim. When you check out of your physical body, your work is able to take on a new dimension.  Continue reading

The new art studio is coming together

The inspiration is flowing! I’ve set up my painting studio in what used to be the dining room, and it’s coming together better than I planned.  Don’t you love when that happens? Everything fits and, for the first time in years, my paints and sketchbooks are laid out where I can sit down and work on a moment’s notice.  I always have several projects going at the same time, some related to the magazine, some related to writing and editing, and always a few personal projects, sewing and handyman stuff.  Sometimes 15-30 minutes a day is all the time I can spend on something, so I am used to working in jumps and starts.  Today I set up the watercolor station.   I inherited my husband’s paint supplies in the 90’s. He painted in oils and watercolor.  I was always an acrylic painter, so that opened new doors to me.  He was a real neat freak, so his paint supplies were kept immaculate.  It was good training for me to keep them clean and well cared for.  As I set up the watercolor station today, I noticed I had a relatively new set of paints and a half dozen new, unopened brushes — score!  I taped a few sheets of watercolor paper to pieces of cardboard and set them on the easels, ready to go.  I laid out the brushes and paints, the mason jars I use for water, and several paint cloths to wipe brushes on.  I’m already inspired!

RELATED: My former dining room is now the art studio

My former dining room is now the art studio

I decided to turn my former dining room into the art studio so I can keep my reading room intact.   Yesterday I collected all my art supplies and put them in the center of the living room to see exactly what I had.  There were drafting tables, oil paints, acrylics, brushes, palettes, knives, watercolors, watercolor paper, sketchbooks, canvas and stretcher sticks, desk easels, standing easels, pochade boxes, pencils, erasers, pastels soft, hard and oil, solvents.  I thought if I had enough to take over a room, it made sense to have a dedicated paint studio. If I leave up paintings in progress, I’m more likely to take a few moments and work on them. Otherwise years can go by with them untouched because they’re packed neatly away in the closet.  As I meditated on the idea of room placement, I reasoned that the dining area is the best place in the house to be.  It’s near the sink and water, it’s got the best indoor and outdoor lighting, it’s in the middle of the action, so the chi is constantly flowing.

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And this is why they pay me the big bucks

I did –> a reading <– for a friend 2 months ago, where she asked about moving into a particular gated community.  She’d made an offer on the only available home and wanted to know if her loan would be approved.  A perfect example of asking a short-sighted question.  I told her while I saw her being turned down for this particular loan, there was another unit in the same community about to come on the market, and it was more suitable for her as well. That one would be approved. The question: “Will yesterday’s loan application be approved?” was shortsighted. The better question would have been “Will I live in this community? Will I buy my dream home in this community?”  She texted me this week, after I asked for an update on the new home: “Like you had said… one was about to go on the market but had not been listed yet. When I called the realtor who had listed one of the rentals in the community, she offered to show it to me and I said I would buy it.  It played out just like you had visioned.  I am living here in a pre-occupancy agreement until I close in August.”