Author Archives: Andrea

Releasing at full moon and sleeping in a moon beam

Last night I sat with friends overlooking the ocean and watching the full moon rise.  There is something about a place where land meets water, especially a giant expanse of it like our Atlantic Ocean. To me it can feel awesome and terrifying at the same time.  In fact, I don’t know how I spent 3 months on a sailboat in 1983.  As we sat and watched the moon rise and drank icey lemon teas, we talked about the things we are ready to release in our lives from the past 28 days.  We do this each full moon.  Full moon rituals are for releasing and purging the things in our lives that no longer serve us, relinquishing suffering involved in hurtful relationships and discharging physical and emotional pains.  The act of sitting with a group of friends with the same focused intent is a powerful practice. You’re casting a powerful spell, releasing the past and beginning fresh with every 28 day cycle of the full moon.  Several in attendance are overcoming health concerns and say our meetings fuel their healing.  I can dig it.  I come away feeling fueled as well.  That’s when I can tell I’m spending time with the right people: I feel fueled by them and so excited about what’s coming next.  I came home across the Wabasso Causeway and then north on US 1 and the rising moon followed me the whole way home. Continue reading

Tarot Card of the Day: Seven of Coins/Pentacles

Your Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone attracted this message onto their monitor.  YOU DID.
MEANING:   The 7 of Pentacles is very often a card about returns on investments. This can be literal such as a bank account returning money to you, or figuratively, such as the investments of time, effort, and energy that you have put into a relationship. You will be reaping what you have sown. This is generally positive.  You should be feeling more secure than you have in a while. Things will be moving along well, and you’ll be feeling hopeful about the future – with good cause. You may have to decide whether to put your energy into the things, people, and situations that you already are involved with, or whether to spend your energy trying to bring more into your life. Choose wisely. Continue reading

Everything has consciousness and communicates with us

I believe that the totality of all creation comprises the Godhead. I believe we are each a part of God, and not just us humans. I’ve experience that everything has consciousness, and since consciousness exists on a sub-atomic level, to me that means that everything that has physical form has consciousness, whether it expresses it in a way we recognize or not. That means not only the animals and plants and rocks, but also the desk I’m sitting at, the computer on it, the chair I’m in and the smoke wafting from the incense I have burning. It took me many years of reading and hearing about that as a concept before I actually experienced it for myself. I considered it a plausible idea that everything had consciousness, yet didn’t have the actually knowing of it until years later. So if this is a new concept for you, just tuck it away and consider it from time to time and when the time is right, you’ll experience it for yourself and your world will change for the better. Continue reading

Don’t take on the karma of holding stuff hostage

To one truly sincere about making amends: one way would be to remove untrue accusations and return items borrowed.  They won’t be reported stolen, that’s not how I roll.  Matters not to me either way, I know who I am, I’m over it, but since you’re asking, if you’re truly sincere, that’s a great first step.

I’m blessed with gracious brothers on the Path

One who opens doors, carries the heavy stuff and fixes things. Who makes plans yet goes with the flow. Who is calming to be around, and invigorating to speak with.  Who balances business with dancing in the moonlight.  Who can bang a gong and get it on in the astral planes with psychic talk and energy work. Who knows when to appear and when to begone.  Who groks both the private and public me.  Who sees the person and not the trick pony. Kudos to me for attracting that.  I rock.

This Magic Moment

Illustration by Karen HullOut in the garden just now, I got kissed by a wandering butterfly. Twice! It was the most magic of moments. This Magic Moment by Ben E. King is a fave song, I think of kissing the earth with my feet, being kissed by the sunshine, the wind and the rain. In comparison, the human mortal kiss pales.

Today is a brand new day

I love the butterfly imagery here: every morning we burst anew from the cocoon of our prior day’s understanding, into a gloriously technicolored new world of endless possibilities. Like the butterfly, we’re allowed to flit from one thing to another to find what we want to finally alight on for awhile.  We can fly as high as we want and we can dare to fly into the sprinklers as well.  My daily search is for the sweetest nectar to be found. I find it everywhere, with everyone.

Tarot Card of the Day: Lovers Reversed

Your Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.  Not everyone attracted this message onto their monitor.  YOU DID.
MEANING:  Even reversed, The Lovers is a powerfully positive omen, particularly of course for romantic relationships, but in truth, for all relationships in your life. The card is associated with the astrological sign of Gemini, “The Twins.”  When this card appears in reverse, it’s very likely that you are feeling ambivalent about a relationship or situation in your life. You must pay attention to what your gut is telling you and to try to analyze and get clear about what this is and why. Your feelings and emotions are there for a reason. Don’t ignore them. Continue reading

Quietly go to work on your own self-awareness

Quietly go to work on your own self-awareness. If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation. ~ Lao Tzu