Author Archives: Andrea

The tipping table knows

table-tipping-isolated-copyFirst my cereal boxes fell off the refrigerator, then my timer fell to the floor.  When I heard a book fall from the shelf and walked into the living room and saw my tipping table, I was reminded I had a session with Domino in a few hours.   Since 1999, I’ve done readings for Domino a couple of times a year.  She’s always got a lot going on in her life and she can be dramatically emotional.  Sometimes during a reading with someone like that, the items on my tipping table will move and shift as if an invisible cat were batting at them.  That particular table is used to being a conduit for elemental communication, so it picks right up on whatever emotion is in the air.   Our emotions exist in the astral field and on the astral plane.  Different writers use different words for it, so the first dozen years of study will confuse you.   Most people are polarized in their 2nd and 3rd chakras and they receive much of their input from the astral plane.  They act and react to the emotional responses of those around them, for better and for worse.  The elemental energies, they’ve also been called devas, faeries, nature spirits and poltergeists, also exist on the astral plane.  That’s why poltergeist activity frequently happens around emotionally charged people.  Our emotion is what fuels them (see loosh) and tickles them into action.  Since my table is used to such activity, it’s not uncommon for it to began to show some action when the atmosphere is emotionally charged.  Such as a few hours before Domino calls for her reading.  I’m used to it by now.

RELATED:  I go to a table tipping
Home Clearing, Spirit Releasement and Entity Attachment
We clear Domino’s house of a playful spirit
What is the value of contacting ghosts or loved ones in spirit?
The haunted chair, journeys out of the body
What Andrea believes

The End of Death As We Know It: What The Crossing Over Experience Was Like As Reported By Those Who Made The Transition

The Universe gives me lots of opportunity to work on my stuff

Ah, the power of suggestion. I posted on Facebook at 3:00pm “I would love one bite of mince pie. If any of my local pals are making one, save me a slice.”  Then I went on to do other work and came back an hour later and found the post again.  I forgot I made it an hour ago, and forgot about mince pie. I was planning my dinner salad. Then I saw the post and now I want mince pie again.   This is how the Universe works.  It gives me the opportunity to work on controlling myself.  Not by taking away the temptation, but by making it come up again and again so I can try responding to it a little differently each time until I find something that works.

Don’t be ticked when I don’t want to hear any of your big long complaint

Friends, when you send me a massive email telling me your side to a big long argument with someone, don’t be angry when I don’t want to read it.  If I read yours, then to be fair I should hear the other side.  I don’t want to hear either side.  Work it out.  Get over it. You’re adults.  If you really want my input, I’m glad to schedule a session for $160 an hour for you.  We’ll work that right out.  You let me know.

Let’s do some Ho’oponopono for John Springer

John Springer

I think a little Ho’oponopono, an ancient Huna healing process, is in order for John Springer of Enchanted Walkabouts.  I know that everything in my world is my responsibility, simply because I’m aware of it. “I forgive you and for whatever my (unknown/karmic) part in the situation, I ask forgiveness, I thank you for your part in my life and I love you.” Really.  What is Ho’oponopono?  Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len was a psychologist at the Hawaii State Hospital who – without ever seeing a patient in person – cured a ward of criminally insane patients using an ancient Huna technique.  Dr. Lew would study an inmate’s chart and then look within himself to see how he created that person’s illness. As he took responsibility, asked forgiveness and expressed gratitude, he improved himself and the patients improved.  Dr. Len never saw his patients. His agreement was he would have an office and he would review the patient files. While he looked at those files, he would work on himself. As he worked on himself, patients began to heal. Continue reading

When people are trying to help in unhelpful ways

Thank you but no. My fish would not enjoy being safe in that tree.

Adam Tritt said on Facebook this week, “When people are trying to help in unhelpful ways, know how to say ‘Thank you but no.  My fish would not enjoy being safe in that tree.‘  If I ask for a few ounces of help, I will end up with a few pounds and some of it of a type I can’t use, even when I say so.  Sometimes I ask for an ear, and end up with advice.  Or ask for a listen and end with a lecture.  It is all appreciated, but it leaves me, sometimes, often, sitting home alone wishing I could ask for assistance but daring not.” I know you understand.

Lee Tritt died at 4:40 p.m. today, with husband Adam’s head on her chest, holding her hand.

Elise "Lee" Tritt

Our dear friend and sister, Lee Tritt, has left her body.  She died at 4:40 p.m. today, with her husband Adam’s head on her chest, holding her hand.  Please visit the website to see how you can help, even if you just quickly donate $10 to help the family offset the enormous medical bills.   Adam is extremely grateful for the prayers, love and positive thoughts.

We’ll meet again, my friend.

RELATED:  The end of death as we know it: What the crossing over experience is like as reported by those who have passed

The rental is ready for the next lucky tenant

The rental is ready!  Click on the small image to the right and it will take you to a large pdf of the flyer.  My friend and master craftsman Tod McNeal tacked down the last edge of carpet last night, picked up his tools and left the place spotless.  See pics of a similar home at . Their home and mine look the same inside, both built the same year, theirs is furnished and mine is not. They have panelling, my walls are painted a light color.  So imagine the empty space without their furniture.  Ceiling fans in every room, good insulation and super cool a/c.  My last tenant was there nine years and we never had a problem.  She went into the hospital and passed, but her son and daughter in law are available for a landlord reference.  You pay the utilities: power, water and cable.  I give complete privacy, no surprise visits ever.  If you have a problem, you email me or mail a note and I get right on it.  There should be no problems since much of the plumbing and electrical has been redone, much caulking and waterproofing, all new floor vents, wall switches and receptacles, plumbing parts and fixtures, all new paint, new sinks and faucets, more. $500/month.  If you’re interested, email me at

RELATED:  I have really cool new tenants!
Readying the rental home
I’m not just readying a rental, I’m creating a home for someone
Turning on utilities
We’re making progress at the rental home
Getting my rental property ready for the next lucky tenant
Wear gloves cleaning nicotine damage to avoid poisoning
I clean my rental home of nicotine stains
My tenant is moving out this weekend