Author Archives: Andrea

Sometimes it takes a silly movie to give deep insights into someone’s character, to learn why they do what they do

Last night I watched Ghosts of Girlfriends Past with Matthew McConaughey and Jennifer Warren, very funny!  “Matthew is playboy Connor Mead, who, after delivering a drunken speech at his brother’s rehearsal wedding dinner, is met in the bathroom by the ghost of his uncle Wayne (Michael Douglas), a Hefner-esque horndog who taught Connor everything he knows about picking up chicks. Uncle Wayne informs Connor that, over the course of the evening, he’ll be visited by three ghosts who will lead him through his romantic past, present, and future.In one scene, his brother speaks to Connor’s exes, who are all bridesmaids, and who are all hatin’ on Connor for dumping them. He says Connor never had a chance to be a child, he had to raise himself and his brother from an early age due to no parental guidance. He failed to develop emotional maturity, through no fault of his own – it was all survive, survive.  I love how the Universe sends profound messages thru things like silly movies, giving enormous insight into understanding the other side of a real life situation. Wow. Wow. My heart is open in a new way to an old friend.  Wow.

How can I hear spirit better? answered by Devan J. Byrne

 First there must be a welcome, it could be in prayer, in spiritually directed questions or a concern that you use to turn your attention to Spirit. Whatever you know spirit as, focus on that in your mind, and simply practice allowing everything else be silenced and simply pass, while you simply remain focused on Spirit. Second, open up the question, and be ready to write or record what comes to you. At first there is a lot of asking and almost begging and declaring your commitment and desire to hear. The third part also need much practice and that is writing and/talking till you also are impressed with the depth of where you are going. I honestly feel that Spirit is teaching us to “channel” her in every area of our lives until you Know You as Spirit. Intern focusing every area of your life to what is truth and dissolving the beliefs of our false reality. OR making a fake reality, up to you.

Here this is good:
1. Ask
2. Focus & Surrender
3. Write/record, with the intent of publishing.
Devan J. Byrne

Apologies To The Divine Feminine (from a warrior in transition)

Jeff Brown Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown:  I apologize for my inability to distinguish the benevolent warrior from the heartless warrior, a reflection of my own confusion dealing with the battlefields of yore. When I opened my heart too wide, I was vulnerable to attack from warring factions. I was conditioned to believe that I had to stay rigid, focused, prepared for any eventuality, in the desire to protect myself and others from attack. But I went too far, and closed too tight, and eradicated the bridge between our hearts. I am seeing this now and I am sorry. Continue reading

A dose of reality

I posted on Facebook, “Nice when the gentleman says, allow me to order for us. Tres galant. I could get used to this…”  My pal Miro Posavec commented, “Like the jurassic park movies.. It always starts out as “oooo… aaaaa..”, then there’s screaming and running.”

A Buddhist Prayer of Forgiveness

Image from


“If I have harmed anyone in any way either knowingly or unknowingly through my own confusions, I ask their forgiveness.  If anyone has harmed me in any way, either knowingly or unknowingly through their own confusions, I forgive them. And if there is a situation I am not yet ready to forgive, I forgive myself for that. For all the ways that I harm myself, negate, doubt, belittle myself, judge or be unkind to myself through my own confusions, I forgive myself.”

Someone is really trying hard today, you don’t know who so if you have to choose – choose grace.

Sometimes what you want isn’t always what you get, but in the end what you get is so much better than what you wanted.