Author Archives: Andrea

Tarot Card of the Day: 7 of Swords Reversed

Your Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.  Not everyone attracted this message onto their monitor.  YOU DID.
MEANING: The 7 of Swords reversed reminds us that “crime doesn’t pay.” If you get this card and you are tempted to cheat or take shortcuts in some way, this card gives a clear statement that you are going to get caught – simple as that. Think twice. And if you have found that someone in your life is cheating you, by no means can you simply let it go. They must be called to account, if you are to keep this relationship. This does not mean you should assume that someone is cheating; this only applies if you know for a fact that they are.  This is a time to think carefully about the way things are “supposed to be done,” and whether or not you are meeting that standard. It may be time to clean up your act. Take things one step at a time and don’t try to do everything at once. You already know in your gut where the most important changes need to be made. Continue reading

The holiest of all the spots on Earth is where an ancient hatred has become a present love.  A Course In Miracles

GURU = Gee, You Are You. The guru is always in YOU

“When the student is ready the Guru appears,” is an old Hindu proverb. Recognizing that the “Guru” can manifest in anything at any time is a key part of understanding Zen.” Al Rapaport writes at Open Mind Zen Blog   Coming from a guru lineage tradition, I find that word spooks a lot of people. GURU = gee, you are you. Anything that shows us to ourselves is our guru. The entire world does that when we have eyes to see. The teacher rises from within our own self as we evolve in consciousness and understanding. The guru is never outside ourselves, we just have the illusion it is. Ancient texts state the guru is within: “The true meaning of Guru is one who dispels the darkness of ignorance. You are your own guru. You need not seek him elsewhere.”  Michelle Peterson tells in her journey at The Guru Within , that early on Care Bears were her guru, later a track coach, later new age teachers and Babaji. “I realized what a Guru truly is;  A teacher who leads you to the teachings that lead you home to yourself.   The process of receiving such teachings however is a process of letting go of the attachment to a being, and being open to the possibility that you can be taught by everything.”  Even Sai Baba, whom some might call a guru, writes at The Guru Within: “The real Guru is only one.  The vision does not come from outside. It is within you, because the Divine is omnipresent. God is everywhere. You are God.” Gee, you are YOU.

The purpose of courtship, per an awakening man

A friend was speaking about why they wait to have sex in a new relationship.  “The whole process of courtship and anticipation leading up to the moment of intimacy,” Love says, “makes the act of two people surrendering themselves body and soul to each other a magical, and spiritual experience that brings two people so close to being one.”  Patrick B McGinnis, LMHC, Sex Therapist, Relationship Counselor says, “Go slowly, take the time to really know the other person. Once you become sexual it can seem like love but it often isn’t.”  I agree.  I think some things are meant only for those we’ve known awhile. I’m never ready to jump into anything simply because the chemistry is there. Unless I think someone is going to be a significant part of my life, I just don’t go there.

I took score too soon, I thought it was for one but it’s for another

In 2012, I began reconnecting with many musician friends from back in the day, as well as current popular musicians playing the Unity churches nationally.  Synchronicity always has meaning. I thought they were meant to be a connection for a particular friend, who had no interest in that genre of music, nor in networking. Today I realized who the connections are for.  The possibilities are endless, for those with eyes to see.  I figure, just connect everyone to everyone and let them all sort out what they are to be to each other, now and later.

“When someone is upset, don’t deal with the issue, identify the emotion.” Blair Singer

I was in conversation with a friend and he asked, “what emotion are you feeling?” I was surprised I couldn’t readily identify it. I love it when friends ask me questions like that, seeking to clarify for both of us exactly what we are talking about, making sure there are no misunderstandings down the road over something not addressed in the moment. Ya gotta love a conscious male.  I’m thrilled when someone communicates so there aren’t flareups months down the road, leaving you wondering WTF is so hard about having an honest conversation?  Werner Erhard  pointed out that all upsets involve incomplete communication.  I can dig it.