Author Archives: Andrea

If I focused myself into it, I can focus myself out of it

Just as you’ve focused yourself into a place of sadness over loss, you can focus yourself into a better feeling place.”  Abraham-Hicks.   I know if I continue to focus on loss and grief, I will amplify my feeling of loss and grief. If I turn my attention to some silly something that gives me a few moment’s relief, that helps me step up the emotional spiral so I can attract even better feeling thoughts, and then more of them, and then more of them.  Before I know it, I connect back to who I really am and realize there is no loss and, with that understanding, there is no grief.  If I focused myself into it, I can focus myself out of it.

What is your REAL complaint?

I seem to have lost my patience with perpetual complainers. Yes, I know the government is imperfect. Yes, I know there are selfish people conspiring. Yes, I know that many people lack integrity. Yes, I know that western culture is materialistic and superficial. Yes, I know that the opposite sex has disappointed you. Yes, I know you question the existence of God. But what is your REAL complaint? What are you really trying to express about the lack of love, attention, attunement, satisfaction in your life? What lives below your projections onto the ‘system’ as the cause of all your challenges? What created your glass half-empty perspective? And, perhaps most importantly, what are you going to do to convert all that negative energy into positive action? When are you going to stop hiding behind your victimhood? What are you going to do to accept realities you can’t control and find your beautiful smile? And how can I help you to believe again? Jeff Brown

From This Moment On

From this moment on, no matter what has happened in the past between us or to us, individually or together, I seek harmony and well-being.

From this moment on, every word I say and every action I take will be motivated by love and will reflect to my partner that I seek harmony in my life.

From this moment on, I will not speak or act before first asking myself if what I am about to say or do will bring harmony or cause conflict. Continue reading

Tarot Card of the Day: 7 of Cups Reversed

Your Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.  Not everyone attracted this message onto their monitor.  YOU DID. There are no mistakes.
MEANING:  The 7 of Cups is a card about choices. When the 7 is reversed, you are beginning to make them and to move toward action.   In general, the reversed 7 of Cups says that you are making the choices that need to be made and are moving toward concrete and important action. Trust your gut; you’ve probably already realized that you have to start somewhere. Do so, and you will thrive. Continue reading

Love is the great mystery stew

“Sometimes love finds you when it’s ready and when you’re ready too. How that happens is anybody’s guess. Love is the great mystery stew, its secrets well kept, its ingredients known to providence alone. While both people are being prepared, marinated, skewered, cooked to readiness in the fires of life, the cosmic alchemist is turning the pot, reverently preparing the base for the lovers who will meld into it. Only God knows when the stew is ready to be served. Divine timing.” Jeff Brown
Andrea says in the meantime, fall in love with everything around you, everyone around you, don’t make the mistake of waiting for just one person who will love you back. That you love is what matters. That you love.

Send love to those whom others perceive as hateful

I don’t think anyone sets out to be harmful or hateful or selfish. I think in their perception that they need to fight to survive in a loveless world of limited resources, they don’t notice the casualities left in their wake. That’s a sad, small world to live in.  They deserve our Love and prayers as much as anyone.  There but for the grace of God and Guru go all of us.

Thank you Indialantic parking meters for not taking my nickels

I love how the Universe talks to me through even inanimate objects, like the parking meters at the boardwalk.  Friday night, I couldn’t get the meter to register taking my coins.  I thought it was because it was after 9:00pm. Today I found a spot right in front of Starbucks and, out of quarters, began feeding nickels and dimes.  The meter did not register the coins.  Hmmm.  I drove to another spot, another meter.  Same thing.  I had no quarters, so I just left the boardwalk and drove south.  I saw someone pulling out and pulled into their spot.  Score! 45 minutes left on the meter!  I walked down to the shore and watched the tide coming in. Continue reading

Report your Facebook account when it gets hacked, don’t just change your password

Two days ago I got a friend request from a real life friend that I have been Facebook friends with for years.  I thought it odd but accepted it. Today I got a message from her that was also odd.  She said “… life’s been treating me great cos of the help I got from the Re-elected Government in which a church member told me I wonder if you heard the good news about officer Sean yet?”  WTF? Instant red flag.  I said, “I want to make sure this is you, tell me where we met, ok?  Or name 3 mutual friends we have been in same room with. I’m making sure you’re ___ and not the hacker.” As soon as “she” saw that, I got the message “You cannot reply to this conversation. Either the recipient’s account was disabled or its privacy settings don’t allow replies.” Then I called my friend and she changed her password. Don’t just change your password, if you’ve been hacked.  Report it. Here’s How To Report A Facebook Violation.

Send love to those who seem to cause us harm

Send love to those that seem to cause us harm, as we never know if we had a contract with them to come to earth to seem harsh for us to awaken to our higher potential.  I believe we do not come to earth intending to do harm, however we agree to be placed in situations to help others grow… and those situations may in our perception seem harsh. One example: a mother’s tough love. Eda Pugliese-fey