Author Archives: Andrea

Why are friends changing religions?

Autographed copy??

A friend shared that several family members radically changed their religions in the past few years, now putting their new radically conservative ideologies above friends and family. What I see is that as we get older, we seek deeper meaning. Some of us study comparative religions and as we see the commonalities, we come to greater understanding of how they all tie in together and that we are all connected. Others were taught one thing only and cling to it, not knowing they are limiting themselves and the scope of their “God.” Years ago, when I noticed myself becoming more devotional, I prayed I wouldn’t become unbearable to be around, like so many of my newly “born again” friends. In their enthusiasm to share their newfound joy, they simply aggravated and alienated everyone around them. Continue reading

In the oneness of the collective consciousness, we can turn a hurricane into a festive rain together

Luz Aguirrebena wrote on Facebook yesterday, “I heard hurricane Irene was coming at 100 mi/hr…  later I heard the speed went down to 90.  This morning hitting North Carolina, was down to 85.  I heard people working consistently with the hurricane’s energy to slow it down… it made me think and mark my words. There is no hurricane that will resist us when we come in the oneness of the collective consciousness… one of these days we will become aware that yes, we can even turn a hurricane into a festive rain together.”  It thrills me when I find someone who thinks as I do and knows the possibilities that exist for us all.

Hurricane Irene will create a lot of new jobs on the East Coast

My friend Sharon Yeago wrote on Facebook: “I expect there will be lots of new jobs created on the east coast… a risk analyst predicts $20 billion in damages from Irene… $10 billion will be paid out in insurance claims, she says.  That’s $10 billion guaranteed base available to insureds to pay construction companies, plumbers, electricians, construction suppliers, workers for a variety of fields… I’m sure folks are already making their plans to head to the affected areas as soon as the storm clears… they always do in Florida.  Let’s not think that the big insurance companies are making these jobs… let’s remember that the insured (especially the families and small businesses) paying their premiums that will create those jobs.

Be a vision keeper during the hurricanes

If I go outside and look at what’s going on, it’s beautiful, sunny, breezy, air fresh. If I turn on the weather report, they’re trying to freak me out even tho the storm is way offshore. Should I sit home glued to the weather and worry where the storm might go next? Or go outside and enjoy the day?  In October 2004, I wrote about my experience riding out Hurricane Frances in a hotel room that my van broke down in front of in Lake City (on my way to Franklin NC where the next day they had flooding). If you watch the weather today, be the vision keeper with me, breathe some peace into the storm and know it’s possible for it to pass without damage to anyone.  Here’s what I wrote in October 2004

Is there anyone from the past you’d like to apologize to?

Is there anyone from the past you’d like to apologize to? I’d like to apologize to my folks for giving them such a hard time growing up with a teenage brattitude. I didn’t know how hard they had it and how much of their own lives (and dollars) they sacrificed for us. I’m sure they didn’t know what they were getting into and they made the best of it.

How to release resistance

To attract what you want, you need to release resistance. The way to release resistance is make yourself think thoughts and do activities that make you feel happy and free. Then what you want will show up by the time you’re done having fun. And if what you want isn’t showing up? That just means you haven’t had enough fun yet. Trust me.

How I spent my time through the ages

In my 20’s I spent most of my time:  trying to figure out who I was.
In my 30’s I spent most of my time:  trying to convince myself I knew who I was.
In my 40’s I spent most of my time: deprogramming myself , proving who I could be.
In my 50’s I spent most of my time:  realizing who I actually am is ok after all.
What about you?

Why You Should Not Drink Soda

Did you know that it takes 32 glasses of water to neutralize the acid from one 12 oz. carbonated soda?   Did you know that when our body pH is acidic, it promotes illness and poor health?  Scientists and doctors have found that over 150 degenerative diseases are linked to acidity, including cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, gall and kidney stones,osteoporosis, hypertension, memory loss and many more.  All diseases thrive in an acidic, oxygen poor environment.   Continue reading