Author Archives: Andrea

I thrive in this soft, subtle nuanced world full of Presence

You know what I love? The silence at the end of the day, when all I can hear is the windchimes in the courtyard, the rustle of the bamboo, and the squirrels scampering in the oaks. When I can smell the jasmine opening and see the bunny and armadillo grazing side by side. This soft, subtle nuanced world is full of Presence and it’s a world I thrive in.  Let others tilt at windmills and live in the noise and bustle.  For me, the choice is time alone in my own beautiful world with my own thoughts, with my own beloved Self.

We don’t need a partner in order to be happy, we just need something that fulfills us and gives our life meaning

We’re programmed to think we need a partner in order to be happy. All we need is to be involved in something that gives our life meaning. For some, that is a friend or lover; for some, the camaradie of fellowship.  For some, it is a sense of mission and purpose; others an artistic expression, hobby or interest.  I went many years without relationship and nine days before meeting my ex of 2012, I wrote I’m living happily ever after and did not need a Prince to get me there.  While 2012 was an interesting experiment in living the life of the householder, I learned that is not the most fulfilling life for me. What satisfies my soul is to be involved in meaningful projects with people who care about the same things as I do.

List your Emergency Contact Under “I.C.E.” in Your Mobile Phone. Help emergency responders help you

Ambulance Service Request: We all carry our mobile phones with names & numbers stored in its memory. If we were in an accident or taken ill, the people attending us would have our mobile phone but wouldn’t know which is the contact person in case of an emergency? Hence this ‘ICE’ (In Case of Emergency) Campaign. It is a method of contact during emergency situations. All you need to do is store the number of a contact person or persons who should be contacted during emergency under the name ‘ICE’ ( In Case Of Emergency).  The idea was thought up by a paramedic who found that when he went to the scenes of accidents there were always mobile phones with patients but they didn’t know which number to call. He thought it would be a good idea if there was a nationally recognized name for this purpose. In an emergency situation, Emergency Service personnel and hospital staff would be able to quickly contact the right person by simply dialing the number you have stored on your mobile phone as ‘ICE’. Please forward this. It won’t take too many ‘forwards’ before everybody will know about this. It really could save your life, or put a loved one’s mind at rest. For more than one contact name simply enter ICE1, ICE2 and ICE3 etcPASS THIS AROUND AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE AS THIS CAN HELP IN AN EMERGENCY


An email reading giving a detailed process to read for yourself

Here I give a detailed process to draw forth intuitive guidance from within yourself. The work is taking place even if you do not know it. Seeds are planted in your psyche that will come to fruition whether you are aware of it or not. As you do this, you will become more intuitive and learn to trust yourself.

Dear Andrea: Thank you for agreeing to do a reading by email for me. I have 6 questions:

1. Will I be able to move to Florida by the end of the year?
2. Where will the money come from?
3. Will I be successful in my home schooling for my B.S. in Psychology?
4. When will I meet the love of my life in Florida (after 3 years I hope it’s soon)
5. Will I lose weight?
6. Will my health stay good?

Thank you. I enjoy reading Horizons Magazine every month. Katrina

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A day of of spidey sense, coincidence and synchronicity

I’ve had an awesome morning of evidentials, coincidence and synchronicity.  In a reading last week, a friend was concerned her son wouldn’t get good grades in a particular class.  I knew she was going to find the perfect tutor right away and that he’d be younger than her son.  She called today and told me she’d found him, he was younger, plus he has the same teacher – score!  She’d called in the middle of me speaking with spiritual brother Doug Cobb.  He and his wife Trish were next door neighbors and best friends of mine for years, they moved west of Gainesville in 2004.  They periodically come into town and it turns out they’ll be here again at the exact time I need Doug to look at a project with me – another score! I was in the flow.  So it was no surprise when I called galpal Joy to ask for a mutual friend’s number and if she knew her availability to help with another project.  She happened to be sitting in Jann’s living room and handed her the phone.  Jann was available and had all the knowledge I hoped she’d have! I’ve been in the flow all day and it feels good.  I know it feels good because I had little reminders of being out of the flow and gripey recently.  Good feels better!  In the flow feels better!


It’s only that out-of-the-vortex things have your attention, that is what keeps you from being in the vortex

When you’re outside the Vortex, anything and everything can cause an adverse reaction. You’re scrambling around trying to figure out, “It might be this food or that food. I wonder if it’s sugar, or carbs? I’ll bet it’s the wheat, yes, it’s the gluten!” And we say, it’s not any of that. It’s because you’re not in the Vortex. You’ve got other out-of-the-vortex things going on that have your attention and that is keeping you from being in the vortex.  Period. Period. Period.  ~ Abraham-Hicks, Happily Ever After dvd, 2011





Which is really more beneficial? Dig deeply and get to the bottom of it, or let it go by ignoring it and happily focusing elsewhere?

Domino has been having anxiety issues due to recent life changes.  Can you dig it?  She’s at the age where elders are beginning to pass, and some sooner than expected.  Like me, she prefers natural methods over drugs but knows when she has an acute situation that needs addressing, she can call in the big guns if needed.  Her physician prescribed a mild Rx and told her she would benefit from grief counseling, from digging into the source of the anxiety.  Like me, she is a fan of theEsther Abraham-Hicks work.  The dilemma then becomes: which is really more beneficial?  Dig deeply into something that seems to have an obvious answer and cause (multiple unexpected deaths in a few months’ time) or simply turn her focus to something more pleasant as soon as possible, thus giving little or no attention to the other?   Continue reading

Entertaining ideas of cooperative communal living in a monastic setting as our elders head into the golden years

This morning I connected with a fellow devotee and we were discussing initial ideas of cooperative communal living in a monastic setting as our elders head into the golden years, i.e separate housing on communal land. There are several communities not in the spotlight that endeavor to have a working model. The shared values of functional silence, meditation and spiritual practice, even if in different traditions, would be the connecting factor, as well as a monastic, if not necessarily ascetic, lifestyle. It’s not for everyone.  If you have any thoughts on the matter, please share them.

Your assigned current events are in front of you, not on tv

A Facebook friend posted a criticism of something said on the news, and referencing lizard-men in the government  My take is: I give no attention to what the media says are current events. Current events for me are the bamboo needs watering and the floors needs to be cleaned. I need to finish billing and take my elderly aunt to the doctor. The only lizards I give attention to are in my garden. None of what “they” do affects me, or ever has.  God permits it all to exist for a designed purpose. When new sh*t comes up, I’m handed the tools to handle it. You know which current events are assigned to you because they are right in front of you, and not on your tv screen.

For every one I lose, a dozen more will come

That’s my basic belief about business, clients, anything: “For every one I lose, a dozen more will come.”  I never lament the loss of anything.  Something else always takes its place.  Growing up, I have a history of being a survivor of those who died. More recently,  in 2008, I lost Danny, a close pal from childhood.  In 2013, I said goodbye to one I thought would be a lifelong friend.  Two weeks ago my 14 year old Maine coon kitty Izzy passed.  A week ago I lost Wally, my closest childhood friend of 54 years.  That was the loss that took me by surprise and devastated me. With whom would I share history now?  Even in my emotional distress, I knew there would be those who came out of the woodwork to fill in the spaces, even  if I could not imagine right now who that might be.  In 2003, after 37 years apart, my brother Jerry resurfaced, after our father said he’d died.  So it was no surprise when a handful of cousins began finding me on Facebook within a week of losing Wally.  In addition, I reconnected with a fellow devotee and I learned one friend/ author/ client has similar background as I do and we’re forming a friendship.  We’ve spoken for years but never on a personal level; she’s a soul sister for sure. Several gentlemen have expressed interest, however I am seeking only brothers on the Path.  Best of all, Wally’s sister Linda and I have become closer through the shared loss.  It never fails: when the Universe “takes” one person from me, a handful more show up in their place.  I am blessed indeed.

RELATED: Another blast from the past resurfaces