Author Archives: Andrea

Domino asks how to get over a broken heart

Domino writes: “Once again I thought I found the man of my dreams.  Without warning, last month he said we were over.   True, we’re not very compatible but we had fun so my heart hurts from missing him.  We work together and are in the same social circles, so I see him almost every day.  How do I remove the hurt from my heart?  I feel like maybe I should change jobs and go to different churches and restaurants so I won’t see him anymore.  How do I stop the pain?

Andrea responded, “Those you attract to you are a manifestation of your vibration, every time.  They come as evidence of what you’re doing vibrationally, every time. They came because you summoned them with your practiced vibration.”   If you are with your partner as evidence of what you’ve been habitually doing vibrationally, it stands to reason that if you’d like a change, you’ll begin doing things to vibrate in a different place yourself. That can be as simple as focusing on new topics, focusing on new people, focusing on new places.

When parting from any kind of relationship, while it’s freeing to be able to say what you feel and have it all out in the open, there’s no need to go back and rehash “but you said this,” or “you promised that.”  All that becomes irrelevant in the moment that either thinks, “This is no longer my destination.”  Continuing beyond that point is a disservice to both parties.  Now it’s time to move on to better feeling thoughts.  Continue reading

Envy: Blowing out the other’s candles will not make yours brighter.

Why do specific people come to us?

At the beginning in the audiofile on YouTube for Abraham Hicks – Why do relationships leave us? she answers the more important question: Why do specific people come to us? “They are a manifestation of your vibration, every time. So they come as evidence of what you’re doing vibrationally, every time. They came because I summoned them with my practiced vibration.”   If you are with your partner as evidence of what you’ve been habitually doing vibrationally, it stands to reason that if you’d like a change, you’ll begin doing things to vibrate in a different place yourself. That can be as simple as focusing on new topics, focusing on new people, focusing on new places.

No constant rehash, please

When parting from any kind of relationship, while it’s freeing to be able to say what you feel and have it all out in the open, there’s no need to go back and rehash “but you said this,” or “you promised that.”  All that becomes irrelevant in the moment that either thinks, “This is no longer my destination.”  Continuing beyond that point is a disservice to both parties.  Now it’s time to move on to the better feeling thought.   Personally, I never long to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with me.

Voting: We Vote Vibrationally With Every Thought and Action

Ah, election year.  No matter who you cast your ballot for, know that you vote vibrationally with every thought you think.    Things come to you via your vibration and remain only by your attention to them.  You vote everyday.  You vote with your time, your energy and your money everyday. When you watch a television show, you are casting your vote. When you are listening to a song on the radio, you are casting your vote. We vote vibrationally in every moment by where we choose to place our attention, and how we feel as our attention is placed there. It’s that simple. Is someone in office pissing you off?  Keep talking about it and you’re empowering the status quo.  And it doesn’t matter if you believe it or not, kinda like gravity.

RELATED:  Law of Attraction works even when you think the “wrong” thoughts 
Type the word “vibrational” into the Search box for this blog to find related posts.
Things come to you via your vibration and remain only by your attention to them 


Appleseed presents Sept 14, 2012 Free Community Event

This Friday Sept 14 from 4- 8pm, Appleseed is hosting their fall Community Health Fair featuring local artists, farmers, performers and health services. Local music featured will include Appleseed’s Kurt and Rene. Clothing and artwork will be on display from local artists including Diva Dyes (Suzanne Richmond) and Lesley Brindley.  Health related services will also be featured, including massage from MaChona Green.  Some vendors will also be providing demonstrations and free samples.  Come on out to support community and be entertained and nourished!

Anyone wishing to participate can call or visit Appleseed Health Foods located at 1007 Pathfinder Way Rockledge 32955, call 321-631-1444. I hope to see you there. Andrea will be available for mini readings.

Abraham-Hicks on the events of 9-11-01

Esther: Abraham, today our office has been flooded with requests that we post a message from you on our web site regarding the vengeful 9/11/01 events. Would you give us those words?

Abraham: We are happy to offer our words. We hold no greater intent than to soothe our dear physical friends back into their connection with Source Energy. There has never been a greater opportunity or a greater reason for those who have been studying the Art of Allowing than in this powerfully focused time.

Most will feel the impact of today’s events because the events themselves will control their thoughts. Remember, the terrible feeling in the pit of your stomach is the result of your disconnection from your Energy Source, and while you cannot control the actions of those who hijack your airplanes and fly them into your buildings — you do have control over the valve which allows or disallows the Source of Energy into your being. Whenever you experience powerful negative emotion, your awareness of the relief from it is equally evident. And so, to really understand what true Allowing of Source Energy is, try to turn your thoughts, for a few minutes, to the details of your own life’s activities — and experience the relief that will occur. And then stop and say to yourself, “This is good. I have allowed my Connection, for a moment, here.”  Continue reading

What I remember about Sept 11th, 2001

Now flying free

What I remember about Sept 11th, 2001, is turning the computer on and AOL flashing a photo, and me clicking on it.  I briefly watched the news, then began sitting in prayer for those involved. The next few days were updates and stories from those who would typically be in the World Trade Center at that time, and how they were guided to be elsewhere.  A child’s artwork (wish I could find it online, I cannot) depicted the World Trade Center in fire and smoke, with many angels flying upward, representing those who died.  I contemplated those who died and thanked them for their part in this co-creation.  On some level, they chose to die in this way, when you consider that we choose our life circumstances before we incarnate into each lifetime.   When you consider that we have endless lifetimes to create whatever we wish, that there is no death. Continue reading

You take the blue pill and the story ends.

“You take the blue pill and the story ends. You wake in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. Remember — all I am offering is the truth, nothing more.”