Author Archives: Andrea

Wednesday evening marshmallow roast

Final layout for the April mag continues  Yesterday was busy with emails, ads, calls and errands. I didn’t leave the desk for lunch, heating a can of chicken noodle soup and throwing in a handful of spinach, a teaspoon each of vinegar, soy sauce and siriacha sauce.  It was surprisingly tasty.  I got my license tag renewal in the mail, yikes, they come in like two days! I made lots of progress doing computer work and it was after 5:00pm when I left the office.   I was ready for my evening fire!  I decided to use the chimenea on the back porch, so I could curl up in the big rocker. My fat Yinnie the Mini Cow was grooming herself on the chair across from me and we could hear “Pretty bird, pretty bird, kacheer, kacheer.” A fat, clumsy something walked past the porch, knocking against the side.  It was likely the armadillo, they are oblivious and crash into everything.  I crumpled too many pages of the magazine under the kindling, so for a few minutes it was snowing the paper ash out of the top of the chimenea.  I put one small piece of wood on and it settled right down.  I’d brought out 4 marshmallows and roasted them.  I like to let them catch fire, then spin them for full flame coverage, then blow them out before they get too black.  I love their yummy stickness but four is about three too many.  Dinner was a lazy tortilla filled with last night’s veggie picadillo with melted soy provolone cheese.  Another day in paradise



You are the author and writer of your own story. Begin telling the new story today, stop telling the old story now

Begin telling the new story today, the way you want it to be.  That means STOP telling the old story now. When friends ask for an update, you tell them you’re excited and hopeful for the future, that many opportunities will be finding you and you’ll explore them all. You tell them what new projects you’re doing and you get involved in many of them. You tell them you are excited to be exposed to new people and new ideas.  It may even be that your next job or mate will be discovered then, too.  Your new story is that it’s all exciting and you look forward to having the time of your life. And the old story?  Bah!  That’s old news.  You’d so much more rather talk about what’s coming next!  Then you re-read this each day until you realize that it’s true.  You’ll see it the moment you believe it.

Stop making excuses.  Stop telling the old story.  Stop giving conversation to anything  you see happening that you don’t want.  Tell the story that brings you the greater relief.  Get hooked on feeling in alignment with the Universal source energy.  Complaining is out of the vortex, whether your complaint is valid or not. Think the better feeling thought. That’s the way into the vortex. That’s where everything you want is.  You can accomplish alignment every time you decide to.  “No matter what I’m doing, I have the ability to reach for alignment factors within it.  I can choose to focus myself into alignment, now, no matter what.”  You are the author and writer of your own story.  Turn the page, start anew and make sure it’s a story worth telling.

The only way unhappy people can stay in your life is if you focus on their unhappiness

The only way unhappy people can stay in your life is if you focus on their unhappiness.  The only way hateful people can stay in your life is if you focus on their anger and keep bringing to mind past angry events.The only way happy and self sufficient people can stay in your life is if you focus on their happiness and keep bringing to mind all the good and glorious times.  Imagine that.  No, really, IMAGINE that.

Your self talk determines your future outcome

Your self talk determines your future experience. Is your story that you are out of a job and the economy is bad and everyone is worried about money? Or is your story that you are between jobs, eager for a new one and that miracles happen every day? Is your story that your husband of 40 years ran off with some bimbette, divorced you, emptied the bank account and left you to fend for yourself? Or is your story that you’re starting over, testing untried waters, and excited about the possibilities? Your self talk determines your future outcome. Give it a spin that keeps you hopeful and psyched for future possibilities.    Continue reading

Pura Vida: From Lisa Mason now living in Costa Rica

On Facebook, I quoted Joyce Meyer’s  “One of the greatest blessings in the world is to be able to be happy even when things in life are not going the way we planned.”  Real life galpal Lisa Mason reponded: “Your post truly hit home with me and I wanted to share something my daughter asked me to write. It’s a condensed version of my story (of leaving mainstream society and running off to live in Costa Rica):

MY OFF DAYS:  At this stage of my life, most days I’m balanced, centered and grounded, but let me repeat… Most Days.  I’m over 50 years old and I can honestly say that I have truly “lived” my life. I can also say that I have questioned, contemplated, experienced, analyzed and most importantly learned, a great deal this far in my life. And of course, I still have so much to learn.   Continue reading

We’re on for marshmallows for tonight’s fire

This morning I hit the floor running, doing final layout for the April Horizons Magazine.  I spent the morning fielding phone calls, downloading emails and creating ads.  I went to the post office and the bank, then began thinking about dinner.  I decided on a vegetarian chili, made with organic celery, onions, peppers, yellow squash and kale. It’s been overcast and drizzling all day.  I took a bowl of hot chili out onto the back porch so I could watch the action in the mulberry bush:  squirrels vs. blue jays.  I’d stopped to buy marshmallows since I heard the temp will drop again tonight.  I can cook them in my chimenea!  I thought just yesterday that I’d really like to move the chimenea onto the east patio, but then I couldn’t use it in the rain.  I’m glad I didn’t move it.  I do like it on the back porch, it’s more private and I’ve got an outdoor rocker there. I just checked and my little under-the-eves-stash of kindling and firewood stayed dry from today’s rain – yay!  We’re on for marshmallows for tonight’s fire!

You don’t need to be annoyed by arguing neighbors, use the sound as a trigger to bring yourself back to center

A fellow devotee back in the ashram days used to interrupt his meditation to chide each new chela who entered the temple too loudly.  “Be quiet, we are meditating!” The guru corrected him later, saying if one were truly focused in meditation, he would not be disturbed by anything around him.  I think of this anytime I hear sharp neighboring voices when I’m out wandering my property.  I take the vocal cues as triggers to go into meditation and wish for them what I wish for myself: I want a happy life with friends who support my dreams, with all of us having as much as we need forevermore, however the universe wants to bring it to us.  So far, so good.


It’s always good to split away from someone else’s karma

In a recent reading with Domino, he was concerned that he lost his job when he and his wife split, as it was her business.  He’s without transportation or driver license, and due to the nature of the split, no job reference. He feels three years just went down the drain.  I told him nothing could be farther from the truth.  She just set him free.  Getting and keeping a job through what is attracted by someone else’s consciousness and karma will never be yours to keep.   If something is not yours by right of consciousness, it’s not yours for long.  It will drop away when the momentum stops being fueled.  What this means is that now Domino will attract what is his own doing, what he owes no one other than himself for delivering to him.  He can attract something to be proud of, something he did not have to rely on anyone else to motivate and make happen for him.  He’s now got the freedom to  man up and show everyone what he knows he is capable of.  These are exciting times indeed. Anything is possible and anyone can do it.

RELATED:  Alan Cohen on Right of Consciousness