Author Archives: Andrea

Be careful sending blind copies of emails to friends

I just blind copied Lumen on an email I sent to Domino letting him know I know Lumen in real life since she’s job seeking and he has a position available.  What I didn’t think of is since he’s a mischevious friend of 30 years, he might inadvertently do a “reply all” and write some outrageously naughty something that also goes to Lumen.  I warned her that I’d done it and that Domino delights in his efforts to gross me out and he’s also an equal opportunity offender.  Friends, ya gotta love them in all their forms!

Oh, so YOU’RE the one with the social anxiety? No, that’s EVERYONE.

I just watched a show about teens with social anxiety: they don’t want to go in public as they think everyone is looking at them and judging them, or that everyone is talking about them behind their back.  Whether it’s youth or just lack of life experience, what they don’t realize is that nearly everyone feels that way.  They also don’t realize that everyone is so stuck in their own little thought bubble of self absorption and fear, that they’re not looking at YOU anyway, they are staring down at their toes the same as you are, avoiding eye contact for dear life.  God forbid we actually look at each other and acknowledge each other.  I counsel with so many people the past 20+ years that I see patterns in behavior that others don’t get to see.  I average maybe 50 people each month with an hour to tell me about their most important concern.  When I hear 5 or 10 people having similar detailed experiences, I begin to see the pattern.  And I see a lot of patterns in behavior.  It’s one reason I’m good at my job: if I can experience enough of something that it enables me to see patterns within it, that allows me to see the bigger picture.  The bigger picture here is that maybe 90% of us have social anxiety and we all think we’re the only one.  So instead of spending valuable time head tripping over what someone else is thinking, try instead to get out in public, smile and make eye contact, help others feel at ease.  Life is too short to waste it stuck within our four walls alone and unfulfilled.  It’s not always about you.  Try letting it be about someone else for a change.

Sessions with Andrea

Why I tell you what I tell you

As a writer and blogger, I write about what I experience and how it lands on me, how it impacts my life, what my thought processes are during my journey and what insights I glean from it all. I write about examples of synchronicity because when I mention it, it brings it to mind for other people so they can expect it to happen also. If they read about it and expect it to happen, they begin to vibe in that place and so attract it quicker. If I make mistakes and encounter challenge, I write about how I overcame an obstacle or what I learned from not overcoming it.  When you read about my reaction to a disappointment or the process I chose to turn around my thoughts, it gives you something to do to turn yours around as well. It helps you begin vibing in that place. That’s why I write about what I do; that’s why my personal life is also my mission.
About Andrea

Sheila Rindge recovering from her stroke

My pal Sheila Rindge

Let’s say some prayers for Sheila Rindge, recovering from a stroke on December 19th, 2011.  She’s doing well, yesterday out of the hospital and transferred to HealthSouth Sea Pines on Babcock for rehab.  She can’t do the phone yet but she’s getting better.   I visited her yesterday – she looks good! She’s in good spirits and chatty, of course it’s that in-between/unknown language right now but hey, it’s not stressing her out!  She knows it’ll pass, she just rolls her eyes and shrugs and chatters on.  I laid on the bed and hugged on her while she ate dinner. She’ll be up in no time.  She’s fully aware, can understand, just not speak well yet and loses the word, no facial paralysis, right arm and leg down right now but 4+ hours of physical therapy a day will get it all back working in no time.  No calls obviously but go visit her if you know her.  Her physical therapy is noon to 4pm so visit after that. I was there at 5:30 and dinner had just arrived. It’s a trip feeding herself with the wrong hand laying in bed but she’s getting the hang of it and her spirits are high and light.  Their office office has moved to 1601 Airport Blvd, Suite 1 that says  “Disc Jockeys” on their parking spaces.  I’ll bet husband Dr. David could use a hot meal at lunch or near end of day, just saying… (he’s a vegetarian but cheese is ok.)  I’m sure he’d appreciate a quick drop off while he’s busy getting the new office ready for clients.  Prayers for both of them!

On voting

Despite what goes into the ballot box, we vote vibrationally in every moment by where we choose to place our attention, and how we feel as our attention is placed there. It’s that simple. Someone in office pisses you off? Keep talking about it and you’re empowering the status quo. And it doesn’t matter if you believe it or not, kinda like gravity.

Things come to you via your vibration and remain only by your atttention to them

Type the word “vibrational” into the Search box for this blog to find related posts.

The home fitness room expands…

My friend Wally just dropped off to me several dumbbells he wasn’t using, as well as a Reebok 4 lb medicine ball and The Sculpting Stick which is a really cool gadget.  I’m having fun devising a workout routine I can do here at home in the wee hours.   I’ve been talking with noted personal trainer Cindy Ruccolo and she’s given me tips as far as targeting particular areas (see her video at her site).  On a related note, here are’s Top 10 Most Effective Ab Exercises and a 10 minute a day workout plan from Tony Horton on Dr. Oz

Glad I dressed for the gym because it got me there
The home fitness room expands
I’m lighter, healthier and more fit at the end of the year than when it began
Working out as soon as I wake up works best for me
I join Planet Fitness the day before Thanksgiving
Hereinafter “Ab Day” will be Core Strengthening Day instead

Oh my, nice way to start the new year

Domino is a retired therapist, and her husband is out of the country. He’s mad today because she just told him she spent new year’s eve getting buzzed with a new friend and watching with him the porn video he and his wife did 20 years ago. Happy new year!

Buckle up and don’t drive drunk tonight

Hey, go out and party like a rock star, but drive home like a parent or a child, or a sibling or a spouse. Be safe. Crash at a friend’s if you have to. Don’t let friends walk out the door drunk with car keys. I’d rather you call me to come get you drunk in the middle of the night than have to go identify your body.

I’m all ready for New Year’s Eve

Fresh berry parfait

We’re anticipating a big blow out here in Andrealand tonight. I just got back from the market where I bought fresh strawberries, seedless white grapes, bananas, raspberries, vanilla greek yogurt  and a box of Nonni limone biscotti. I’m going to make little parfaits of sliced fruit layered with the yogurt and berries to snack on.  I also bought sugar snap peas and cherry tomatoes which I’ll add to a light soup of chicken broth flavored with lemon grass and ginger, maybe one goat pepper chili, some star anise maybe add a few shrimp or piece of tilapia.  Light eating today!  I’m ending the year 11 pounds lighter than I began it.

Should I say something?

You know those moments when you think about whether or not you should say something? Here are 5 rules you can follow.
1.  Is it true?
2.  Is it kind?
3.  Does it need to be said?
4. Does it need to be said by me?
5. Does it need to be said by me now?