Author Archives: Andrea

Call me old school, I like two spaces after a period.

Maybe I’ve been a print publisher too long.   I don’t like one space after a period.   After a coma, okay.  After a question mark?   Two spaces please.   After a semi-colon; one space is ok. After a period.  Two.  For sure.   Oh wait, maybe that’s just how my eye is used to seeing them, and I am resisting change, by wanting it to be other than it is.   By wanting it – the “rule” – to change or not change.   Hmmm anytime I resist change, I have a big lesson to learn.  Wordpress automatically defaults what I type into one space after each period.  I can go back in and “edit” it back to two spaces, but whatever I initially type will default to one space after punctuation.   I thought it was just easier to read and I like easy to read.   I like a lot of white space around important words.  Okay, as you were.

How do I love me? Let me count the ways!

Rev. Jamie Sanders

I love me enough to honor me when others will not or cannot!  I love me enough to release those things and individuals that do not empower me to be the best I can be.  I love me enough to make better choices about the people I hang with and the places I go.  I love me enough to want to clean up any messes I may have created in my process of discovering who I AM and what I have come here for!  I love me enough to no longer settle for funk and I seek only the good that I deserve!  Oh yeah!  I’m lovin’ some ME and it feels good!  By Jamie Sanders

A Meditation on Oneness for Personal and Planetary Transformation

earth planetary gridSo often in life we feel alone, as though we’re the only one thinking what we’re thinking; feeling what we’re feeling. This meditation done regularly will strengthen your feeling of connection with others and bring a deep sense of calm in your life:

Take a few deep, even breaths before we begin.   Sit comfortably with your eyes closed, your spine straight and your body at ease.  Breathe slowly and deeply, and feel all the tension flow out of your body, with every breath you take.   Getting deeper and deeper relaxed, with every breath you take.  Now envision breathing in healing, cleansing light and filling your body with it.   The deeper you breathe in, the deeper you relax, and the brighter you shine with this brilliant, healing, cleansing light. Feel the light radiant within you and around you, and out from you toward the others in the room with you now. Continue reading

Giving someone the time and space to unfold themselves

I have friends that are highly motivated, very creative and involved in many projects at once, like me.  A few times a year,  I like to create for myself a retreat atmosphere in my home and schedule time to sit down and focus on whatever it is I’ve chosen to work on.  Usually my retreats are for self discovery or to finish a writing project.  I’ve done weekends with friends where we also do yoga, meditation, creative visualization, some healthy cooking, writing workshops, tarot/divination intensives and the Monroe Institute Gateway Voyage Experience together.   Sometimes we camp out in the yard and sometimes we spend the weekend in silence.  Sometimes a friend wants a quiet, conducive space to finish their own project, like Domino right now.   Continue reading

I don’t want to be a brand

I don’t want to be a brand.  I don’t want to get famous.  I just want to be a good person doing good work.  I don’t need a gazillion clients.  I just need a handful of the right clients.  I don’t need to mass market myself.  I just need to believe what I do has value and that I’ll attract the people who want it.

Tell me outright if you have an issue with me, I still love you

You’re allowed to disagree with me.  You’re allowed to be angry with me.  I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything.  I’m just playing show and tell about my day and how things land on me and how I navigate life.  You don’t have to believe what I believe.  But if you have an issue with me and want to work it out, tell me exactly what it is and let’s resolve it once and for all.  A friend is angry with me for various and sundry and, besides arguing with me on Facebook, we are emailing. I can’t meet everyone’s expectations and I don’t talk with anyone who’s angry.  He asked why I did something.  I told him.  He wrote back several accusations and I asked him what specifically he was referring to.   He would not tell me.  I don’t have time for stuff like that.  Last month I wrote If someone asks for an exit interview or closure talk, show up for it and let them take the lead.   At the end, ask if they’ve addressed all concerns and are they complete.  Because I thought I did that once and apparently I did not.   I can be very oblivious and self centered.  I don’t do it on purpose.   I never mean to hurt the ones I love.  However, I recognize it’s their issue and not mine if they let me leave without being complete.

What’s it really about?
Why you don’t see warnings on my Facebook page

Why you don’t see warnings on my Facebook page

Try to not pay attention to the screaming baby in the corner, just try

I wrote yesterday that a friend called me out for removing a hurricane warning he’d posted on my Facebook wall.  His point was he was merely doing a massive shout out for prayers to divert the storm.  My point was the storm posed no threat, so why even mention it?  Putting something on my wall is like painting the words on the side of my house.  Paint whatever you want on the side of your own house, but when people drive by my house, I want them only to see the messages I want them to see.   Continue reading

Karma is not a dirty word, karma is your best friend

The concept of karma isn’t easy for many to grasp.  It’s easily misunderstood.  Karma is not a punishment or a reward, although we can choose to make it so.  Karma is simply the return of what has been sent out. Karma is simply the getting paid forward from something that was put in motion in the past.  The Buddhist view of karma, the Buddhist focus on attitude and the conduct that flows from it, is said to be the basis of not only our own lives, but also the entire physical world. Karmic cycles are sometimes compared with seeds as a primary cause because they are capable of reproducing the species of plant from which they came. But just as seeds need secondary causes such as light, moisture and air in order to mature, so too do primary karmic causes which remain as the traces of past actions in each individual stream of consciousness.”  My experience has been, not just for me but for the maybe thousands of friends I’ve been honored to work with the past 40 years, is that – if your life is in discord – there is always something in this lifetime that you are attached to that is holding you back.  Complete realization of that and forgiveness of the situation will free the discord from your life. It’s all related.  Once you know this, you will be reminded by real life daily situations when you have more course correction and forgiveness work to do.  Karma becomes your friend once you begin to consciously think every thought and do every behavior as though it would impact millions of people on the planet, including yourself.  Then you begin to understand the concept of karma.