Author Archives: Andrea

I thought this was over, let it go. Life is so much bigger than this silly blip in time

Don’t tell me something didn’t happen when I watched it unfold before my very eyes.  Literally.  On the monitor in front of me.  Earlier this week I’d posted at Jeremy and Misty, I wish you well but please block me that I came home exhausted from a family emergency to messages and calls telling me my ex has been spending time with someone. We’re not together, they’ve been interested in each other since last year, I have real things on my mind and I don’t care.  My issue is he kept up several very contrived lies to keep getting personal favors (transportation) from me. Then I came across him telling her that I hold him back and I don’t walk my talk. This from a man who told me I saved his life, was his stepping stone to freedom. That to me was the ultimate betrayal.  Days after I make the post and the drama has died down, she writes:  Continue reading

Happy Valentine’s Day 2013

For Valentine’s Day, as I reflect on my love life the last year, I am reminded that I attract everything that comes into my experience.  As long as I love being a lifeguard, I’ll attract the swimmer in distress.  Because of the private consultation work I do, I am several times a day vibrating in the space of someone in the midst of conflict resolution.  The purpose of the consult is to raise the vibe, so by the end of the session, I’m usually back in a good place, or I take some time to myself to get myself back in a good emotional vibe.  My work is one reason I go for years between relationships.  My distorted belief based on history (which was only my history because it was where I vibed in the past) is that I can either pour all my energy and attention into my work or I can pour it into one person. My distorted belief is that I can’t successfully do both.  Hence, I attracted someone in whose vibe I didn’t allow myself to successfully work my practice.  I attracted a vibrational match to my belief, even tho my belief was false.  Since it was MY belief, it became MY reality.  I attracted it. Continue reading

Amazing how the right people fall into your life as soon as others make room for them and your vibration changes

Who’d have thunk it?  Oh right, ME because I know how law of attraction works. I know to pivot grouchy thoughts to fun ones when I realize I’m in it.  I know to spend time prepaving – via visualization – what I want to experience in the future.  I know to have an idea of what I want to do or have or be, yet I stand ready to change all of it dependent upon my evolution of consciousness.