Author Archives: Andrea

Let’s do some Ho’oponopono for the Casey Anthony Matter

I like when the Universe gives a big group of people a project to work on together.  I think a little Ho’oponopono is in order after the Casey Anthony verdict. Anyone who has an emotional feeling about it is being given the opportunity to work on their issues with judgment, forgiveness and letting go.   I know that everything in my world is my responsibility, simply because I’m aware of it. “I forgive you and for whatever my (unknown/karmic) part in the situation, I ask forgiveness, I thank you for your part in my life and I love you.” Really.  As the Beloved B aka Bryan Tilford says, “Today we were all found not guilty.”

Downsizing my bed and re-routing neural pathways

Off and off the the past year I’ve considered downsizing from my beloved  Simmons Beautyrest Marquee king to a full size bed.  My thought is that a double bed will free up enough space to give me an expanded sewing corner.  The king bed was fine when I was sharing it with kitties and paperwork, but now it’s just big and bulky.  As often as I move the furniture around at my place, I’d prefer the extra space. Continue reading

Ma Yoga Shakti events July 4th

Ma Yoga Shakti

Today July 4th 11am-Noon Satsang, Meditation and Chanting
Monday July 4th Noon Vegetarian pot-luck lunch.
Every morning at 5.30 AM – 6.30 AM Satsang followed by Aarti.

Yoga Shakti Mission, 3895 Hield Rd NW, Palm Bay, FL 32907,  Come bask in the presence of this holy teacher, whom we are blessed to have among us in the flesh. Mataji is one of 5 living female hindu saints documented in Daughters of the Goddess, The Women Saints of India authored by Linda Johnsen. (See page 32 at this link for an excerpt of India’s Female Yogis)

I attract a big overage refund from my mortgage company

Today I called my mortgage company to ask a question and they re-evaluated my escrow account and are sending me a big check and reducing my payments by $60 a month!  Two days ago, I wrote at Yesterday’s Synchronicity Saved Me From Bank Charges that I’d inadvertently paid a 4 figure bill out of the wrong checking account and I got to spend the morning fixing it.  Had a meeting with Wayne Wirs not cancelled,  I’d have missed seeing the overdraft  notice come in and fees would have been applied.  The synchronicity was not surprising, and it all worked out fine.

Today I went to pay my mortgage and noticed the amount was $36 higher than usual.  I called the mortgage company and found they needed to re-evaluate my escrow after I switched homeowners’ insurance companies for an almost 50% annual savings.  Good news!  They’ll send me a check for $800+ and my new mortgage payment is now about $60 less than I’d been paying.  Is my life magical and so I believe it is, or do I just think it will be magical and it is?

Summer in Florida? Carry an umbrella on a cloudy day

Yesterday I had just walked into WalMart when it began to rain.   I’d seen the dark clouds forming so I’d taken the umbrella in with me.  When I came out, it was pouring.  Shoppers were lined up waiting for it to let up so they could run to their cars.  I checked out the crowd then walked a young mom then an elderly woman out to their cars.  I got soaked but it made me feel like Superman must have felt when he saved Metropolis.  It was so worth it!

Mindfulness practice heals the cells in our brain and body

Mindfulness practice does what no drugs can do.  It causes neural pathways to grow thicker and more robust, more capable of carrying signals.  Anyone can benefit from this. Childhood trauma can cause neurons connecting critical thinking with emotional control in the brain to whither and die. Mindfulness heals these connections.  Compassion, empathy, understanding, acceptance and other benefits come from daily sitting practice of mindfulness.  Here is a tip for parents: Daily sitting 25-30 minutes a day heals the neurons connecting critical thinking with emotional control in the brain.  No beta waves means no words, no words means no story.  Nothing better than a direct experience of the universe that is beyond words.  The real universe is so much bigger than can be defined by words or contained by thought we let go of the basis of thinking to experience it in all its magical glory.  It is akin to being reborn fresh and new when thought returns.  From gong musician/therapist/healer Richard Hite.

On Legalizing Marijuana

time for changeWanting repeal of prohibition isn’t just about getting high.  Cannabis is a natural medical treatment.  Many friends suffering from chronic pain, from cancer, MS, rheumatoid arthritis and mood swings of bi-polar could not tolerate mainstream medications.  Marijuana helped them to manage their symptoms and to ease the anxiety of having a terminal condition. It is a miracle plant put here by a loving Creator, for a reason. It is a sacrament. It is holy. One reason I eat healthy is to avoid ever having to take medication since they all interact with each other. That + stress + fatty foods all make the liver work overtime.  I take zero meds and drink zero alcohol just to have a happy liver.  I don’t want to depend on prescriptions during an illness if I can avoid it, if the time ever comes.   And it’s not just about the medicinal side, it’s also about getting industrial hemp growing in this country again.  We’re wising up.  It’s time for reform.

Cannabis Oil: Used to treat conditions such as epilepsy, Lou Gehrig’s disease and cancer, the Charlotte’s Web bill signed June 2014 legalizes noneuphoric strains of marijuana that are high in cannabidiol, or CBD, but low in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the compound that produces a high.

RELATED:  Study Confirms Cannabis Oil Cures Cancer Without Side Effects
This is what happens when a little girl gives marijuana a try 
Charlotte’s Web 101: Medical marijuana and you 7-1-14
Florida Medical Marijuana Supporters, Attorney John Morgan Set Eyes on 2016
State’s medical-marijuana law clears legal hurdle 5-27-15
Judge clears way for Charlotte’s Web strain of medical marijuana in Florida 5-27-15
“Charlotte’s Web” Marijuana May Finally Get To Florida in 2016 6-1-15


Yesterday’s Synchronicity Saved Me From Bank Charges

I wrote on Facebook yesterday:  “Yay, I just had an early meeting cancel, I’m going for a walk!”   I thought I’d pay bills before I left, so I signed into online banking.   I pulled up my accounts and was about to go to Bill Pay when I refreshed the screen and saw they’d just recorded an overdraft protection and there was a big minus amount in my personal account.  I’m good about staying on top of my banking, so I quickly went thru my check register alongside the statement and found I’d paid a 4 figure bill out of the wrong account.  Instead of my walk, I got to spend the morning transferring funds, running charges, opening mail, making up a deposit and running to the bank.  That’ll teach me to pay attention. Or to keep an extra few thousand in each account just in case. Continue reading