Author Archives: Andrea

Be present with where you are

Be present with where you are. Where you are has its own dynamic quality. Stay with the truth of where you are. Trust the process even if you don’t understand it. We are called to initiation. We are always at choice. A component of initiation is that its something we can meet. We do have what it takes to journey and go forward.  If you find yourself here, you have been called to initiation.   Karen Malik

Mother Teresa knew what her path was

Mother Teresa

When someone asked Mother Teresa why she worked with a segment of society that was so sick and poor and hopeless, how could she hope to make a difference? She said whether it did any good or not was not her concern.   She just knew that it was her path to give care and comfort and offer hope, thus she had to try nonetheless.

Back to life as usual, minus the anxiety

I wrote the other day that The stress is easing up so I stopped taking the .25 Xanax that had been prescribed.  It did take away my anxiety and did allow me to sleep a few nights longer than I normally would have.  I feel restored by sleep.  It took me two days to stop yawning.   I won’t take it on a regular basis to help me sleep because I don’t like the dumbing down effect, plus it takes away the spidey sense.  The dumbed down Andrea also sucked at filing, returning calls and opening mail.  But for anxiety, xanax is a killer.

.25 Xanax (Alprazolam) update
I get relief from my acute anxiety
The daily supplements I take
L-theanine Unique Anxiety Relief
Holy Basil Extract for stress reduction and depression

I love when friends help me see my stuff so I can work on it

Laughing at myself

I got a little irked recently.  I spoke with a friend last week about a situation and they made a comment about a red flag.  Hours afterward, I emailed to explain I was not blind to what they see as a red flag, and I explained why.  It was something I struggled putting into writing since it was a private matter.  I felt it was an important foundation for them to know about me.  I wrestled with myself whether I should send it or not and finally did.  Then I let them know I’d sent it and that it was of a sensitive and important nature — to me.  A week later they’re just opening it.  I love it when my feelings get hurt over stupid stuff like this because it shows me how attached I can get to nonsense that doesn’t really matter in the long run.  I love it when friends take something I hold dear and treat it like debris because it reminds me of the impermanence of everything. I’m serious.  If  I can’t laugh at it, I haven’t learned from it yet.   ”sall good.

The Stress is Easing Up —

An update with the .25mg xanax I’ve been taking for anxiety this week. I take less than 1.25mg every other day.  The moth at my front door the past 10 days is a brilliant iridescent glowing green, gold and amber. With the xanax, it’s a plain brown moth. This is the kind of dumbing down of the senses I don’t like about prescription meds.  Don’t get me wrong, it kicks the temporary anxiety, but I don’t want to live in a world this small and dull all the time. Continue reading

One purpose of a spiritual practice is to excavate your false gods

A spiritual life is not about finding ways to feel good.  It’s not about how to get guidance on how to stay safe in this world.  A spiritual life means that you excavate your false gods, fears, and illusions that hold you prisoner in this world.  You face these false powers and free yourself from them.  Facing personal myths and purging yourself of addictions or manipulative habits require strength, courage, humility, faith  and other qualities of a soul with stamina, because you are not just changing yourself, you’re changing the Universe.  Your soul is a compass.  Change one coordinate in your spiritual compass and you change your entire life’s direction.    Caroline Myss

You have to expect it

God can speak to you from anywhere or anything, in any way, if you expect him to and if look in everything, even perceptions of evil.  We deceive ourselves and rob ourselves of heaven on earth if we aren’t pretty much constantly looking for the good and the magic and the unifying.  For real.  You think my life is easy because I’m lucky? No I just expect that whatever’s going on, I can find my way.

Uncle could use some prayers after full moon stent surgery

Synchronicity! I couldn’t stand it any longer and called my bratty Cousin to see how Uncle is doing after his stent surgery. They were rolling him into the room right as I called.  Perfect that it is heart chakra time 3:43 (4th chakra, 3 above, 3 below) — there are no accidents!  Earlier today, I posted on Facebook  “Shouting out for some prayers for Uncle Jimmy, having another stent put in today, after two last month.  If you grew up smoking, eating bacon and fried chicken — please — for your loved ones, cut that sh*t out. Really. They are cutting open someone I love today because we did not know then what we know now.  Please.” Continue reading