Author Archives: Andrea

Sometimes it’s just easier to not sue

If you’re in a lawsuit with someone over dollars, ask yourself honestly, “Might it be better to just walk away now with what I have?” If you’re fighting over dollars with someone, all that’s doing is keeping you from attracting real dollars to yourself from any source.  Anytime I think someone owes me something, I remind myself I can attract more of it on my own and if we’re all One, what does it matter if I cut them some slack and clean up my own karma at the same time?

Don’t you love it when friends remind you what they think they are instead of what you see?

Hapless Joe Bfstplk

Don’t you love it when you have a momentary, minor misunderstanding with someone important and, although you immediately forget it, they keep bringing it up to remind you how ticked off you should be until all you can think about is what a f*ckup they are?  Yeah, me neither.  If you’ve got your ears on, boo, kindly STFU.  Trust me.  You’d rather me see you through my eyes than yours. Continue reading

My body reboots itself and I get a fresh start — again!

For the most part, I’m real healthy eater.  I eat lots of salads, fresh greens and veggies and  I make my own soups with fresh and organic vegs.  I cook Asian style stirfrys and use a lot of freshly ground spices.  I’ve got a website at Goddess Grub, Luscious Lowfat Meals for the Goddess on the Go with many of my recipes and my story of eating myself back after a health scare in 2004.  I also eat chicken and turkey on a regular basis now, as well as potatoes. When I eat the wrong things now, my body lets me know and reboots itself, giving me a reminder to get back on track.   That’s what happened Monday morning, after a month of slowly adding a bag of chips here, a three Musketeers bar there, increasingly more pasta and, oh yes, take out Chinese food.   I should know better. Continue reading

Men: What you agree to when you have unprotected sex

Hi Daddy!

Guys, when you have unprotected sex, you’re agreeing to pay child support, medical care, insurance and schooling for at least 18 years.   If you can’t pay, the Court can make you get a job and can put you in jail if you do not.  You’re agreeing to have an emotional relationship and legal tie to the mother of the child for 18 years, despite any other relationships you get into.   You’re agreeing to give sexually transmitted cooties – you may not know you have – to everyone else you’re having sex with.

Women, what you’re agreeing to when you have unprotected sex is having a child whose father may want nothing to do with you, and whom you may have to chase for any financial support.  You’re agreeing to give sexually transmitted cooties – you may not know you have – to everyone else you’re having sex with, and to jeopardize your chances of bearing a healthy child.

Just saying.

Cultivating My Inner Cheerleader to Motivate Myself to Work

Friday I began final layout for the July Horizons Magazine and have been a little slow getting into it.  In my work, I wear several hats.  Sometimes one area of my life is more active than others and the crossover takes a little modulating.  I don’t always have the luxury of time to wind down from the last task before I begin the next.   It’s times like this I work at cultivating my inner cheerleader, to give me some encouragement along the way.   Continue reading

Websites, domains and taking the next right step

I have a few dozen domain names I’ve acquired through the years and they are spread among 3 different registrars.  I want to eventually move them all to GoDaddy and yesterday I initiated the process to transfer two of them.   At first I drove myself crazy trying to figure out how it was done before I began doing it.  I wanted to read a list of the steps I would be taking so I’d know where I was in the process and that I was doing it correctly.  No such luck.  When I actually began, though, I was prompted each step of the way with just what I’d have to do next.  I thought that so often that’s how it is in life, too. I’d like to see ahead of time what all is going to come up and be given a list of exactly how to deal with it step by step, but I rarely get that.  Usually I have to jump in and begin and only then will I be guided to the next right step.  I don’t have to see the entire trail laid out before me, I just need to get on it and put one foot in front of the other and begin walking.  Then stay alert for clues as to what next step to take. Continue reading

Hot Flashes, Night Sweats in Florida? Make up your bed Summer Style

It’s Florida — the hot weather is here, and so are my hot flashes.  I keep the a/c on about 77, turn it to 75 at night and keep a fan blowing on me wherever I sit.  Despite that, last weekend I hot flashed so consistently that I soaked through several changes of clothes, my bed sheets and pillow cases.    Three loads of laundry later, I decided it was time to make up my bed summer style.   Off with the comforter altogether, I put fresh fitted and top sheets on my king size bed, and soft absorbent towels on top of the pillowcases.  Then I folded another sheet in half lengthwise  and that would act as the sheet I actually lie on.  I placed it diagonally across the bed, since that’s how I sleep.  I placed another  doubled king sheet next to it, to pull over me for a cover.  I can use one layer if I’m warm, or both layers if I’m chilly.  Then, if I sweat through the double folded top and bottom sheets, I simply pull those and the towel off to wash and don’t have to remake the entire bed.  I wish I’d thought of this 17 years ago!

RELATED:   I pickle myself into hot flashes and night sweats

Ah, the clean slate effect – I clean out my office

The other day I moved my laptop out of my dining room and into my bedroom.  In the evenings when I want to check email and play on Facebook, I now have to step into my home office to do it.  That’s turned out to be a good thing since I get more work done, what with my In Box and To Do List staring me in the face each time I sit at the desk.   I figured if I was going to spend more time in here, I needed to unclutter.  My place stays fairly clutter free, but I get weekly deliveries of one thing or another, mostly books or supplies, and that creates boxes and bubblewrap trash.  Often I’ll leave a delivery unopened for a week, or put it unopened in the supply closet.  Eventually that catches up with me, and I have to pull everything out and unwrap it and put it all back in.  So my clutter is usually packaging material or stacks of paper I need to go through, and it’s easy enough to do. Continue reading