Author Archives: Andrea

Syncronicity and The Idiot Who Survives

Has anyone noticed this besides me?  On Facebook, there’s this silly post going around,  it says, “Go to your profile. Look to your left. First 7 friends are your Zombie Apocalypse Team. Here’s mine.”  Then you list them in the order they appear.  Mine were:
Sidekick: Tim Tedana
Heavy Weapons: Robert Goldberg
The idiot that survives: Morgana Starr
The Sniper: Miro Posavec
The one that loses it: Julie Hall
The Brains: Raymond Hines III
The First to Die: Sharon Greene

I don’t know what the name Zombie Apocalyse refers to exactly, a movie or game, but I get the drift. I didn’t think too much about the post I made, except thought it was funny that Morgana Starr was The Idiot Who Survives.   LOL   She would be.  Then, as friends began posting on their Walls, I began taking delight in who each had as The Idiot Who Survives and I began to see a pattern. Continue reading

Friends are always watching out for me

The last few days I’ve been working almost nonstop 18 hour days doing final layout for the September issue of Horizons Magazine.  It helps me to stay focused when I don’t dilute my thought energy.  I got several new ads and those are always fun to create.  I took breaks in the middle of the day and worked late into the night.  That’s my favorite time to work: nighttime, when it’s dark outside and the crickets are loud and the phones are quiet and the streets are clear.  About 5:00pm I took a ride to the rental home.  I’d turned the a/c off but kept the fan running and wanted to know how warm it got in there.  It wasn’t bad and it began to cool off quickly.  A/C floor vents are a good idea: heat rises.  I opened the little bathroom and kitchen windows for more air circulation, but kept the other windows closed in case it rained.  This way I won’t run up a big power bill on days I don’t get over there.  I’ve got good neighbors next door and across the street who are home all day long,  watchdogging the ‘hood.  Built in security!  As I look back over my life, I realize I always end up in the midst of people who want to look out for me.  Is that because I need protection or because we all like to have something or someone to protect?

I’m not just readying a rental, I’m creating a home for someone

A friend asked me yesterday how the construction was going with my rental.  She follows my progress on Facebook and is surprised I take so much of it in stride.  She’s a landlord, too, and knows how aggravating tenant damage can be.  For me, at this stage of my life, it’s a no brainer.  I think of the truth of the situation:  I had an ideal tenant who paid rent on time for nine years.  Ok, so she moved out with little notice and no deposit, and as she was a smoker, I have to clean every surface, or replace or paint it. For me that means not only replacing all ceiling lights and ceiling fans, but all wall receptacles and light switches, medicine cabinets as well as carpet.  I think my out of pocket is just under $2,000 so far.  So I can’t really complain about the situation.  She’d still be there had she not developed a serious health problem and had to move in with family.  I’m glad she had a happy nine years there and like to think I contributed to her happy life.  So I know that I’m not just readying a rental, I’m creating a home for someone new and that’s a sacred endeavor. Continue reading

Turning on utilities and finishing up the magazine

Sunday I worked all day and evening on final layout for the September issue of Horizons Magazine.   I didn’t even go over to the rental, so I could stay focused.  That’s the only problem with being self employed and being my own boss – since I can do anything I want, I have to discipline myself to stay focused on priorities.  A lot of what I do has a deadline or appointment time, so I  use those as guidelines.  Friends see me off and on Facebook all day and think I goof off all the time.  Ok, I do, but I’m also in between phone calls and appointments, or I’m rebooting the main computer or I’m taking a break from a job whose deadline is just days or hours away.  I’ve always got days worth of info floating around in my head waiting to be thought upon and pondered when I get free thought time.  If I’m typing and reading, part of my head stays open for the pondering list to run in the background.  If  I’m talking and listening, it’s not.   That’s why I can play on Facebook when I won’t make time to chitchat on the phone. Continue reading

Kids returning to school: Say hi to the shy kid, you never know what someone else is going through

Special request to all you kids returning to school in the next few days or weeks:  If you see someone who is struggling to make friends or is being bullied because he/she looks or acts different, or because they are shy, PLEASE step up and say “hi” and smile.  You never know what that kid might be going through outside of school.  Your kindness can make a BIG difference in someone’s life!   Veronica Villaverde-Dayoub

My efficient breakfasts this week

Pom-Blueberry Vanilla Spirutein Protein Smoothie

This week I’ve been having a hard boiled egg and a protein smoothie for breakfast.  I make it with a splash of orange juice, a cup of Pomegranate-Blueberry 100% juice and some vanilla Spirutein, the whey version. I find this is the most efficient way to eat right now while I’m running around doing physical work.  I wish I knew this in the 90’s when I was a fattie.  In the past month I’ve dropped another 5 pounds because (1) I’m walking all over Home Depot every day and (2)  I’m too tired to eat for entertainment when I get home.  Yay, I love when that happens.

We’re making progress at the rental home

Yesterday was another long but productive day.  I began by working on final layout for the September issue of  Horizons Magazine which has to be at the printer on Friday.  I’d asked for an extra five days to finish it so I could work on my rental renovation.  After a morning of computer work, I went over to the rental and dropped off supplies and two bananas for my friend and his worker buddy.   Tod and I went through the place with a checklist and made a pile of items to return and another list of items to buy.  I went across the street to Home Depot and returned a ceiling light, two smoke detectors and a dozen switch plates, receptacles and wallplates.  I then bought the 10 packs of each which was a lot cheaper (thanks Tod for the tip.)  I bought a faucet set, a medicine cabinet and another ceiling fan.  With so many returns and purchases, I’m not sure what my grand total is yet, altho the receipts are in the file and I’ll check them against the bill when it gets here.  When I got back, ceiling fans were going up, the new toilet seat and shower curtain were installed and the place was shaping up.

Continue reading

Whoever or Whatever is Up There or Out There: Thank You

Thank you for my life, my job, my home, my health, my friends, my family, my opportunities, my lessons, my knowledge, all that I have and all that I am and everything I’ve been and all I’m yet to be.   Each time I think I couldn’t be happier, you make me happier.  No, really, thank you.

Why Do Spiritual People Ever Get Sick? Welcome your symptoms as evidence the body is clearing out toxins

I got an email yesterday after blogging about a tummy bug last week and nicotine poisoning this week.  The writer asked, “I’m confused.  Why do you  ever get sick since you always write about being spiritual and knowing how to attract your reality?”   I get asked questions like that all the time.  Being spiritual doesn’t mean you don’t get sick, it means you act and react in a conscious way when you do.   I attract way more wellness than sickness, way more good than bad, way more joy than aggravation.  I have no complaints whatever.   As far as getting sick, I figure stuff is always moving through my body and if I’m being a little too resistant (consciously or unconsciously) then it’ll linger a day or so. Everything moves on quickly enough, so I don’t think of it as a problem.  In reality, what we call “sick” is just our body’s reaction to expelling a toxin. A diagnosis is just a snapshot in time and our symptoms are usually the cleansing stage.   Now that I know what it is, I’ve learned not to be afraid and think it’s the beginning stage of some scary, big illness.  I’ve learned to accept the symptoms and love them because that means the ick is on its way out.   Continue reading

Breaking News

BREAKING NEWS: The Pity Train has just derailed at the intersection of Suck It Up and Move On, and crashed into We All Have Problems, before coming to a complete stop at Get the Hell Over It.