Author Archives: Andrea

Become the Light

No mirror ever became iron again; No bread ever became wheat; No ripened grape ever became sour fruit. Mature yourself and be secure from a change for the worse. Become the light. Rumi

Flux is a natural state. Everything changes.

Flux, a noun — The natural state. Our moods change. Our lives change. Our feelings for each other change. Our bearings change. The song changes. The air changes. The temperature of the shower changes. Accept this. We must accept this.

2,000-10,000 IU Daily of Vitamin D3 Reduces Risk of Common Health Concerns

Vitamin D3 deficiency has been implicated in low mood, psychiatric and neurologic disorder.  Vitamin D3 improves cognition and immune health, bone health and the health of the musculoskeletal system. Vitamin D3 deficiency is associated with an increased risk of developing high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, age-related macular degeneration, some cancers, rheumatoid arthritis, musculoskeletal disorders and  chronic low back pain. Patients with low back pain had significantly lower Vitamin D3 levels.   Vitamin D3 deficiency precipitates and exacerbates bone disease and muscle weakness.

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Are you stopping your flow of good by being ticked?

If you’re in business and not making any money and jealous of a competitor who is — you’re stopping your flow of income by being jealous and ticked and feeling there is any competition. In fact, if you are ticked at anything, you’re putting a kink in your hose and stopping the flow of good into your life. Yep, just you. You’re that powerful.

Holy Basil Extract, a natural aid for stress, insomnia and depression

According to a study, 500 mg of holy basil capsules taken two times a day after meals can significantly lower the intensity of generalized anxiety disorder. Some animal studies have also indicated that holy basil extracts have the ability to attenuate depression and anxiety in laboratory animals. Managing anxiety and depression may, in turn, help treat insomnia. Continue reading

L-theanine as a unique anxiety reliever

Human studies have shown that taking L-Theanine results in the emission of brain waves associated with relaxation.  L-theanine’s effect on the brain can be seen on an EEG. Brain waves are actually smoothed out—but not flattened out—by supplemental L-theanine. The body is relaxed, the mind is calmed, but no drowsiness occurs.  This is exactly the type of relaxation prescribed by sleep therapists.  If theanine is present in the body at the time stroke occurs, the damaged area will be significantly reduced. Theanine is a powerful antidote to the effects of alcohol. Continue reading

Why are so many hating on Whitney Houston?

Writer Bernadette Carter-King

Bernadette Carter-King writes:  “Did it ever occur to anyone that Whitney Houston’s sacred contract was to come here, live a fairy tale, fall from grace and ultimately suffer a tragic ending?  How many did she inspire both when she was on top and at rock bottom?  Is it at all possible that her path was indeed a noble one? Perhaps she lived such a public and tumultuous life so she could learn extremely hard lessons and ascend faster?  Is it possible that she’s a master who agreed to create the energy she did (both positive and negative) so that, literally, millions of others could learn? How many of the rest of us would put ourselves out there like that?

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I got blessed by an angel today

A surprise angel today

I was in WalMart this morning when I encountered an angel in the checkout line ahead of me.  She appeared my age and was in one of those electric shopping carts.  I could tell by her size and body  movements that she had a condition that limited her mobility.  She was using WIC for her food items and also buying bleach, roach killer and insect bombs.  She appeared tired and older than her age.  As her grocery total grew, she had the cashier suddenly stop.  She had several essential food items not yet paid for.  I quickly saw the dilemma, her WIC paid for food but she right now needed some pest control, paid for out of her own money.  Which it was evident she did not have much of.  I told her it would be my honor to pay the $4.90 for her additional items.  She was surprised and grateful and said a little prayer for me. She reached into her wallet to pay the cashier and she’s $5.75 short.  That’s my house number, so I knew it was a signal.  “If I may,” I said as I handed the cashier $6.  “Yay, I get an extra blessing today.”

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Sheldon, Amy, don’t think you’re fooling Mom

[Amy and Sheldon are speaking to Amy’s mother (in somewhat robotic voices) over a video computer connection on a laptop]
Mrs. Fowler: It’s nice to meet you too, Sheldon. I honestly didn’t believe Amy when she told me she had a boyfriend.
Sheldon Cooper: I assure you I am quite real. And I’m having regular intercourse with your daughter.
Mrs. Fowler: [in a surprised tone] What?
Sheldon Cooper: Oh, yes. We’re like wild animals in heat. It’s a wonder that neither of us has been hurt.
Mrs. Fowler: [scared] Amy, what is he saying? Continue reading

Speak a new language so that the world will be a new world

“Is it your face that adorns this garden? Is it your fragrance that intoxicates this garden? Is it your Spirit that has made this brook a river of wine? Hundreds have looked for You, and died searching in this garden, where You hide behind the scenes. But this pain is not for those who come as lovers. You are easy to find here. You are in the breeze and in this river of wine.”

“Speak a new language so that the world will be a new world.” Rumi