Author Archives: Andrea

Never doubt that things are in the works in spite of seeing no evidence of it yet

I’ve been watering the line of turk’s cap and arbicola cuttings along the north property line since 2008, each about 12″ tall.  Until even last year, 2011, they seemed to be inching along.  They clearly didn’t get enough water and it is on a piece of the property I don’t spend much time in.  Last year I began noticing areas of my life I’d left somewhat forgotten and under nourished and I began actively working on those as diligently as I began watering the line of aren’t-they-ever-going-to-grow turk’s cap and arbicola.  Last sunset, a friend and I ventured into that space and I was thrilled to see that all of the plants had shot up 3 to 5 feet tall, with sturdy trunks and lush leafage.    It was a surprising difference.  For four years, there appeared to be so little growth, yet all the while the magic was taking place below, out of sight, in the unseen world where manifestations first unfold.  The fifth year, the big showing came all at once.   Domino remarked last evening that he felt very stuck to the ground, very rooted, very absorbed into the ground and a part of it.  As I watered the bushes today, I thought how he was like the turk’s cap and arbicola; so much happening behind the scenes yet so little making itself visible to him.   It’s easy to doubt something you don’t yet see evidence of.   Continue reading

I learn so much about myself through interaction with others

Something clicked for me today. Recently I had a reading with a young and pregnant mother mother of two.  Domino has a lot of anxiety and, being pregnant, she doesn’t want to medicate for it.  She uses the tv to keep her young ones occupied during the day, her husband watches it in the evening,  and in fact the tv is on around the clock.   When we last spoke, she was having trouble sleeping, so I let her know one secret to rest is staying in bed with eyes closed and no external stimulation.   That means Turn Off The TV, Turn Off The Lights.   She found that helpful on the rare occasion she made time to do it.   Continue reading

When you decide enough is enough and give notice at the wrong job, you make room for the right job to find you

When I’m not glued to Facebook, that means I’m away from the computer having real life adventures. This past week has been a week of synchronicities and adventures being in the vortex.  My friend Domino had an upcoming expense and I asked a friend if she had a few day’s work for him and we were stoked that she did. Domino has been looking for a job for several months.  He was grateful for the work he was given, and it served to provide him with enough contrast that he was able to get clear on what it was he wanted as far as long term employment.  We often talk about what he’s looking for as far as work and he didn’t always have strong opinions.  However, nine hours after working in a hot, stuffy, crowded area he came home with blisters on both hands and degenerative discs barking.   Continue reading

Don’t let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy

From 1992 to 1996 I was married to Lee.  Lee was a troubled soul.  In the 80’s, he’d served 6 years on a Texas prison for an alcohol-related incident in which his wife died.  I met Lee when he paroled to Florida to live with his father.  A DUI charge bought him into the law office where I worked and we immediately hit it off.  Lee’s downfall was that he drowned himself daily in the self talk of his own mental anguish. Continue reading

A funny fondest memory

I spoke to a many-lifetimes-together soulmate friend the other day and we were talking about the good old days.  He told me one of his fondest memories was of me putting him in his place when he kept hitting on me during meditation sessions.  “You really got mad – that is not what this is about,” he mocked.  I’d told him he would have a shakti reaction, that the breath work we were doing together would activate his kundalini and transference would happen, and not to take it personally.  It would fade with time and pass soon enough, to just keep doing the work.  He laughed, recalling how serious I was.  Fondest memory, indeed.  Brat.

RELATED:  Kundalini Management 101 or how to regulate your shakti when undergoing a personal transformation

I spend Monday morning at our local county offices

A friend asked me last week if I was drawing my late husband’s Social Security and I did not even know I was entitled to do something like that at age 60.   I went to the website and read what they said about widow’s benefits.  The first thing on my To do list for today was to go to the local clerk of the court’s office and obtain a certified copy of his 1996 death certificate and take it to the Social Security office to see if I was entitled to anything. Continue reading

Sunday, funday, more uncluttering and space clearing

This morning I awoke early and well rested after yesterday’s uncluttering.  I began in the garage, first driving my Prius out onto the driveway so I had an empty space as a staging area.  I first moved my trusty sawhorses into place and made a table by setting on top of them two 1″ x 8″ shelves about 8 feet long.  I began pulling  items down that were not where they belonged.  I made a few stacks of that:  string, wire, rope, that would all be placed together somewhere.  Duct tape, masking tape, painter’s tape would all go together.  Painting supplies by themselves and wood carving supplies on their own.  Bicycle maintenance gear will have its own shelf near the compressors.   I set my little Ryobi air compressor to charge and swept a clean space on the floor for the heavier electric compressor.  I’d set my portable drill to charge the day before, so it was good to go.    Continue reading

The joy and the yoga of cohabitation

I wrote a few months ago that I’d acquired a roommate after more than a dozen years of self imposed solitary living.  It’s both a joy and a yoga having someone around all the time.  It helps that he’s a best friend and adventure partner as well, and we share many of the same interests.  I have odd sleeping and eating patterns, so we often sleep at different times and rarely eat the same meal at the same time.  Except late night popcorn!  I am used to having giant spans of hours and days not having to speak to anyone, living in my silent world, tv usually muted but on since I use it as caller id.  I’ve noticed myself gravitating to more tv now, with the sound on, since there are a few shows we watch together.  That can quickly turn into sitting in front of the tv during times I formerly spent watering the plants, doing yoga in the garden, working on home or yard projects, going to the gym, sleeping, and having phone sessions all through the night. Continue reading

I light incense several times a day, to trigger my mind into conscious awareness of the Now

Mmmm Blue Pearl stick incense, frankincense.  I’ve just recently rediscovered that one.  I light incense several times a day, to trigger my mind into conscious awareness of the Now moment.  In the Now moment, all is well in my world, all are happy and peaceful, we have plenty.  I have no complaint whatsoever.  What is happening in your Now moment?