Author Archives: Andrea

Summer Solstice 2013

Today was pretty magical all around. They delivered the July Horizons Magazine and I got the mailing to the post office in record time. I had a nice energetic reboot in the noon rainfall.  At sundown, I celebrated the Summer solstice walking on the beach and drumming with friends at the Boardwalk.  We watched the full moon rise and I connected with a soul sister from back in the day. The moon looked amazing reflecting off the water and in the wet sand. I came home to bask awhile in its light and listen to the night sounds. Thank you, Whomever/Whatever is Responsible, for this blessed life I have and everyone in it.

You’ve got a good track record for survival so far. Stop telling the old story.

On particularly rough days when you’re sure you can’t possibly endure, remind yourself that your track record for getting through bad times so far is 100% and that’s pretty good.  It would go so much easier if you stopped telling the old story, stopped identifying yourself with an abusive past.  Your focus on it keeps the pattern repeating itself in your life.  You’re stronger than you think.  You don’t need the old story.  Who you are right now is enough.

What Matters…

We come from energy and turn back into energy.  We are all matter for only a very short time.  Make sure that when you are matter… that you matter.

Never go looking for love. There is no place that Love is not.

Never go looking for love, because there is no place that Love is not. Be as ecstatic over hearing the cardinal chirp as you are hearing your lover’s voice. Be as thrilled by the brush of the butterfly’s wing as you are by your lover’s lips. Live in those small enchantments. They are here to delight and romance you. Let them woo you. Fall in love with them. Then, then you will see there is no place that Love is not.

Are you being heard? Do you really listen?

In a recent reading, I knew I was being heard because she stopped me periodically for clarification: “This is what I heard you say there.  Is that accurate, is that what you meant to say?”  She knows that most people are unclear in their words because they are unclear in their mind. I hear all the time that after a reading, the client often thinks back and can’t remember anything concrete they’d been told. Just a bunch of impressions that seemed to satisfy at the time but upon reflection did not answer any real questions. So I know I am being heard when I’m asked to define a word or rephrase something for clarification.  That goes especially in personal conversations with friends, and that’s a way to avoid misunderstandings. Clarification is the key to communication.  And what are all our words to each other if not to bring us closer, to bring us to greater understanding of each other?

A nice energetic reboot in today’s rainfall

It was pouring as I stepped out of the post office this morning.  I got drenched to the bone within seconds. I never mind getting wet.  It rained off and on all the way home.  As I walked in my house, I heard a loud thump and went out back to check the roof.  An dead oak branch had fallen. The rain felt good.  Since I was already soaked, I stood in the rain for a few minutes just feeling its chill soak into me. I did some yoga breaths to warm the body and it was a real energetic reboot.  I now have the softest skin on the planet.

Fun or sleep, hmmmm…

It’s fun to stay up all night goofing off when the shakti is flowing but I could use about 20 hours of sleep in a row… I might get it later today.

Don’t hide your heart but reveal it so that mine might be revealed, and I might accept what I am capable of.  Rumi

Be led by Spirit and doors will open for you where there were only walls.