Author Archives: Andrea

Domino wonders why she has no friends, I give her Harry Palmer’s Compassion Exercise

In a reading last night, Domino is having problems with her new man, complaining to her last man (whom she left for the new one) and surprised he’s full of “I told you so.”  Domino doesn’t take criticism well. I’ve known her about 10 years.  She’ll cut friends off when they call her on her stuff, she’ll refuse to discuss to resolve it.  She’ll move from person to person with the same behavior, ignoring the carnage she leaves behind her. She said “You’re the only friend I’ve got.”  I told her, “I’m not your friend.  I would not be friends with someone who would rather cut me off than have a simple, honest conversation about what any concern or conflict might be.”  I told her she lives in a small town and she’s running out of untested candidates.  Her best bet was to go deep inside herself and bring to mind, one at a time, each one she has alienated herself from.  Do the Hawaiian Forgivness Ho’oponopono Process  on them, apologize to them in your mind, tell them you are sorry for your part in the conflict, ask them to forgive you, thank them and tell them you love them.  And mean it.  Only ever wish for anyone else what you wish for yourself.  If she had a problem with any particular person, I told her to do Harry Palmer’s Compassion Exercise until she felt the change wthin her.  She said she’d try it.  Here’s the exercise:   Continue reading

Do you consider yourself a contemplative person?

Do you consider yourself a contemplative person? Do you schedule thought time for particular topics, or just follow what thoughts float up as you have time to sit and ponder?  What are some of the things you would like more time to contemplate in depth?  My early ones were: We are One. It’s ALL related. Forgiveness. Jesus in disguise. Some now are: Allowing without controlling. Discerning when I am in illusion. More dropping of ego and settling into whatever I am to become.




Next time I’ll be sure to schedule thought time to prepave the result I’d like to see

I woke up laughing out loud at myself, recalling a time I’d asked the Universe to liberate me from some elements of a situation. Since I wasn’t clear during my request on how I wanted that to play out, it played out in a way I didn’t expect and that was irksome for all involved.  It was liberation nonetheless, but a few moments’ thought ahead of time would have pre-paved an easier result.  I laugh because I know that, I just didn’t give any conscious thought time to how it would be nice to play out.  I merely thought, “however this needs to happen, please make it move along, get me happily on the other side of it.” Next time I’ll be sure to schedule thought time, no matter how busy I am.

How Abraham-Hicks changed my world

Someone asked me how Abraham-Hicks changed my world. It’s because they use the simplest words to teach how we attract our experience to us. That people, circumstances and events  come to us via our vibration and remain only by our attention to them. We attract to us by virtue of our thoughts and that every subject is two subjects.  We’re either thinking of what we want, and attracting the people and circumstances that evidence that, or we’re attracting people and circumstances we don’t want because we’re focused on things that make us feel resistance. That it’s all related; conflict in one area of your life will be the resistance that holds you back from your dream. Make peace with everyone and everything, right now, right where you are, in this moment. And mean it.

RELATED:  All posts found at my search box for “Abraham-Hicks”



I research to learn about septic systems, I like know what goes on behind the scenes

I hit the floor running today, went to the gym first thing and got a decent workout in, then got home in time for the septic people to call to schedule my tank pump out about 2:00pm, maybe earlier.  Yay, I’m stoked!  Yesterday could not have gone any better. Knowing there was a problem with my septic system, I went online and did much research to determine the types, how they work, and what the equipment looks like underground.  I like knowing what is going on behind the scenes, in the unknown world that always controls the world we see.  It’s always related.

My septic situation is a quick and easy fix

I wrote in Yesterday’s adventures in drainfield discovery that I’d had a toilet clog and was confused since I’d just had my  system rejuvenated two years before.  I learned today that when they did the rejuvenation, they did it on the grey water tank, which is where the water goes for the washing machine, showers and bathroom sinks. I called them in 2011 when the guest bath tub filled with the water being expelled from the washing machine.   After doing my online research today, I am not convinced I needed to have the grey tank rejuvenated and filter added, but I did need the tank pumped.  I could be wrong, but it was my gut reaction. Now there’s a filter on it that will require regular maintence. What clogs the grey water filter is fabric softener, hair and washing machine lint.  A typical family washing machine produces enough lint each year to carpet an entire living room floor.  When John came out today, he quickly saw that the problem was with the black water tank (kitchen sink, toilets,) and not the grey water system he had worked on before.  We scheduled a pump out for tomorrow.  I took pics so I know where all my tanks are in the yard.  My buddy trimmed one giant eleangus that was too close to the tank.  I’m excited it’s a quick and easy fix!  I also learned that when it comes time to put in a new drainfield, the digging seems very doable.

Yesterday’s adventures in septic system discovery

Two years ago, A Better Septic rejuvenated my septic system. Yesterday I had a toilet clog unexpectedly, so I went out and dug to check the cleanout for the black water relief.  That’s often where you find there’s a clog or a root growing into the system.  I saw standing water.  I unscrewed the cap and looked in the one white inspection port filter that raises above the back lawn, and saw a few inches of standing water.  I called A Better Septic and asked for info on cleaning the filter.  I learned it’s not as simple as the installer made it sound.  You have to dig up the drainfield and lift up the concrete top to access the filter.   They could not give me a price on doing that since it is a job they do only with other services.  I felt I was not told ahead of time the maintenance would be costly and not easily done by me.  I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding and when John arrives today at 5:00pm, he will evaluate the situation and make a recommendation everyone will be happy with.  Later, a friend came by and within an hour we’d found there was indeed a paper clog, so the situation may have resolved itself.  My question now is: what and where exactly ARE these filters and how and when do I change/clean them and what would have happened to the paper clog had it gone through? Would it have ended up clogging the filter?  I’m sure John  will know the answers for me.  He comes highly recommended.

Symptoms of the Shift

This is what so many are talking about feeling, so it is no wonder this is what they continue to experience. Evolution!  ”Are you experiencing any of these ascension symptoms? Do you feel something has fundamentally changed in your life? Do you feel the ‘SHIFT’ ?   Here are some Ascension Symptoms:    Continue reading

You are the author and writer of your own story. Begin telling the new story today, stop telling the old story now

Begin telling the new story today, the way you want it to be.  That means STOP telling the old story now. When friends ask for an update, you tell them you’re excited and hopeful for the future, that many opportunities will be finding you and you’ll explore them all. You tell them what new projects you’re doing and you get involved in many of them. You tell them you are excited to be exposed to new people and new ideas.  It may even be that your next job or mate will be discovered then, too.  Your new story is that it’s all exciting and you look forward to having the time of your life. And the old story?  Bah!  That’s old news.  You’d so much more rather talk about what’s coming next!  Then you re-read this each day until you realize that it’s true.  You’ll see it the moment you believe it.

You are the author and writer of your own story.  Turn the page, start anew and make sure it’s a story worth telling. Jennifer Gayle