Author Archives: Andrea

Crazy for God

“To a worldly man, a God-intoxicated person will appear mad and he will laugh at him, but to the God-intoxicated man, the worldly appear insane, foolish, misled, blind.” Sai Baba

Why it’s easy for me to eat light on Thanksgiving

I have friends tell me “Oh, you have so much discipline not overeating, especially on holidays.” It’s not really discipline. It’s that after having digestive problems years ago caused by my former heavily-meat-laden diet, I remember the pain and the 8 days each in the hospital 3 years in a row with acute pancreatitis due to hyperlipidemia.   Pain is a powerful motivator.  The few times I’d overeaten since then, my body was in such discomfort until the offending mass moved through it 12 hours later that I am flat out never tempted to overeat anymore.  It doesn’t even occur to me.   Now I nibble fresh spinach if I sit in front of the tv, instead of snacks.  I lost 60 pounds the first 4 months I changed my eating habits in 2006, and the last year lost another 10 by working out a little more.  I want to be stronger and more vital as I get older, not less.  This should do it.

Quit being sad

Listen to me: for one moment, quit being sad. Hear blessings dropping their blossoms around you. ~ Rumi

I finally contact the Source and fix the problem

I haven’t written much the last 2 days since my carpal tunnel has flared up.  I can’t complain, it never lasts more than a few days and I know how to treat it.  The big  news, though is finally I can get in to my web server again and update the websites!   The last two months I’ve been unable to access the server or upload files.  I sent an email to the contact site.  No response.  I submitted to a few more places, no luck.  Two months later I asked my brother to investigate it for me.  He found the correct URL to submit my inquiry and said I’d get a response back within 24 hours.  I did.  Later I thought, I did all this crazy w0rrying wondering why they weren’t responding.   I pay them a good deal of money.  The problem, as usual, wasn’t what I thought the problem was.  The problem was I let myself get irked out of alignment so I was not a vibrational match to easily locate the correct contact URL. I could not contact the source and was did not realize I was asking for help in the wrong places.

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The tide of my love has risen so high, let me flood over you. Close your eyes for a moment, and maybe all your fears and fantasies will end. If that happened, God would become an infant in your arms, and then you would have to nurse all creation! ~ Hafiz

What would you tell a client who faces loss?

Facebook friend Alison Hall just asked, “If you were to forsee a relationship for someone that starts very well but ends in severe financial loss… job loss and with the other partner leaving to be with another… and the person affected would not heed your warning… would you tell them anyway?  Or would these events be karmic for the one to faces all this loss?”   I responded, ” If I see they are in the midst of attracting that, I’d let them know and tell them something concrete to do to change it. If I know they will not heed my words (maybe 75% of clients) I’ll also tell them that, and also tell them why they will feel the impulse to do otherwise and how to overcome it. Everything that happens is karmic, and there are many ways to fulfill the karma without loss being a crisis.”   We got many other good comments as well. Continue reading

Funky Chicken Farm Newsletter

Meet Gremlin

Greetings!  Are we loving this change of climate or what! Plants are loving it too. All of my greens have sprung new growth and are growing fast. Those moist cloudy days are enhancing the rye grass sprouts that came up after the rain last week. Soon the farm will be as green and luscious as the Shire in the movie The Hobbit! After a good soaking rain is the perfect time to scatter rye grass seeds on the ground. Then let mother nature take over and in about three days you will see that the seeds have sprouted. Apply water when rains are not in the forecast. Soon, you will have a bright green carpet of rye grass. Rye grass provides one blade per seed. It is not a ‘running’ type so scatter plenty of seed. It only grows in the cooler months and should last till May.  Meet Gremlin. He is our baby dwarf goat that we have been bottle feeding. He’s very friendly…. He’s always following us around the farm. With ears that big he will be able to fly one day! He is just 6 weeks old now and is sprouting little horns. He’s shorter than a Growbox! Thank goodness! Continue reading

What do I give first fruits to? Letting my mind know who’s boss.

I know this happens to you, too.   Whenever I sit to write something I always make myself go through a bunch of other mail, etc. before I can get to it.  When I sit down to type out my thoughts, my sense of obligation rises up and says, “check email first, answer anything you can answer quickly.”   Then I’m distracted from my original thought.   I am the one who decides which I want to give attention to first.  Of course my mind wants me to do the busy work first, and save the soul searching and mind/control/focus practice for later. The mind gets afraid anytime I want to meditate or contemplate deep thoughts, it gets nervous because it wants to jump around and flit from one thought to another. It knows by contemplation and self inquiry and breathing that I will be able to control it. It is a child who cannot control his impulses and it does not want me to control them either. Continue reading