Author Archives: Andrea

Insights after the movie Jolene: knowing when to leave someone so they can become a better person than they could have been with you in it

Jolene Jessica ChastainIt was a long day so I went to bed at 8pm and woke up at 1am. There was a movie on showtime called Jolene about “an orphan who makes her way in the world.” I almost didn’t even look at it since I thought they meant a kid orphan, but no it was a young woman, a sweet and beautiful curly redhead. It ended up being an excellent movie and very synchronisitic. She’d been left to her own devices growing up and was in and out of juvenile detention and then a couple of young marriages. Continue reading

What is your favorite kinnikinnick recipe?

What is your favorite kinnikinnick recipe?  I’ve used this during sacred new moon and full moon ceremonies, as well as on Solstice and Equinox.  I like to add mullein, sassafrass, clove and no more than 1/10 part tobacco to crushed seeds of fennel and cardamon, calamus root, myrhh powder. This makes for a light smoking mixture.  Mullein is an expectorant, as is calamus, as is fennel, and all three aid the lungs in expelling mucous  by allowing it to be coughed up.  If I’m going to be smoking, I want it to be a healthy blend that is a balm for my lungs.  Do not wrap it into a cigarette, use it as loose tobacco, either in a ceremonial pipe or waved onto you while burning on a charcoal.   Here is what Michigan herbalist Jim McDonald has to say: Continue reading

A regular breathing practice is important

Less than 20% of our thoughts are conscious while 80+% are unconscious. One way to quickly bring unconscious thoughts up is by controlled breathing. As you breathe, thoughts come up to be dealt with and you stay with them until they are dissolved and evaporated. Our ability to self-regulate mental and emotional states and flexibly respond to everything around us is controlled by our breathing. We inhibit our breathing as a defense against being fully aware of adverse experiences. We hold our breath as a way of coping with feelings. This leads to a lack of integration of these experiences. Conscious breathing brings these experiences to the surface to allow them to be integrated. You relive the thought, this time breathing through it. Breathing through it allow emotions to change about it. Sustained, focused exploration of body sensations and breathing rhythm leads to a state of expanded consciousness.

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Ma Yogashakti Weekend Retreat June 1-3, 2012

Ma Yoga Shakti, our Mataji

Mataji, Ma Yogashakti, is now in Palm Bay and will conduct  a Retreat from  Friday June 1st through Sunday June 3rd.    She will leave Palm Bay on June 9th.  This will be her last visit. Please pre-register.  All programs will take place at the Yogashakti Mission in Palm Bay, 3895 Hield Rd NW, Palm Bay, FL 32907. Call 321-725 4024 and visit  Come bask in the presence of this holy teacher, whom we are blessed to have among us in the flesh.  I hope to see you there.

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American Weed

I just discovered NatGeo Ch. 45 series American Weed about the medical marijuana dispensaries in Fort Collins, CO. It follows a family of 5 brothers who have a growing and dispensary business and they talk a lot about how tightly the operation is regulated. Then there’s the former mayor who’s actively trying to close all the dispensaries “so the town doesn’t go to pot.” He goes on local radio giving false statistics about crime because he doesn’t understand the laws and regulations and real benefit of it. I agree probably a ton of people get on it for recreation, but go for tighter regulation to see who it’s prescribed for, rather than deny convenience to it for the terminal and seriously ill who depend on it now that pills have ruined their livers, etc.  I wrote about it here  On Legalizing Marijuana Wanting repeal of prohibition isn’t just about getting high.  Cannabis is a natural medical treatment.  Many friends suffering from chronic pain, from cancer, MS, rheumatoid arthritis and mood swings of bi-polar could not tolerate mainstream medications.  Marijuana helped them to manage their symptoms and to ease the anxiety of having a terminal condition. It is a miracle plant put here by a loving Creator, for a reason.  Continue reading

Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies

THE HUMAN DNA IS A BIOLOGICAL INTERNET and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more. In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes. Continue reading

I’m motivated when those around me are motivated

There are a lot of new projects going on since a friend is helping out.  He organized and rearranged the kitchen and cabinets, pantry and laundry area.  Immediate upgrade! He spent hours fixing the garage door that had stopped working, and another many hours fixing the front window that I’d managed to yank some part out of its housing.  He turned the back porch into a man cave and fixed all the bent aluminum from when the oak tree came down on the porch roof during Hurricane Jeanne in 2004.  He replaced the door handle so it now works and locks. He’s certainly upgraded my life, and not just by being Mr. Fix It, although that’s an unexpected plus. Continue reading

How one solitary monk adapts to having a roommate

I’m suddenly sharing space after 15 years of relative monkdom and functional solitude.  It’s been easier than I thought it’d be, although it has thrown my working/sleeping schedule waaay off.  And accelerated my candy consumption for the first month. This has been most helpful since it points out to me patterns of behavior I was unaware I had.  Such as: I know I need quiet time to write.  What I did not know was that I keep a running total in my head of how much quiet and rest I am getting in order to stay energetically recouped.  My keeping track keeps me uptight about it.  I also notice I do things like announcing I don’t want to dialogue while I’m giving thought time to something.  Then if I allow myself to be distracted, I begin the clock (the countdown to sleep) all over again.  Meaning that all the quiet and rest time I’ve intermittedly had is now erased and I have to start over.  Nice mind trick, huh, when I’m trying to wind down and relax?  I do it all the time.  The result is I feel I don’t get much solitude time.  However, I’ve learned I simply need to change my perception that I need anything to be other than it is in order to accomodate me.  Train myself to find the rest and quiet within the chaos that is the world.  Also change my perception of how much sleep I need and how much rest I’m actually getting.

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What happens when Domino gets flustered

My friend Domino has minor brain damage from an old head injury.  It’s only when he’s stressed or tired that he notices it.  His damage was to the frontal lobe and left temporal lobe.  The result is mostly that there’s a time delay between info input and info processing.  How he describes it is like with schedules and calendars and directions and maps, he’s very visual.  If you write it down for him, he understands it immediately.  If you tell him, he has to translate it into written form before he can identify it, meaning, he has to write it down before he even grok what you’re saying.  If I mention a new place to meet, he can be thrown into a frenzy until he Googles the address and sees the map and gets a feel for the location before considering whether that’s a viable place to meet.  Just the mention of a new name or location when he’s stressed or needs sleep can befuddle him.   Knowing this ahead of time makes me more careful with him.  But I can still catch him on the rare day and forget and start calling out directions and landmarks to him on the phone and then not be surprised when he just hangs up on me due to the overload.   I’ll learn.

Spidey sense is back

It’s baaaaack!

I’m glad to see the spidey sense is back and operational after the xanax I’d taken for anxiety in February had dumbed down the intuition to almost non existent.  Last night, I intuited a particular person would make a first time visit this morning and they did.  Last week, I intuited a friend would have an early morning visitor and I called to let him know just as she was knocking on his door.  Life is sure easier this way.