Author Archives: Andrea

Never doubt you have the power to change someone’s life

In September 2011, I met someone with a very fundamental, Bible based viewpoint.  He was a spiritual seeker, unsatisfied with where he was.  I began sharing my experience of universal truths, we began going through my library and discussing authors and ideas that were all new to him.  He said he’d never met anyone like me, someone metaphysically minded.  I told him there was a whole lot of “us” out there, I just happened to be the first he met…  I shared with him breathing exercises, and spoke of meditation, creative visualizationkundalini awakening, tarot, astrology, totem symbolism, numerology and the chakra system.  I could tell the lights were going off as he soaked in more each day.  Finally – something that made sense, something he could use to reframe his life to understand why he’d gone through all he’d experienced and how it all led up to that moment.  In six short weeks, we met and had intense discussions about energy work, transparency, the fact that it’s all related and karmic implications.  With no advance notice to me, he was incarcerated out of state for 6 months, during which time he was captive audience for daily letters and articles, continuing our conversations.  We spoke on the phone every other day.  Every week I could see changes in his thinking as he told me of how he was using the teachings he’d learned to counsel his cellmates.  He wrote me dozens of poems and songs in daily letters. When he returned, he began posting online what he knew and how he had been able to help others with it.  The one who left was not the one who returned.  The first was bound and the second is free.  Early on he wrote me “How blessed I was to find you. Who so effortlessly showed me who I was and made me see through the lies I’d been told and began to believe myself. Thank you. Jeremy James Bonner”   Never doubt you have the power to change someone’s life.  It was my honor to help change his.

RELATED: Thank you Jeremy James Bonner
Helping a friend in his unfolding

Thursday January 3, 2103, Happenings

As I drove across the causeway this morning, I checked voice mail and was delighted my best buds Trish and Doug Cobb were in town, just blocks away.  I drove over and spent a few hours visiting with them at Linda Sands’.  It turned out to be old home week when Susan Rizzo, and Debbie and Brian Jeffries showed up.   I was a witness to Doug and Trish falling in love and I married them a dozen years ago when they were next door neighbors.  Special friends for sure.  Trish at age 80 last summer, did some standing paddle boarding on the Suwannee River. Granted, she is a tiny thing, (Oh she was a rare thing, fine as a bee’s wing, So fine a breath of wind might blow her away) very low to the ground, but — yikes — that was pretty adventurous. Continue reading

Wayne Wirs on the Soul as a stepping-stone to Mystical Oneness

Spiritual brother Wayne Wirs is a modern RV nomad now in NM.  His spiritual practice focuses on transparency, as does mine, and his focus is on the mystical aspects of enlightenment. He sees God—what he calls Her (his Beloved)—in everything. “I have come to realize the importance of the Soul as a stepping-stone to Mystical Oneness.”  At Setting a Bad Example he writes, “Forget demonstrating or teaching an ideal, and instead live your practice—your spirituality. In other words, make the living it the focus rather than the teaching it.”

I love to see vital info passed on by those I’ve given it to

I love to see when someone I’ve spent time working with can pass along information I think is so vital for everyone to know. A friend reminded me of an earlier post, Sexuality on the Spiritual Path. “(A good exercise is) knowing that cultivating the feeling of “being in love” without expectation of end result creates fuel to power the attraction process. If we stay mindful, it can be a powerful learning tool. It’s rare and beautiful to find someone in the work who has enough control over their emotional body to understand that. “

…”A man chooses a great woman as part of a Spiritual journey to bump up to a higher level. A great woman is the inspiration. If a man chooses a lesser woman for lower chakra reasons–i.e. casual sex for example, he does not want to do the work required to shift his consciousness into being a great man. You can always see the character of the man by the woman he chooses. We live in a throw away society. Most don’t want to work hard to grow when the grass is greener…” ~ John Dean

If you have time for Facebook…

If you have  time for Facebook, you have time for yoga, for meditation, for creative visualization, for making a list of future events you want to pre-pave some intention for. If your life isn’t going exactly the way you’d like, if you have time for Facebook, you have time to create a business plan, set some goals, seek a better job, a better life.   Imagine that.  No really, IMAGINE that.

13 Steps back to balance 
Creative visualization links
Meditation links

If you love the sacred and despise the ordinary, you are still bobbling in the ocean of delusion…~Linji Yixnan

If I made my being in love be attached to any one individual, then the love would go when the individual did. I’m in love with the Ever Present Reality that is Now, and many people can flow by on that river. I don’t need to drag them onto the bank with me and rub molecules to feel supreme satisfaction on all levels. That’s all perception and I’m the one in control of that.

The ones who teach us the hard lessons are seldom the ones who benefit by our behavioral change, rather it is those who come after that reap the rewards of our illumination.

What I did on New Year’s Day 2013

This morning I checked my lottery tickets for the past week and see I won $555 in the Christmas Eve Fantasy Five drawing.  I love the 555, Doreen Virtue says, “Buckle your seatbelts. A major life change is upon you.  Perhaps this change is an answer to your prayers, so continue seeing and feeling yourself being at peace.”   I can’t wait to see what this year will bring. I drove across the causeway to the Indialantic boardwalk where Hwy 192 meets the ocean, and drove down to beach stairway No. 15.  I stood and watched the sun rise above the cloud line  for awhile, then I took a video of the waves crashing along the shore.  I watched a lone surf caster pulling in small pompano.  I left and drove south on US1 and decided to take a walk through Turkey Creek Sanctuary on my way home. I’m always surprised how few people are at the beach or in the parks at early morning.  To me, that is the magical time to go. Continue reading