Author Archives: Andrea

Is it a breach of confidence if you give no names or identifying details?

I posted a situation on Facebook and didn’t name the parties and didn’t give any identifying hints.  A friend wrote:  “If I was either of these two individuals, I would be really pissed at you for discussing us on FB. I would consider it a breach of confidence. Discussing a case privately among peers is one thing.  Opening it up for global discussion is entirely inappropriate.” I replied, “This couple does not even have a computer.  My job requires discretion, and it also requires sharing and helping us realize we all go thru the same stuff.  I learn from the mistakes of others and am always open for new solutions, hence my posts.”  What do you think?

Sample Well Thought Out Calendar of Events Listing

Typical listing: Oct. 28-29 CASSADAGA Halloween from 4-11pm.  Come join the fun.
Sample well thought out listing: Fri-Sat Oct 28-29 CASSADAGA Cassadaga’s Halloween “Dance with Spirit” 4pm-11pm $10/$5  Stroll down Stevens Street and take a picture in the Devil’s Chair, check out vendors, do a $5 Gallery Reading in our Bookstore, listen to Spooky Stories, dance with Blisters Band, karaoke then scream in the Haunted Walk, leave with a photo of an orb and a smile. For more info, visit us at

Now that’s a great calendar listing.  That makes me want to attend!  If you’ve got a calendar of events listing for an upcoming Horizons Magazine, email it and Paypal payment to

You’re allowed to believe what you believe

“You’re allowed to believe in a god. You’re allowed to believe unicorns live in your shoes for all I care. But the day you start telling me how to wear my shoes so I don’t upset the unicorns, I have a problem with you. The day you start involving the unicorns in making decisions for this country… I have a BIG problem with you.”
— Matthew Schultz

My two cents about working toward being together

A friend of mine has an out of the country girlfriend the past year.  He said they can’t wait to be together.  I asked, “Why isn’t she here now?”  He said she is working on her thesis and when that is done they can be together.  The original date for the thesis to be done was  April 2011.  His situation is so similar to that of half a dozen clients I have, that I thought it warranted a blog post.  Everyone thinks they are the only one going through something.  I  counsel on the phone with so many people each week the past 20+ years that I see patterns in behavior that others don’t get to see.  I average maybe 50 hours/50 clients/50 readings a month.  That means 50 people each month have an hour to tell me about their most important concern.  When I hear 5 or 10 people  having similar detailed experiences, I begin to see the pattern.  Continue reading

Richard Romandetti at Bayside Publix just enriched my life

I went into Publix Bayside this morning to buy some apples and realized I didn’t research them first. I know you use different ones for baking than for hand eating, but I didn’t know why.  I don’t eat enough apples to remember which is which.  I saw Richard Romandetti in the produce section and asked if Publix had one of those charts that show apples from tart to sweet.  He had something even better.  He knew everything about the apples, he answered all my questions and told me stuff I didn’t know.  I thought no wonder they have him here, he knows his stuff. “How do you know all this?” I asked him.  “They send us to school for it,” he said, “they teach us all about it.”  Wow.  I had no idea.  I figure whenever I walk into a grocery store, whoever is stocking the aisles is just a worker who knows how to put things neatly on a shelf.  Not so.  I told Richard my aunt was baking a pie and I wondered which apples would be best.  He began to tell me the difference and it was great, it was like an Alton Brown segment. Continue reading

A yummy low fat, crustless mince pie

I love mince pie. I seldom eat it, because of the high fat in the tasty pie crust.  I was going to give in and buy a pie, or  a can of pie filling, but thankfully they are not in stores right now.  However, I made my own low fat, crustless version and it was so good I’ll definitely do it again.  I used a can of peaches and drained the syrup to use another time.  I put the peaches in a bowl with one chopped apple, 1/4 cup raisins, 1/4 cup craisins, as well as a a half teaspoon of cinnamon and a squeeze of lemon juice.  I put it in the oven and sprinkled a little cinnamon and dark brown sugar on top.  Into the oven at 400 for half an hour and it reminded me enough of a real mince pie that I will always make this.

If Abraham was in the White House on 9-12-2001

Guest: If you, Abraham, were in the White House, what would be your decision of how to respond to the current world situation?

Abraham:  Well, they would never allow Abraham in the White House, because it is a different vibration.  But if we were assigned the awesome responsibility of making a decision for a whole lot of people — we would do our best to empower individuals. And the most significant thing that we would offer would be: Let’s let this be as insignificant as possible — and let’s get back to the details and the brilliance of our own physical life experiences. Our encouragement would be to get on with experience and continue to anticipate wonderful things unfolding. Continue reading

For the single ladies

To all single ladies who are in a hurry to get married.  Here’s a quick piece of advice: Ruth (from the Bible) patiently waited for her BOAZ.   While waiting on your Boaz, don’t settle for any of his relatives,  such as:  brokeaz, poaz, Lyinaz, cheatingaz, dumbaz, drunkaz, cheapaz, lockedup-goodfornothinaz, lazyaz, or marriedaz, and especially his third cousin – beatinyoaz.  Please, wait on your true Boaz, and make sure he respects yoaz.