Author Archives: Andrea

What would be Abraham-Hicks’ stance on mandatory reporting laws?

Someone asked me what would be Abraham-Hicks‘ stance on mandatory reporting laws. I’d say if (child/ elder/ vulnerable persons abuse) has been brought to your attention and you have evidence and it’s the law, does it feel better to report it or ignore it? Evidence being the key word here.  I posted this on Facebook and asked if my Abe fan mandatory reporters are allowed to weigh in, please do. I know of no such abuse.  Here were some responses, many having no connection to the Abraham-Hicks material.   Continue reading

Growing up in a family with three Bi-Polar members

I grew up with a father and two brothers diagnosed with BiPolar Disorder, at that time called Manic Depression.  They would swing from full on manic to full on depression.  I’d never know who we’d wake up to, nor what would set whom off.  There would be the fun times, especially with new people, just one big happy family. Everyone getting along at the same time, everyone being playful with other.  Happy times for sure. Then without warning it would change. My father would out of nowhere become another person. Everything would anger him. He’d be physically aggressive, destroying things, and turn hateful and verbally abusive.  We were warned there would be consequences if we told anyone. We lived in fear, always walking on eggshells and always happy when a new friend would come on the scene so we could see the happy daddy return, at least for awhile. With new people on the scene, he’d go into performance mode, the life of the party, the ladies’ man. That was the fun daddy.  Behind the scenes it could be another story.  He could be lying immobile and unresponsive on the couch, for days.  He could be making crazy calls to everyone, threatening suicide.  Then just as soon as it began, it could be over.  He’d be back to his charming and fun and engaging self and that personality of his was so big we always forgave him. And we always got burned again. And we always forgave again. During a lucid moment, my father clearly saw what he’d put everyone through. His answer, as my younger brother’s for the same reason, was suicide. Therapy could have saved their lives. It could have given them the understanding they needed about their compulsions and tools to overcome them. It taught me to be thankful when I have a happy someone in front of me and to honor the unhappy someones by allowing them to be where they are yet stand available if they ask for help.


Stop making excuses. Stop telling the old story. Choose instead to focus yourself into alignment no matter what is going on

Stop making excuses.  Stop telling the old story.  Stop giving conversation to anything  you see happening that you don’t want.  Tell the story that brings you the greater relief.  Get hooked on feeling in alignment with the Universal source energy.  Complaining is out of the vortex, whether your complaint is valid or not. Think the better feeling thought. That’s the way into the vortex. That’s where everything you want is.  You can accomplish alignment every time you decide to.  “No matter what I’m doing, I have the ability to reach for alignment factors within it.  I can choose to focus myself into alignment, now, no matter what.”

Today you can make it easy or you can make it hard

Today you can make it easy or you can make it hard. How cool to be in charge of which thoughts we choose to entertain!  We may not be able to control which thoughts pop into our mind, but we CAN control which thoughts we allow to stay. As soon as I notice I am thinking an aggravating thought, I have the choice to stop my self-talk midstream and pivot to a better feeling thought to make the emotion of aggravation go away.  For times like these, I have a thought prepared, I have a song that makes me smile and fills my heart.  Have something that you can pivot to on a moment’s notice.  Every day is a new beginning and today, you can make it easy or you can make it hard.

RELATED Stay aggravated or find the better feeling thought?

When a business partner backs out

Last night Domino asked: “What about when people break contracts and don’t live up to their part of the bargain?”
Andrea:  Good question.  Do you blame them for changed intentions, kick yourself for attracting it and spend time dissecting every thought for what you did wrong?  If I use what someone else does or doesn’t do as my excuse to introduce resistance into my vibration, it will only serve to stop my flow.  The thing I do is remember that I attracted it from them. The remedy is always clean up my own vibration, let it go, get clear on what I really want based on the new information, and get on with attracting something different next time.

Abraham-Hicks morning process: a daily prepaving, of pleasant anticipation of tomorrow

GUEST: So, Abraham, if you were in our physical shoes, what would you do when you woke up in the morning, and what processes would you use on a daily basis?

ABRAHAM: It’s a big question. Isn’t it? Because it would depend upon the circumstances. Different circumstances would require different responses, but we’ll give you a run down here because what you are really asking for is “How could I ever begin to apply the never-ending spewing of processes that you’ve been giving us over the years?”  We’re going to start the night before. We would put ourselves in our bed and we would lie there in the bed and try to achieve the feeling of appreciation. We would appreciate our bed. We would appreciate our day. We would compliment ourselves on the day’s achievement no matter how big or few they are. We would do our best to bask in our bed.   Continue reading

I am not my pain. I am not my past. I am that which has emerged from the fire

I do not define myself by how many roadblocks have appeared in my path. I define myself by the courage I’ve found to forge new roads. I do not define myself by how many disappointments I’ve faced. I define myself by the forgiveness and the faith I have found to begin again. I do not define myself by how long a relationship lasted. I define myself by how much I have loved, and been willing to love again. I do not define myself by how many times I have been knocked down. I define myself by how many times I have struggled to my feet. I am not my pain. I am not my past. I am that which has emerged from the fire.  Author unknown

Don’t let your spiritual pride take your personality where it’s not prepared to go

When you begin consciously on the path to Soul work, what is happening is that your personality has just woken up to the call.  It may have felt stirrings come and go, but is now ready to integrate the personality with the Soul.  This is when personal arrogance comes to the fore, to struggle mind against Soul.  The mind, meaning the personal-ity, rebels as it feels itself being overpowered by the Soul.  In so doing, it becomes its own tool of transformation. In feigning more spiritual understanding than it has with those it wants to impress, the personality will ask for initiation and assure it’s time, the student/the chela is ready.  “Give me the shakti, give me the teaching, I am ready for it.” The guru knows the truth yet is bound to give what’s asked for. The consequences unfold, not as the chela expected.  It is often years before understanding sets in. When they meet again, it is on more equal footing, facades and power play of the personality having been worked through.  The harder the conditions of life, the more powerful the work; provided however you always remember the work.  Deep soul work is no easy thing until pride and vanity are overcome.  Deep soul work includes humility, honesty, transparency and willingness to communicate, for all closures and partings to be happy and congenial.  It’s not for everyone, but oh, the rewards: a lifetime of joy, understanding and fulfillment, no matter who is or is not in it.

When you are misunderstood, just let it go. They see through veiled eyes and filtered lenses: as they are, not as you are.

What do you do when friends misunderstand you, when they misconstrue what you say and feel you are coming down on them, being judgmental, feeling superior and being a know it all?  YOU LET IT GO. You don’t hang on to it or try to sort it out or rehash it.  You let it go.   You focus your attention forward on your next good thing. You remember it is not your job to fix or educate anyone.  They misunderstand because they see things as THEY are, not as YOU are.  You get yourself back into an emotionally good feeling place and move on.