Author Archives: Andrea

Psychic input, am I reading the event or the other’s thoughts?

I had a good example the other day. A psychic friend and I were talking about the spidey sense and what is it that we pick up from our clients. I had a thought that she snapped a photo. She did not really take my pic, but she intended to and THOUGHT she did. That was a good example because she did NOT, however she thought she did, so I thought she did. This was an example of reading the person’s knowledge and not reading the event itself.  Just because the reader gets info doesn’t mean it’s absolutely correct, but it does mean someone thinks it is.

I’m happy for your awakening

I can’t be sorry for your suffering and happy for your lesson at the same time. When you are going through something, it’s because you’re awakening to your True Self! So while I see you cry, thrashing about, I see a beautiful butterfly coming from the cocoon. I celebrate, knowing that your freedom awaits You! To be sorry is to miss MY lesson… to see the truth in ALL events. I’ll hold your hand while you walk and I’ll let you cry into my body… but I’m happy for your awakening, my Love.  Lisa J. Trevino

What’s so hard about being a grownup about things?

This is getting laughable.  What is so hard about when you’re ready to leave a relationship you just honestly tell someone, and return their stuff?  Period, end of story, DONE.  Or you can act all sneaky and then backtrack once you’re caught in a lot of fibs and cause a lot of unnecessary drama for months to keep your 15 minutes going.  Aren’t you tired of that yet?  Everyone else around you is.

This again?? Jeremy Bonner’s post was not about me. He thinks he has to promote his music through controversy

Bless him thinking he has to keep lying. I write ONLY about what happens to me.  Jeremy Bonner wrote of “a jealous ex’s tearing down our character’s in public, the stalking of friends, family and emails, Facebook sabotage, alleged virus’ in broadcast news emails… emails being sent to probation officer as well as therapist warning of all of the “evil” things that I am doing, and undoubtedly meant to send me back to prison… ”   Continue reading

My spidey sense tells me a photo was taken

A girlfriend made a joke about a silent camera click and my spidey sense told me she’d snapped a candid shot of me in the last 24 hours. Confess! She did. I love having friends I’m very telepathic with.

Bless those who malign and terrorize you with no basis in fact, for they know not that they know not. Bless them.

“I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion – and where it isn’t, that’s where my work lies.”  Ram Dass.
Bless those whose actions challenge me to remain loving and compassionate, for they help me do the important work.  Bless those who do their best to malign and terrorize you with no basis in fact, for they know not that they know not.  You know the truth of your being.  It doesn’t matter what anyone else says to anyone else.  You know the truth of your being. Let their nonsense drift away like clouds passing by.

Overflowing with diamonds

It’s true: Drop the stone weighing you down and the Universe will fill your  hands with diamonds. I’ve never been so blessed.

Drawing chalk blessings on the driveway

Moving art supplies into storage, I ran across some chalk, so had to run out to the driveway and write down some blessings for the world. If you could write words on your driveway that came true for the world, what would they be? Mine says: Peace, Love, Joyful Noise. What would you write?

Lucky Talismans: The Power is in YOU

An ex has refused to return several personal items to me and to others who have asked.  He believes that I have imbued each item with some magical power that he doesn’t have access to unless he has those items in his possession.  Material items are only as magical as you believe they are.  Believe instead in YOURSELF as much as in some lucky talisman.  The power is in YOU.  You are the vortex