Author Archives: Andrea

Saturday midnight

It’s a beautiful, cool night. I just came in from sitting outside at the firepit. No fire, just me at the edge of the woods under the moonless sky, listening to the critters scuffling about in the brush. I sit right off their trail, so when I’m still, they caravan right past me. Now time to work for awhile. If I owe you a call or email or text, bear with me… it won’t be long.

Blues Benefit Concert for Mr. Z of WFIT Nov 11 Lou’s Blues

Gary "Mr. Z" Zajak

Mr. Z has BEEN the blues music at WFIT for as long as many can remember, 22 years for me. Come on out and show your support for Gary Zajac aka Mr. Z, who was diagnosed in June 2012 with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. The benefit concert takes place at Lou’s Blues Upstairs on Sunday, November 11th from 7 p.m. to closing. The show features the Josh Miller Blues Revue, the Sauce Boss Bill Wharton and the Space Coast Playboys. Mr. Z’s Benefit Blues Concert is sponsored by Brevard Live Magazine, Brevard Music Aid and Lou’s Blues. A $10 donation is suggested.

Mr. Z live in the WFIT studio

The blues ain’t nothing but a good man feelin’ bad“. Let’s all join together to make Mr. Z feel real good!

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Two book recommendations

I got a nice compliment today. A friend said they’d been looking for a book to catch their attention, something to ignite an interest in them. We began speaking about this book and that, and they said, “See? All I had to do was talk to you.” One book was Accepting Your Power To Heal; The Personal Practice of Therapeutic Touch by Delores Krieger.  When I reconnected in 2003 with my brother after 37 years, I sent him the book. His wife had a diabetic ulcer on her foot that was very slow healing. He began doing Therapeutic Touch every day and in 30 days she saw the doctor again and he was surprised and asked what she had been doing. She said Jerry’s been doing T-Touch and even in Easley, SC the doctor had heard it was a valid modality.

The other book was Sorcerer’s Apprentice by Amy Wallace. Amy is the daughter of bestselling author Irving Wallace, and she recounts the 27 years she knew and interacted with Castaneda and his self proclaimed “Witches,” from the time she first met him at age 16 to the time from the early 90s until Castaneda’s death in April ’98 when she was one of his lovers and a member of his inner circle.

Joking with a friend about going all Fatal Attraction on him

I met with a friend today I haven’t seen in 22+ years and we had fun chatting in the sunshine facing the ocean outside Starbucks in Indialantic.  Afterward, I posted on Facebook, “Hey you handsome dawg, it was good hanging in the sunshine wit ya. You totally look the same as 22 years ago. We’ll find some mischief to get into real soon, k? In the meantime, I’ll inundate your phone with text msgs. Shall we entertain the notion of an unsatisfying fling that leaves us both filled with regret and dread, or would you prefer a slow, soul crushing descent into psychological torture?  And where is my recipe for bunny stew?” Of course referring Fatal Attraction where the Glenn Close character is the scorned lover stalking Michael Douglas’ family and hastening the re-incarnation of the family pet.  I was joking, of course, Joe and I have similar sense of humor. Continue reading

Never worry about numbers.  Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you.  Mother Teresa

Elections, Law of Attraction and Vibrational Matching

I’ve been asked several times about the elections, law of attraction and vibrational matching.  Election year!  No matter who you cast your ballot for, know that you vote vibrationally with every thought you think.  Things come to you via your vibration and remain only by your attention to them.  We vote vibrationally in every moment by where we choose to place our attention, and how we feel as our attention is placed there. It’s that simple. Is someone in office – or anyone you perceive as having authority over you – pissing you off? Keep talking about it and you’re empowering the status quo. And it doesn’t matter if you believe it or not, kind of like gravity.  To everyone who’s upset with the election results, this too shall pass.  To everyone who’s thrilled with the election results, this too shall pass.  Think of today as a good lesson in surrendering, going with the flow and offering it up. Remember that whatever happens is the will of God – and if we’re in the midst of God’s will — like it or not — how can we not rejoice?  No matter who voted what, the majority got what the majority was vibing with. We live it day by day. My life is none the lesser due to whomever is in office. I thrive despite it all.

Abraham-Hicks:  “We are always casting vibrational votes whether we think we are or not. Our vibrational votes go beyond anything we can imagine, and the evolution of our planet is about that, not about what happens at the polling booth.”

People don’t need to be saved or rescued.  People need knowledge of their own power and how to access it.

Create the space for the phone to ring off the hook

The last two weeks, I’ve been doing a visualization about taking credit card numbers over the phone.  This week, my phone has been ringing off the hook with, you guessed it, people wanting to pay me by credit card.  When I do a Paypal Visualization, my Paypal payments increase. When I do My Making Up The Bank Deposit Visualization, more checks than usual come in.  Build it and indeed: they will come. I build it in my mind. In my consciousness, if I create the space for dollars, the space will call the dollars to itself. It’s never not happened.

Life Transforming Links here for Creative Visualization 

Everyone responds in their own way to what is happening in the world

“We will tell you to recognize there is no definition, for we said in the very beginning everyone would respond in their own way. Everyone would have a very individualized reaction to what will be happening. Everyone will be responding differently. There is no one way, no right way, no correct information, for it is all, if you can imagine this, it is all individually prepared for your energetic selves. You sent out your order a very long time ago, and now the order is being delivered. Continue reading