Author Archives: Andrea

In 2013 I’ll jump only through my own hoops

2012 was a year of allowing myself to jump through someone else’s hoops. In 2013, I’m on the other side of those hoops. Thank you, ringmaster.  My weakness is when someone asks me outright to please help because there’s no one else who can. I was never a victim, though, I was always a volunteer. It’s fun until it stops being fun!

Flu advisory? Be careful? Yes, by being mindful of our thoughts.

Flu advisory? Be careful? Yes, let us be careful of our thoughts because we deplete our immune system when we are thinking thoughts that do not make us feel good.  So the remedy is find some fun in whatever you’re doing, wash your hands to keep them pretty, dance with a friend for 10 minutes twice a day, give kind words to strangers and make each other laugh, laugh, laugh.

Guest blog by my early on mentor Frank T. Maiello

FTMAs human beings, what would you say is our greatest addiction, and by far the most difficult of all to quit?  The answer will surprise you.   Give yourself a minute to think about it, because it *could* be thought of as a trick question.  Two hints have already been given, and you still can’t come up with the answer? Considering the themes of my posts, you might have guessed it…  the answer is: our habit of thinking!  It starts first thing in the morning, and doesn’t let up ’til we go back to sleep.  Now the question becomes, if one wanted to, can one will it to stop?   Can anyone will it to stop even if their life depended on it?  No need to answer this. we all really know the answer…and now we know it to be our biggest problem as a species! Why? The answer to this is intimated below.  After many years of diligent meditation, one might get lucky a few moments here and there. However, if they ever reach the point where they can stop it for about a minute and remain awake and aware, they will experience something FAR beyond anything experienced before, for, what they will experience is nothing less than divine bliss. The hindus call this samadhi; the buddhists nirvana; and the gnostic christians heaven.  Frank T. Maiello Continue reading

Why doesn’t anyone who follows the Abraham-Hicks belief system end war, rapes, and starvation?

A friend wrote these questions in his blog and I’ve answered them below. They are all easy answers, he simply does not understand the work at all.  “Why doesn’t anyone who follows the Abraham-Hicks belief system  end the war, rapes, and starvation in Syria?  Is everyone in their group selfishly wishing only for stuff for themselves?   Or doesn’t it work on big stuff?   Does their “Universe” (the Intelligence which does their wish fulfillment for them) only do self-centered requests? Why are there so many excuses (escape clauses) to the Law of Attraction (“You have to really, really want this, without any doubts, or it won’t work.”)?  Wouldn’t God, sorry, the Universe, know what you want and just give it to you?   Shouldn’t they feel guilty about using God like their personal servant?   Are they all being taken by Hicks?  If she (Hicks) has a direct line to God, is it right that she charges for it?”   Continue reading

“The harder the conditions of life, the more important the work. Provided, however, that you remember the work.”  Gurdjieff

When a new man aggressively pursues you and brags that he leaves Armageddon in his wake… believe him

When a new man aggressively pursues you and jokingly gloats, “they call me Jonestown,” and says women he’s with go crazy on him and he leaves Armageddon in his wake… believe him. He’s just leaving out what he said and did that makes that keep happening to him. I found out. Joking about it shows he has no compassion. Forgive him for he is not awake enough to realize he keeps doing it, over and over. He’s just looking for happiness, as we all are. He can’t stand for a moment to be alone with his thoughts, so he’s always moving from one thing to the next. His error lies in acting vulnerable and knowingly saying sensitive, seductive words and making empty promises to draw in new toys for his delight. His error lies in saying “I love you” from day one, calling you his queen and constantly repeating, “I know you think I’m playing you,” when it was not in your mind to begin with. Bless him for admitting once that he just needed something to conquer. Forgive him, bless him. There, but for the grace of God, go I.
RELATED: Thank you, Jeremy James Bonner
Why I attract karmic backlash in relationships

Domino is tripping because her ex is using the same flowery, seductive, mystical lines and phrases he used on her to woo someone else publicly online.  I told her to stay off his FB wall and it won’t bother her.  When someone finds a line that works, ya can’t blame them for recycling it.  Get over it, move on. Let the new one learn their own hard lesson. No matter how hard you try, you  can’t do it for them.  I suggested she ask him respectfully to block her from his wall to take it out of her hands.  She did. Rejection is protection.

Someone you meet today is growing, it might be more helpful to recognize the improvement instead of pointing out the need for it. Newton Boyd

There’s never an excuse to be purposely hurtful, ever

Never for a moment be with someone you no longer want to be with.  But never for a moment use sharp words to mock them or belittle them to create distance.  There’s never an excuse to be purposely hurtful, to anyone, ever.  Also, never think that anyone you are talking to is not telling others (their version of ) what you said, whether anyone wants to hear it or not.  Friends don’t do that and, if they do, they are not your friends.