Author Archives: Andrea

Keeping a secret, I get to watch the spin in action

In an “emergency” reading last night with a long standing client, he handed the phone to a friend of his who had a very exciting story to tell.  The story will hit the national news any day now.  It will be interesting to observe who has what spin on the matter, who will be promoting what viewpoint, and for what gain.  Sadly, I won’t write about it again until maybe years later when everything is public record.  Ah, yes, the waiting game.  Until then, the secret is safe with me. There is something very delicious about having a secret, knowing something that no one knows, and no one knows you know. Especially if it’s something that would give you a little edge up, some social cachet if it were known. I love secrets like that.  Continue reading

I pull out the acrylic paints for the first time in years. Izzy watercolored as a tiger.

Why in the middle of final layout week I felt the urge to take the paints out into the yard in this wind for several hours, I have no idea. And not the watercolors, mind you, no, the acrylics. I’ll share that one later, maybe.  Here’s a watercolor I did of Izzy in 2001, I made him a tiger.  This was the year after my hands got dinged in the car accident and my drawing/painting style became… um, simpler and more child like 🙂  I see here I had to use every color I had…  I haven’t had the acrylics out for over 2 years.  I need to set up the back office as the studio so I can keep the easels and supplies all set up.  It’s got the good light in there also.  Even more so if I knocked out that wall…

Jade Wah’oo Grigori gave an excellent presentation tonight

Jade Wah’oo Grigori gave an excellent presentation tonight and he’ll be in town through next Wednesday.  Jade has a wealth of free information on his website, articles, audio including a shamanic drumming journey, video including earth renewing ceremony. Take a taste of Jade and then travel to Indialantic to see him while he’s here.  He is engaging and full of knowledge, his shamanic drumming tonight was truly transcendent.   Toy-ahn-ah-me’ is a song, ceremony and teaching. Our Spirit’s body is a large oval field, comprised of shimmering filaments that bundle together around the various Threads of Intent such as communication, sexuality, caring, abundance, creativity, trust etc. Thru emotional shock or trauma, through fear, threat and demeanment, the threads become entangled, preventing self-expression. We feel inept, unworthy, incapable in those respective areas of life. Toy-ahn-ah-me’ frees the threads, allowing and enabling them to reactivate in resonance with our Spirit’s Threads of Intent. We then find ourselves transformed, free, able to experience and express in those arenas of life’s endeavors that have been activated.


A dream about trusting

I had a real memorable dream once about trusting.  In the dream I was flying over the ocean.  At first I was just flying, then I looked down and saw the earth below me.  Then I got closer and saw the ocean, although I didn’t recognize a continent.  As I descended, I began to get afraid because it was the middle of the ocean and I’m not a strong swimmer.  In the dream, I could feel real fear in my chest.  As I descended and felt scared, I was standing upright suddenly and could feel small waves splash at my feet.  I quickly said a prayer “help me deal with whatever is gonna happen” and I lifted my feet and I looked all around to see if I could see land.  Suddenly I could see land, but waaaay off in the distance. Continue reading

Home Clearing? Spirit releasement? Entity Detachment? A shared perception creates a very powerful thought form — a third entity — which then takes on a life of its own

Spirit Release image from

Spirit Release image from

Spirit releasement is among the most important work that a psychic medium can perform, helping direct earthbound entities into the Light.  This week several clients had almost identical issues: they wanted a Home Clearing, a Spirit Releasement, an Entity Detachment.  Not surprising to have three sessions in a row with the same issue, since I know I attract everything by virtue of my vibrational resonance. Even for callers who are scheduled months ahead, invariably several in a row will be on very similar issues, many of them also relevant to something going on in my own life.  This week was no different, but with a twist.  Last week, I built up some good momentum of cranky thoughts as folks kept bringing my attention to what a troublemaker was doing.  It was none of my business, I didn’t care and I didn’t need to know about it.   What does this have to do with spirit releasement?
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“Uplifting ideas and emotions are associated with an entirely different mix of neuropeptides and hormones than those of panic, fear, or anger.  So entertain thoughts that produce the biochemistry of health and joy.”  Christiane Northrup

A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions and the roots spring up and make new trees.  Amelia Earhart