Author Archives: Andrea

The Correct Time to Drink Water per a Cardiac Specialist

Drinking  water at certain time  maximizes its effectiveness on the  body:
2  glasses of water after waking up – helps  activate internal organs
1  glass of water 30 minutes before a meal – helps  digestion
1 glass of water before taking  a bath – helps lower blood pressure
1  glass of water ( with one, half strength aspirin) before going to bed helps avoid  stroke or heart attack

RELATED:  Heart Attack and Aspirin



I Get Another Reminder from the Universe

When I eat the wrong things, the Universe gives me gentle reminders so my body can reboot itself.   The reminders  feel like a 24 hour tummy flu.  No fun, but I’ve come to know what to expect and how to make it easier.  First, I know ahead of time what foods to eat and how much of them. So I can never be surprised when I overdo it.   But what I have learned is that when I eat small portions no less than 8 hours apart, I will have an easier time when my body does its 24 hour tummy flu impression.

I wrote on Facebook yesterday afternoon: I’ve been scarce today cuz Izzy DeBig-giantkitty made me eat chips last night and the Universe decided to purge my system. I love how that works: If I eat the wrong thing, the universe always reminds me. It’s not like I don’t know…  On the upside, I’m lying in my new comfy bed watching the birdbath action in the east garden.  How funny, the a/c says 79 and I’m wearing a flannel nightshirt and socks and under the blanket. My hypothalamic receptors are whacked. Continue reading

Many friends are overcoming cancer, yay for new technology

If you’re into it, say a quick prayer for my tenant J.B. who’s in the hospital with pneumonia, having just gotten a diagnosis of lymphoma and lung cancer.  My thought is the lung mass is just a little angel in there pushing the sick cells out.  I reminded her how awesome the new technology is for cancer treatment now and she told me she has good insurance.  In the last 10 years I’ve had a dozen friends overcome cancer and they didn’t suffer from the chemotherapy – God is good.  Thanks for the prayers!

I’m missing Doug and Trish today.

Inexplicably today I’ve been melancholy and missing my friends Doug and Trish who lived next door until they moved in 2005.  I’m not very sentimental but I miss the daily contact with them, even if just a wave hello as we drove by.  We were so tuned in to each other on all levels, I miss that.

Do you really have this or that diagnosis? Keep talking about it and you will.

I talk to a lot of people.   During the day I take Horizons Magazine calls and evenings I do about 40 spiritual consultations or psychic readings a month.   Since so many people tell me snippets of their personal life, it’s easy for me to see patterns that most others wouldn’t.  There are always patterns going on, because we’re all on this path together.  Lately I’ve had several people tell me they’ve been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease or inflammatory bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and Asperger’s.

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Criticism creates separation and decreases your awareness

I stopped by a friend’s book and gift store last week. Domino has been ready for a change for a while.  She found herself in a rut and knew she had to do something different to shake up the shakti, so she changed locations when her lease was up in April.  I walked into the store and was delighted with how it all looked, chimes and ornaments hanging from the ceiling, neat cases full of books and gifts and jewelry and art and music.  The first thing Domino did was apologize for the disorganization, although I saw none.  That’s just her way.  Then she began to tell me all her health problems and all the medication complications she’s having.  That’s her way, too. The problem with her last retail location was that people would come in but not buy, she said.  While I was there, 2 customers came in and browsed and she talked one out of a pricey necklace and earring set because “don’t buy something you’re not happy with that you might be sorry for later.”  She doesn’t realize she does it.  Then she came back and resumed telling me all her woes and that began to segue into pointing out how bad the economy is and I had to stop her in her tracks.  Here we were in a beautiful store in the midst of delightful and fun items available for purchase (and me with my wallet) and the owner has pulled my attention away from all that and made me just want to walk out and be away from the downer chick.  And she doesn’t realize she does it.  So moving hasn’t helped her, since wherever she goes, there she is. Continue reading

What are you dialed in to?

The part of my job I love the most is when someone is seriously trying to figure out what is happening with them, how they attract what they attract and how to identify and stay focused enough to get what they want.   The part I don’t so much like is when I give the same answers over and over and each time Domino acts like he’s never heard it.  When this happens, I remind him he’s paying me by the hour.  I don’t think so much that he keeps asking in order to hear a different answer. I think it’s just that he’s so vibrationally out of tune that he doesn’t hear the words when I say them.  He’ll hear it when he’s ready. Ram Dass said, “When the disciple is ready, a leaf falling is enough. If not, the whole tree could fall on you.” Continue reading

I’ve learned to do what fulfills me

It’s not that I don’t want to do that thing you want me to do, it’s just that I have other things I want to do more.  No, I don’t have to tell you what it is.  Even if it’s just spending time on my own, it’s something that brings me more fulfillment than that other thing does.  Thanks for understanding.  You’re the best.  No, you are.  No, you are!