Author Archives: Andrea

Ah, encountering like minded people,  recognizing the tribe and rejoicing in our shared journey

The firepit in my west woods is ready for Fall

I just returned from the firepit where I did a fall puja to renew the energy before we begin using that space again.  I unstacked all the bricks and stacked them together again a little different way.  I’ve been using the chimenea for my burning bowl ceremonies, so the firepit has become overgrown.  I untangled the grapevines and cut the foilage back about two feet around the circle.  It had encroached since spring, when the summer heat drove us to the east garden where it’s shadier and cooler.  I moved two chairs up next to the firepit.  Usually we sit on stumps of pine, but they are all rotting now and no new ones to replace them.    Continue reading

Sleepytime Recharge — a $10 download for a revitalizing segment of sleep

SLEEPYTIME RECHARGE: Play this recording for a refreshing segment of restful sleep and rejuvenation. Even when asleep, your subconscious mind is listening, so you can still expect change to occur. We can retrain our consciousness and regulate our own brain chemistry to overcome ailments and bad habits. Carefully selected words and phrases on this recording will reprogram the cells of your body for optimum physical and mental health. Each time you listen to this recording, you will awaken refreshed, rejuvenated and motivated to get into your day

Why I Don’t Trust Eyewitness Testimony

I was a criminal defense paralegal for 22 years and learned to trust circumstantial evidence over eyewitness testimony because people don’t always see what they think they see.  This morning I was 30 minutes into a telephone reading when I saw a car pull into my driveway.  I did not recognize the small beige sedan, so I excused myself to see who it was.  Jeremy got to the door before me, and it was a friend of  his.  I told him I hadn’t recognized the small car, I had only seen his friend’s truck.  Jeremy said it was his truck.  Not the car I swear that I saw??  Nope.  I was surprised, because my first thought was the only one who shows up this early is this one person.  Since I identified the vehicle as a small sedan and not the truck I expected to see, I didn’t recognize it.  So what happened?  Granted, I was 30 minutes into a psychic reading and maybe not as grounded as I could have been to see what was in the 3-d around me.  But it’s things like that that remind me, we don’t always see things as they are.

Don Miguel Ruiz’s Four Agreements

In the best selling book The Four Agreements Don Miguel Ruiz gives four principles to practice in order to create love and happiness in your life.  As you practice living these four practices your life will dramatically change. In the beginning these new habits will be challenging and you will lapse countless times. With practice these agreements become integrated into your being and every area of your life and become easy habits to keep.  The Four Agreements are (1) Be Impeccable with your Word, (2) Don’t Take Anything Personally, (3) Don’t Make Assumptions and (4)  Always Do Your Best. Continue reading