Author Archives: Andrea

Friends on the Path who are fun to be around

Friends on the Path

Say what you want about romantic and sexual love, but sometimes there’s nothing better than a friend on the Path to share space and time with.  It doesn’t even have to be someone who believes all the same things I do, we don’t have to have the same philosophy or theology although it’s cool when that happens.  I’m someone who likes to spend inordinate amounts of time alone.  I’m very selective about who I spend time with because I’m busy with lots of fulfilling projects and always have something I am waiting to do.  Other people don’t always figure into the equation. So it’s beyond cool when I find a friend on the Path who figures so easily into the equation.

I’m my own harshest taskmaster

I’m noticing a lot of things lately that I do the hard way.  I do it that way because I’m used to it and haven’t taken time to give thought as to what I’m doing and why I’m doing it.  Sometimes a little thought time is all it takes to have a revelation that makes my whole life easier and more fun.  Like I wrote at I am kinking my own hose, I’m my own harshest taskmaster.  However, I’m always in the process of lightening up, once it’s been pointed out to me. Continue reading

I kink my own hose by carrying a too heavy load

Each evening around an hour before sunset, I go into my yard to hand water the plants.  I keep 3 hoses hooked together and it reaches all the way around the house. Lately the hose keeps getting kinked and the nightly ritual has now become me hauling big lengths of hose around and Jeremy walking behind, untangling and unkinking the hose.  The first time it happened, he asked, “you’ve got three outside spigots with hoses, why use one?”  I told him it was so I can water everything with one hose.  He remarked that I was causing more hassle for myself by being locked into my perception of what I wanted and why I wanted it.  That’s why I keep him around: he’s such a mirror.  He throws my words back at me.  I’m used to throwing, but not so used to catching.  I have a lot to learn. Continue reading

A person seeking higher consciousness is, in effect, and with intensity, seeking the transformation of his own ego. He is seeking to end the tyranny of the ego and abide in his true nature.

Life is too short to stay with anyone who doesn’t absolutely cherish you and treat you like a goddess

When we become a person we can cherish and treat like a goddess, then pretty much everyone else starts slipping away. Of course you hafta be careful who you allow into your personal space, your home, your car, your body, your mind. if it’s filled with minutae, drama and the wrong people, well, there’s no room (or consciousness, or vibrational match) for the right one.

Allow The Beloved to be seen

“Eat the divine, drink the divine, cover yourself with the divine, wear the divine, wake up in the divine, sleep in the divine – live the divine! Too many prayers have been said, too much worship done – offerings, fire rituals, oblations, so many of them have been made and nothing has been accomplished. Live! Food is God. Taste him. In eating too, remember – it is he. Talking to someone, remember – it is he. Slowly slowly the recognition will become constant. Slowly, slowly your life will be overwhelmed by his beauty: the beloved will be seen.” ~OSHO

“Where is this “we” and this “I”?  By the side of the Beloved. You made this “we” and this “I” in order that you might play this game of courtship with Yourself, and finally drown in the Beloved.” ~Rumi

The general theme of Rumi’s thought, like that of other mystic and Sufi poets of Persian literature, is essentially the yearning for union with his beloved (God) from which/whom he has been cut off and become aloof — and his longing and desire to restore it.  Rumi believed passionately in the use of music, poetry and dance as a path for reaching God.  For Rumi, music helped devotees to focus their whole being on the divine and to do this so intensely that the soul was both destroyed and resurrected.

Same Situation, Two Different Responses = Two Different Outcomes


I worked as a criminal defense paralegal for 22 years, and am glad to help friends maneuver through the judicial system.  The past few months I’ve been juggling two friends, their appointments for probation intake, law enforcement interviews and counseling evaluations.  It’s the first time for both of them.  They were convicted of similar offenses, received similar sentences and have completely opposite attitudes.  Observing them act and react in their new situations has been an interesting display of law of attraction at work.

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I forget I have a choice and allow myself to get frazzled

My remedy when I’m feeling overwhelmed by people or sounds and other external stimuli is to get alone in the silence and dim light and do some quiet yoga and meditate, allow my feathers several hours to settle back down around me.  Or I’ll go outside for my evening routine of hand watering the plants and listening to the sounds of the birds and the crickets,  the wind in the tree tops, watching the squirrels knock pinecones onto the ground, watching the sundown critter walk across the back path, the racoons, armadillos and opossums. That routine is my remedy for coming back to center each evening.  This remedy is like any other: it works when I work it. Continue reading

Danielle Rose’s Litany of Humility and more

I love Danielle Rose, especially her Litany of Humility you can listen here on YouTube.  She released several albums then entered convent life in 2007.  Her message today is, “God is pursuing every soul, in every moment—in every vocation.” While Danielle knows that no one can be certain of the future, she trusts God, and says, “I will allow God to lead me in the dance of His will, one step at a time.”  Read the lyrics below and be inspired.  I was. Continue reading