Author Archives: Andrea

What 3 things are pleasing you right now?

Name 3 things that are pleasing you right now. For me, the fan feels yummy on my skin, I love the smell of the nag champa incense and I can hear the crickets outside singing to me. What 3 things are pleasing you right now? By doing this exercise, you just raised your vibration. That brings you closer to your dreams and goals. You’re welcome.

The Acupuncture Meridian Organ Clock

Meridian_Clock2So you find yourself waking up at the same time after you’ve gone to bed each night?  What time is that?  Acupuncturists use the acupuncture meridian organ clock to diagnose and to determine the optimal time for treating specific imbalances.  Waking up automatically at the same time could mean your body needs to bring itself into balance in that area.  This chart illustrates the flow of chi (qi or life-force energy) through the meridians during the 24 hours of the day. Continue reading

Why get irked at who uses a different word than you do?

I posted on Facebook: “I just got one of those mass solicitation emails that shows everyone’s email address. I emailed the store owner back to unsubscribe and let her know many of the addresses are wrong. Make sure she’s got your correct email address if you should be on the list.”  She got angry I called it a solicitation.  I meant no dishonor, I just wanted folks to know to check with her is all, since I got like 20+ back right away.   A friend wrote: “I think Andrea did you a favor; it is important to guard others’ data. You might check in yourself why this felt like an accusation. Peace ….” I don’t know her response.  The phrase I used is what it’s called on THIS side of the industry: mass solicitation = sending out to a bank of addresses you don’t know are current, offering your products and services.
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Tarot Card of the Day: High Priestess Reversed

Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.  Not everyone attracted this message onto their monitor.  YOU DID. There are no mistakes.
MEANING:   It can be more difficult for you to see and/or to tap into the powerful, intuitive, and attractive energy that is flowing. The energy is there. Look for it. Allow yourself to feel it.  You may be finding it difficult to “hear” what your intuition is telling you. If so, it’s a clear signal to quiet down, spend some time in meditation, and spend some time alone. Try different approaches, including journaling, yoga or walking meditations. The info you seek is there. Trust yourself and your instincts. Continue reading

A blissed out day with healing friends

Hens and Chicks

A blissed out day today was. I went to Open Mind Zen for Al Rapaport’s dharma talk, saw soul sister Elizabeth Stamper, always a joy! Hung out in nature with galpal (and soul sister from the same hometown) Thea DeDyne  and talked birds, squirrels, hens & chicks and hot flashes. Then to Unity of Melbourne‘s first Sunday Reiki Circle with Lloyd Reiser who cleared the energy in my thumb so it’s completely mobile. Lloyd’s got the juice! He also identified an area that I’d not mentioned and cleared it, he’s the man. When I got home, the cardinal mom stepped off her nest and I peeked! Still 2 eggs in the nest and one getting-really-fat hatchling with 5 feathers. Now I’m wondering how they are all gonna fit in the nest… yes, that’s something good for me to worry about… like cardinals never had babies before… oh no and now it’s raining on them. I am ridiculous. This is not unlike what Al Rapaport said today at the dharma talk: we think we’ve got to be in control of – anything -.

Tarot Card for the Day: The Fool

Your Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.  Not everyone attracted this message onto their monitor.  YOU DID. There are no mistakes.

MEANING:  The Fool is always an indicator of newness. This is generally considered a positive card, with the caveat that it’s important to take time to be sure that you are “looking where you’re going.”  This card indicates new beginnings that have deeper spiritual meaning – for example, starting a meditation practice or a relationship, as opposed to buying a new pair of shoes. The appearance of the fool can depict an important “fresh start.” Continue reading

Be especially kind to those who talk against you

Especially be kind to those who talk against you, they don’t know what they bring upon themselves. We grow, we learn. Bless those who keep their attention upon you. Let that reflect back to them and give them peace. Their discontent has to do with them, not with you. Bless them.

My choices are be a nun or find a husband?

“Are you going to be a nun or find a husband?” my 87 year old aunt asked me. Oh? It’s come to this? THOSE are my choices? “I want you to get married and be happy,” she says. “Well, which is it?” I ask. My experience is married isn’t fun for long. I choose happy. “Smarty pants,” she says, “no wonder you don’t have a husband.” Ah! Another mystery solved.

It becomes enchanted here at nightfall

It becomes a different world here in the midnight hours.  I live in Paradise every day but at night is when the enchantment begins. Like right now. It’s a beautiful evening out there, a balmy 76, light breeze, moonrise not for another hour, then another hour+ to make it over the tree line. There’s night blooming jasmine in the air. The nightly parade of critters has begun. For me, this is the time to take a walkabout, then sit and soak up the night.  Each day as I bring work to a close, I review what needs to be done the next day.  Then I leave work at the office. When I ponder at night, it’s more about basking in appreciative thoughts of what magic the day has brought me, or seeing where I stand on any personal issues I may be working through. Most recently, I had 4 close to me pass in the last 3 months. I get waves of feeling grief and loss, all the while knowing there is no death.  Ongoing estate matters keep the topic fresh in my mind. One I lost in March was a friend of 54 years, and my sole confidante. I feel that loss acutely every day. At the same time, it is good to have no one to discuss things with.  It throws me back into myself and sends me pondering in the midnight hours.  In the quiet, in the night, thoughts become more clear. What seems tangled becomes smoothed free. That’s the magic of the nighttime.  It’s the perfect setting to step into the mystic and unravel truth from illusion.  Mysticism is defined as the pursuit of communion with the Source or God through experience, intuition and insight. It is for this reason I typically live a monastic life, as it is conducive to the cultivation of the mystical state of consciousness.  The session work I do with friends depends upon my state of consciousness.  It is for this reason I put my time in to become enchanted with nature, under the stars, listening to what the Universe has to tell me.  It’s where I get my continuing education to keep me qualified for my profession 🙂