Author Archives: Andrea

“I’m sorry” to everyone I knew in the 80’s

A FBF messaged me that a friend of hers in Costa Rica told her I used to work for him back in the day. It’s a small world! I remembered him as a super cool attorney I worked for shortly after I moved from Miami to Melbourne, FL. I moved up with a giant bratty attitude so I asked her to tell him I apologize and that I’ve grown up a little bit. Maybe I should just apologize to everyone I knew in the 80’s.

The January 2017 Horizons is online, here are the horoscopes

The January 2017 Horizons is now online at  As of  2016, we are honored to have nationally known Maya White doing the monthly horoscopes. Maya White is a Master Destination Astrologer and one of only 90 people in the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a specialized branch of astrology which helps people find their perfect place on earth for love, prosperity, and personal growth.

Maya White
Maya White

Visit Maya’s website and for an introduction to Maya White, read here  Contact her and ask what she might do for you.  Here are this month’s horoscopes:   

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Aaron Heier: It’s your turn to tolerate the ridicule

If this isn’t for you, ignore it. Aaron Heier isn’t a sore loser. He is simply pointing out what has taken place. This isn’t about talk, this is about action. Obama took the Dow from 7,949 to 19,945. I’m hopeful to see where it goes after Jan. 21. I believe we can make it work no matter who is in office. I do not believe this is, as Heier says, a “great American mistake destined to become an embarrassing footnote.” I believe this is an important time in history where we are being called upon to discover the answer to some powerful questions “Why do I stand where I stand? What do I believe in? What solutions can I suggest? Where can I work in my own personal community to help achieve what I believe in? How can I stay mindful during the storm, and bend with the wind so I don’t break?” This is no mistake. This is a powerful time in history to show what we stand for, what we fall for and what we settle for. Learning that about ourselves? Priceless.  Aaron Heier writes:    Continue reading

Can you de-clutter one drawer today?

Post-holiday blues = unmet expectations, disappointments, a return of loneliness, guilt about overindulgence, excess fatigue and stress. I’m in a profession where a lot of ppl every week tell me what they are going thru, so I notice patterns. I get it too, it will hit me although not hard since I am my own boss and I dictate my schedule. I can take off work and relax in my garden or rearrange furniture or de-clutter. When I’ve got the blues, what helps me out of it is staying in motion, rearranging things to stir up the chi in the house, de-cluttering anywhere that needs it. I remind myself the blues come to pass, they don’t come to stay and that I will be on the other side of it soon. In the meantime, there’s always something I can rearrange, something I can de-clutter that gives my mind a new focus and leads me into a better feeling place. Can you de-clutter one drawer today?

I really dig keeping a secret

I admit I really dig keeping a secret. Having worked as a psychic and ghost writer for the last 30 years, I am used to working behind the scenes. I am used to being un-acknowledged in public. I don’t mind. I know who I am.  Secrecy teaches me not only about myself but about the unseen assistance I am able to give someone who can never repay me, for actions no one will ever know about.  I admit I really dig keeping a secret.

I dreamt Trump sailed into the sunset

I dreamt I watched Trump sail off into the sunset. I’ve never been a boat person. Living in Florida my whole life I’ve been on boats since I was a kid and I know how to sail. But boating is not for me and the most I dream about boats is never. Anyway, there was a gathering at a dock seeing off a large white yacht. The sun was getting ready to set so there was a line of blood red ocean from the sun to the boat. The dock was a lot higher than the boat, as if the tide had gone down and so those getting on the boat had to crawl about 6 feet down a ladder then drop the final few feet to the deck of the boat. Thirteen stepped down then Trump stood at the bow facing the sun and the ship sailed into the sunset. I remember the red line of ocean lapping the bow kind of stuck to the bow and when the bow raised up on a wave, the red slowly dropped down into the sea until the next wave. It was more a honey texture than water, so it sunk slowly.

Let them know you are interested

So much of my job is listening to people talk about what is going on in their lives and I know many who are alone on the holidays. Often it’s by choice but often it is because they do not make time to sustain friendships throughout the year. When the holidays come they automatically think they are not invited to things that people would love to have them attend if they only knew they were interested. Let them know you are interested.

Lithium Orotate (not cabonate) an essential mineral for feeling good

This is not the prescription lithium you’ve always heard about

Many of our emotional problems — anxiety, pessimism — stem from a deficiency of amino acids and minerals in the body. We don’t feel good and we just want to be left alone.  Prescription lithium is controversial but the lithium OROTATE I write about here is not the lithium CABONATE that is prescription only. Lithium orotate is a non-Rx, over the counter, natural mood enchancing salt supplement. It’s an essential mineral the brain uses to keep functioning at its peak. It is used successfully for mood swings due to hormonal and internal chemical imbalances, including bipolar disorder, relief from feeling angst, anxious, short tempered, waiting for catastrophe. Go to the site and read the users’ reviews of their personal experience. I had similar good experience. Don’t take anything in combination with any medication or supplement you are currently taking without researching the combination first. Research it for yourself.  A friend had success getting off bipolar prescription meds using Lithium orotate. I bought a bottle 7 weeks ago and have been taking one 120 mg tablet each morning. I gave myself a checklist (sleep pattern, energy level, happiness and motivated levels, racing thoughts, working to burnout) to see if I noticed improvement. I did. I now realize stress, worry and anxiety can come from a deficiency of amino acids and minerals in the body. Lithium orotate balances that out with no side effects. Just 1-2 a day is all you need. Continue reading

I have to feel safe whether someone is in custody or not

For the first time in 4 years, I woke up feeling completely safe in my own space. I walked right outside and wandered around the property in the dark, and didn’t once give thought to who might be out there, waiting unseen. I could sit in my garden, eyes closed listening to the bamboo and not wonder if each snap of a twig was a footstep. It was not a lurking fear, just a passing thought but I had it almost every time I went outside. Four years later when I thought it was over, he came to my door unannounced. He knows he is not welcome. He has no boundaries. I’ve seen him walking repeatedly in the area, acting impaired. He knows the secret hiding places in my woods, where to watch from. The fear renewed after his visit. Two days ago I woke up wanting coffee and a cigarette. I told G that’s a signal that my former friend had something going on. The next day I looked online and saw he was in custody. I felt a wave of relief and felt weight drop off my shoulders that I didn’t even know I held.  Continue reading

Update on former friend arrested for grabbing a woman’s crotch

bonner-12-22-16-arrest-for-violation-copyA former friend was arrested on 11-11-16 for battery in the Dollar store –>  Palm Bay Man Arrested For Grabbing Woman’s Crotch. Today on December 22, 2016 he was picked up for violation of his pre-trial release order and is being held with $5,000 bond.  Even given multiple chances, some people can’t help self sabotaging. Maybe now he’ll get the help he needs.

12-24-16 UPDATE: He’s out on bond again!

9-20-18 UPDATE: he’s in custody again.