Author Archives: Andrea

What would you do?

A year ago, Domino began taking medication after a friend witnessed her having a seizure on 3 separate occasions. Medication makes her too drowsy to drive. She is afraid she’ll have a seizure if she drives without it. Now her doctor has forbidden her to drive for 6 months. That leaves her with needing to get a ride to work and back. She is looking for another job and she needs to find another place to live as well. She feels vulnerable and backed into a corner. What would you suggest she do?

Real Housewives – Insecure Mean Girls Who Never Grew Up

I watched part of The Real Housewives of New York last night.  I’d watched the first season or so but after that each episode dissolved into jealous envy and backbiting.  It’s never fun for me to watch people arguing and trying to one-up each other.  Of the NY show, Ramona seems to be the one who demands the most air time, so she’s always stirring up arguments with gossip.  Lately she’s really got it out for Luann, pitting her against several of the others.  Last night Ramona was in her glory as LuAnn brought Johnny Depp look alike Tomas to her room at 3am.   Continue reading

The problem with listening to music thru headphones is I get it nice and loud and really get into it and it’s too easy to forget I’m singing and dancing to something no one else can hear. Wait, that’s my life…

Jeffrey Austin Smith’s interview with Larry Dossey, MD, author of the book “Healing Words”

Jeffrey Austin Smith

My friend Jeffrey Smith is doing research for a book which involves the subject of prayer and how to use it. After seeing Dr Dossey on Oprah “Super Sunday”, Jeffrey contacted him about his book “Healing Words” and this is what he emailed  back.

An interview with Larry Dossey, MD

Dr. Dossey, what is spirituality?

Dr. Larry Dossey

For me, it’s simply a sense of connectedness with a higher power — a reality beyond the self or ego.  People have different terms for this, such as God, Goddess, Allah, the Tao, Universe, and so on. I favor “The Absolute,” because this term is refreshingly free from any particular religious connotation.  Spirituality is not the same as religion, which involves specific behaviors, rituals, and beliefs, usually among a community of like-minded believers.  People can be spiritual without being religious, and vice versa, or they can be both or neither.

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Please count the number of electrical outlets you are using in the room you are in right now. Now use that as a metaphor for how you’ve been using your own energy and you wonder why  you’re exhausted… Ok, as you were.

Joe Rogan & Bryan Callen on Haters and Inspiration

Great inspiration!  Partial transcript of Joe Rogan & Bryan Callen on Haters and Inspiration at

“The beautiful thing about technology is you can spend your time listening to music and reading about what Lady Gaga wore to the gym, or you can open your mind to a whole world out there.  See someone doing something well and be inspired by them. It’s supposed to inspire you. If you open yourself up to something beautiful and great and let that really be effective, be astonished by it, be scared by it, whatever it takes, you will find way more strength in that surrender to The Beautiful than you will when you close yourself off.  All of us, all of us  have this notion to go “F**k this, I’m closing myself off from this…  In order to be a real man or a real woman, you have to earn the whole thing.  And the crazy thing is that, to be The Man, to get to that point, to BE The Man, you have to literally never NOT EVEN POSSIBLY be the man because you have to get to the zen state of “there is no The Man,” it’s all about the work, what genius you’re putting out, whether it’s music, whether it’s writing, whatever it is, it’s about finding that Real, Pure Place so there is NEVER The Man.  That’s when the muse kicks in, the idea of this all comes from Somewhere else, it’s like maybe it is just an attitude that allows you to bypass the ego. “

Does Domino have enough plywood?


Domino says to me, “I wonder if I have enough plywood to board up the windows if we get a hurricane this year.”  I love tasks like this: helping someone make use of what they have.  You can help me figure it out.

The windows measure:
48 x 48 front bedroom
48 x 48 back bedroom
36 x 36 kitchen window
24 x 60 east of chimney
24 x 60 west of chimney
72 x 78 sliding glass doors Continue reading

The Enneagram – I’m a 7, he’s a 4

What type are you?  The Enneagram is a personality typing system that helps us discover our habitual ways of being. Learning what “type” I was brought to light many underlying fixations I was ready to be free of and helped me understand how to get along with friends better.  

The Enneagram is mainly a diagnostic tool of one’s emotional outlook on life. It is also useful as a guide to how other people see the world differently.  There are a number of tests, including these 2 eclectic enneagram tests, the Enneagram Institute test, the Helen Palmer work, and the 9 Types.  The best way to determine your location on the Enneagram spectrum is to understand the system, and understand yourself. The tests will take you only a small part of the way toward that goal.  

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Stop placing labels on it: For unions to work, both parties must be nurtured by it.

I believe people can stay friends after breakups.  Just because you love each other doesn’t mean you have to be together.  Just because you’ve lost the lust for a mate, doesn’t mean you can’t stay happily together.  Just because you argue doesn’t mean you have to split up.  Just because you split up and separate doesn’t mean you have to divorce.  Just because you divorce doesn’t mean you can’t still hang out together for mutual interests.  If each one follows their heart, they may indeed part ways but still everyone wins and you can have the best of all worlds when you understand that.  The person I care the most about in the world is an ex boyfriend who’s married to a friend of mine.  She’s is the perfect mate for him and he adores her and goes out of his way to do for her.  He’s a do-er, constantly coming up with something to delight her.  He and I talk on the phone every few weeks and that fulfills something deep within me that no one else fills.  Do we want to be together now?  I believe his response to that jokingly posed query years ago was “There’s not enough therapy in the world for that to happen.” Which proves my point. Continue reading

Dear God, something beyond my current understanding is before me, the understanding of which would change EVERYTHING. Please Show me the Way

Beverly Marie Gelb-Ceroy

“I believe that when we set foot on the PATH, people, thoughts and things drop away from us as they no longer FIT who we are becoming. Like losing a great deal of weight, you have to release your old wardrope, some of which you may still love but it just doesn’t fit any longer. I also believe that allowing ourself to be Guided is part of the process and this is where it gets tricky.  We’ve never really Allowed this fully before.  When I don’t know what to do, I say this prayer from Neale Donald Walsch:  “Dear God, something beyond my current understanding is before me, the understanding of which would change EVERYTHING.  Please Show me the Way.” Then I go about my days…..until I AM shown my next step. The Buddah says: ” when in doubt do nothing.” Allow the next step REVEAL itself to you.” Beverly Marie Gelb-Ceroy

The above was in response to:  What about vows when life choices and intentions change?