Author Archives: Andrea

The Parable of the Rainbow Room by Kryon

I want to give you a parable, a metaphor of life, and it goes like this. There is a room we will call the Rainbow Room. In this room, all the colors of the rainbow present themselves linearly, one at a time, and they change every few thousand years. The room needs this to exist, and that’s why it’s called the Rainbow Room. For thousands of years, the room is yellow, then it turns into the blue and the red, the purples, the greens and slowly, the room goes through all the colors of the rainbow. The colors take their turn in the spectrum, one at a time. Continue reading

How can kids stay hopeful when their parents complain about everything?

I was talking to a young friend the other day, 26 years old. He’s not too happy with his new stepdad, who is always talking about what the problem is with everything he sees in the news. He whines about the economy and says there is just no hope for the future. WTF?? Who would ever say that to someone of the next generation?  The next generations are the ones who can fix what has been done so far.  Never deprive someone of hope, it may be all they have.

How do I know when it’s really over?

In a reading last night, Domino wanted to know if she and her ex were back together again or not.  The last time I spoke with her, they’d had a big blow up fight. He shouted at her, “That’s it, we’re over!” and he moved into a buddy’s apartment.  Since they’re in business together, they see each other every day and still sit together to chat for meals and breaks.   “Now,” she says, “he’s acting all lovey dovey and once again refers to  her as his girlfriend, etc.”  Domino’s question is “WTF???”
My answer is “Not to worry. This happens a lot.”

Continue reading

My a/c is off for the weekend

The fans kept me coolAt noon Saturday, I wrote on Facebook:  “Hmmm, the fan on my central a/c seems to have stopped working.  At 77 degrees, it’s cool enough in here without it for right now. I checked the circuit breakers and flipped them.  Nothing.  In August 2005 I got the new a/c.  It has a ten year warranty on the compressor and coils.”  Several friends suggested it might be the capacitor, but we checked and the capacitor was fine.  I arranged for American Air and Heat (who installed it) to come out at 9:00am on tomorrow morning.  In the meantime, I wanted to have everything opened up and ready for the service dude to look at once he got here.  I opened up the unit in the hall closet inside the house and the central fan motor thingy on the pc board was not lighting up…  I turned the unit and breaker off and unplugged the fuse.   Continue reading

I knock on the window in my mind and a knock at his window wakes him up

A friend was a few minutes late the other day and I wondered if he’d overslept.   I thought about calling him, but didn’t want to awaken the whole household.  I decided to call him in my mind and see if he woke up dreaming the phone rang.  I let it ring for awhile.  Then I thought to knock on his window in my mind.  I first knocked on the front door (in my mind), then on his window and then on the window unit a/c , three taps each.   A few minutes later he appeared, saying he was awoken by a tapping sound at his window.  NOTE: There are bushes outside his window, farther than can be reached to knock.  Oooo eeee ooooo

RELATED:  Letting a friend in on the spidey sense
 I love it when friends tune in with their spidey sense
The  Spidey Sense: sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t
Impromtu reading connects loved ones
Interpreting signals in psychic readings

In Florida, Damp Rid is bad ass for keeping moisture out of your closets

damp ridI’ve been using Damp Rid for years.  It draws out a cup or more of water every few weeks from the moisture in each closet.  The first time trying it, I bought a little 1 quart container that I opened and placed in my clothes closet.  Two weeks later it had drawn out almost two cups of water, and the closet smelled fresh.  I was sold.  I bought one for every closet in the house.  I find it especially helpful in the office supply closet where I store paper products.  In Florida, we can live with the windows open half the year but that’s when the moisture gets in as well.  Damp Rid will remove it for you.  No moisture = so mildew, no mold and no moldy smell.  Yay. I learned hard lessons when I neglected my situation and had to have a Montreal mold inspector come into my place and give me some sombre news, water damage is as serious as fire damage in some cases.

I buy the refill packages now since I bought the containers the first time

I buy the refill packages now since I bought the containers the first time

How DampRid Works:  The DampRid® crystals are calcium chloride, a type of salt that, like similar salts, attracts moisture. We use the word moisture because it is the most universal term, but the most accurate words for what the product absorbs are humidity or water vapor. The “loose” water molecules of the vapor are more easily absorbed by the calcium chloride crystals than liquid or solid water are. By absorbing water vapor from the air DampRid begins to dry the air, thus promoting the evaporation of liquid water, which, given time, can allow this to be absorbed as well. DampRid works best in high humidity areas. Without the humidity to absorb DampRid will not function, or not function as quickly.

Don’t think you know what my type is

I had a male friend remark to me recently that he knows why I never went out with him, that he now sees what my type is. I told him my type comes in all shapes and sizes and ages and cultures and traditions – my type cannot be determined by the outer shell, by the physical body.   It is determined by how he engages my mind and how he stirs my soul.  Does he make me think and expand my perception? Does he help me see the bigger picture and my place in it?  Does he draw creativity and enthusiasm out of me? Does he show he appreciates me and honors me? When it appears in the form of  a handsome, much younger man, don’t judge that as necessarily my only type.  Get to know him as more than just the pretty boy in the room and then you will get an inkling of why that choice right now.

Once I realized it was okay for me to think about what I wanted, remarkable things began to take place in my life.

I used to spend so much time reacting and responding to everyone else that my life had no direction. Other people’s lives, problems, and wants set the course for my life. Once I realized it was okay for me to think about and identify what I wanted, remarkable things began to take place in my life.   ~Melody Beattie