I always have several creative visualization projects going on at one time and I write about them on Facebook. Some I do with friends and clients, helping them hold a vision of something they are working on changing. A vision of wellness or quick healing for the sick. A vision of a friend finding the perfect job, a client finding the perfect partner, a family member attracting a good used car at a great price. I do creative visualization for myself for various areas also. And I switch it up, so I can tell what specific visualization attracts what specific result. I like especially to play with how income comes my way. Continue reading
Category Archives: Creative visualization
Cultivate deep love and appreciation to attract a better life
Science has proven that human emotion influences the material world and produces effects which defy conventional laws of physics. Bottom line: Individuals trained in feelings of deep love and appreciation were able to intentionally change the shape of the DNA in their bodies.
Why would I want to change the shape of my DNA or train myself to feel deep love and appreciation? Because the process not only changes the DNA within us, it changes MATTER OUTSIDE us, in our material world. That is, it determines what type of experiences, people and circumstances, we attract into our lives.
Gregg Braden speaks of everyone having “an internal technology,” that is: the ability to Feel a Certain Way, to Create a Certain Emotion in our body, our mind.
How do I activate this internal technology so I can attract a happier, more fulfilling, better life? We activate this internal technology when we take time to quiet our mind in meditation and do a few minutes of create-ive visualization, bring to mind thoughts that make you feel deep love and appreciation, visualizing a good and happy result.
When we bring that thought to mind, we remember it clearly enough that we can re-produce and BRING FORTH THE EMOTION OF IT. Continue reading
A visualization to funnel money from the sky into your bank account
I talked to someone new last night who was unfamiliar with the concept of using creative visualization to attract something into her life. She has a happy enough life but like most of us would love more money. As I listened to her questions and concerns, I realized hers was not a matter of having resistance due to paying attention to troubling things in other parts of her life. She had always just made $2,000 per month and she never really thought about making any more than that. Essentially she set her sights too low. She knew she would make $2,000 a month easily but then when the economy changed, that wasn’t really enough. She has no investments and lives paycheck to paycheck, however $2,000 month lets her squeak by. Continue reading
An email reading: How do I draw him closer?
This is an excerpt from an email reading. A friend writes, “I met a nice guy, we’ve been out 6 times in the last month. He never checks his phone when we’re together, so I know he compartmentalizes his time. He went on a scheduled trip for a family reunion last week and I’ve not heard from him since. I sent a text saying let me know when you get there. What is up with his silences? How do I draw him closer – and how do I work with my own stressors to not project that onto him.”
Andrea responds: It’s just the old ebb and flow, the rubber band effect of the new encounter. Detach for a few days and it will resume. You may not hear from him this weekend so stay mobile. I don’t feel a giant connection with him just yet but he’s not gone. When I “feel” the connection, I’m feeling the emotional attachment. He doesn’t attach easily or well but he’s not being aloof, he’s just slow to make his way because he’s learned the lesson of getting too close too soon. He knows the infatuation period is where much talk and defining can ruin what might become. When a guy starts to back away, you should do the same. Not as a game of cat and mouse but to restore balance and desire in a relationship by reading the signs that he needs time and space to integrate. Continue reading
A Shortcut to Attracting Money
A friend and I were doing some visualization this morning to get money flowing. He has his home up for sale and wrote, “It hasn’t attracted anyone yet but I know it is coming soon. I keep holding the vision of the check in the bank account, at the same time feeling the excitement and gratitude that the home has been sold and the money is already available.” I told him I know a shortcut that’s more effective in making the dollars appear sooner. Here it is. Continue reading
An email reading: She has ongoing health issues
Question: My health, I have a lot of medical problems, like shortness of breath very frequently all tests on my lungs have come out ok and inhalers do not work. I am also on different medicines than I was a year ago when this started. The doctors cannot figure it out. It is hard to breathe most days. also when I lie down especially during the early mornings starting about 1:00am my heart start racing. It feels like it is going to jump out of my body. I’ve taken every heart test and I do not have heart problems at all. I have to sit up and get out of bed to make it stop. I’m tired all the time. I also fell back in 2013 did not hit my head but I developed a pressure in my head that feels like my head is in a vise and someone keeps squeezing the handle tighter. I get headaches but this is different. The only meds I am on is for acid reflux and blood pressure and Plavix for blood thinner due to a stroke in 2013. The medicines give me dry mouth really bad. I have severe back and knee problems. I take Oxycodone 5mg am and pm with my acid reflux because it keeps me from coughing due to side affects. I eat right and exercise 4 or 5 days a week at the gym. I do not drink or smoke. i hope this isn’t too many details. Continue reading
An email reading. A writer asks: Will I win the lottery?
QUESTION: My question is will I win the lottery or any source of money to get out of debt and build my dream home. I’m disabled and live on a fixed income. I’m so far in debt I don’t see a way out!
ANSWER: Hi and thanks for writing. I’ve been asked this question before and the answer is always the same. The easy answer is, you’ll win the lottery when (1) when your expectation and belief attract it and (2) you have no resistance to it. You’re the one who determines what date and time that will be.
Doing this reading by email will be helpful to you because you’ll have a written record to go over again and again to remind yourself what is possible. Things like this I have to read little by little so it can sink in. Let me first say that no matter how desperate your situation seems right now, dollars can come to you out of the blue, from somewhere you don’t expect. As long as you expect and believe that it can, because if you think it can’t happen, you will prevent it from coming to you. If it’s hard to believe, then think of the next 30-60-90 days as an experiment in attracting a different experience in your life about money. If it’s hard for you to believe, then for those 30-60-90 days, put that belief on hold and accept as a possibility that money can come to you anytime from a source you don’t expect. Continue reading
A visualization to find a stack of money on the ground
Here’s a fun way to exercise your creative visualization. Found money is one way the Universe likes to surprise us when we’re in the flow. Look at the bills in the image. See them against the white background.
1. Now see them on the floor in your closet.
2. Now see them in the pocket of a coat.
3. Now see them under the socks in your dresser.
4. Now see them in that secret side pocket in your wallet, or in the glove compartment.
5. See them on the floor of your garage.
6. See them on the side of the roadway on your morning walk.
7. See them on the floor at the grocery and on the ground at the gas station.
Keep an eye out for them. Give it a few days. Report back where it showed up. You can also do this with a lost object. Imagine seeing it in a few different settings, then begin searching then staying on lookout for it. Here are some links to the techniques I’ve written for creative visualization. Like everything else, it’s not magic, it just works if you work it.
RELATED: The Creative Visualization Process (and links)
A business plan? That’s not how I do business
I woke up at 10pm to an email my tax chick sent asking for more info for my 2014 return. I got excited she was working on it! I’m glad I keep everything filed because I found it all right away. Then I began my billing while I was in numbers mode. LOL I did notice that however my new tax accountant was blessed with so much work that she couldn’t keep up with it all so she filed me an extension and we’re finishing up right now. A friend asked how can I be at the end of July and not have a business plan for the next year if I did not know how my business did last year? But that’s not how I do business.
RELATED: My suggestions for any business
Increasing your business by using creative visualization
Using The Secret For Successful Marketing: How the Law of Attraction Can Bring You More Business
Tulpamancy, Creative Visualization and Deactivating a Thoughtform
I’ve been asked the difference between creative visualization and tulpamancy. Tulpamancers are a new online subculture wherein “sentient beings are imagined into existence using meditation-style exercises.” I can’t suggest an info site since the ones I’ve seen give a lot of mis-information. Here’s what Google search shows When you’re working in the subjective arena – working inside your mind via meditation and internal visualizations – it’s easy to get distracted. It’s also possible to attract things you find hard to handle. Tulpa is a concept in Tibetan mysticism of a being or object which is created through sheer spiritual or mental discipline alone. It is defined as any mind created apparition. It is a materialized thought that has taken physical form and is synonymous to a thoughtform. Continue reading