Author Archives: Andrea

Honk if you love Zimmerman, Jesus would

My thoughts regarding the Zimmerman verdict? Like it or not, if we’re in the midst of God’s will how can we not rejoice? Despite any trial outcome, the innocent shall be redeemed and the guilty punished, as surely as the sun rises in the morning.  Bless everyone whose heart hurts for any reason over this. Honk if you love Zimmerman, Jesus would.

What I see when I see the aura

Aura photo 8-1-07

A friend asked: “Can you tell me what a split aura means? While interviewing a (crime) suspect, the right side of his aura was white, his left side was black, a complete split down the middle. Also his photos appeared the same, no matter from what angle I took them.” I responded, “I know everyone sees things differently. I’ve never seen an aura split down the middle and never see it as only one or two colors. For me, it’s a kaleidoscope of morphing colors that change and move at every thought. I get info from the newsreel that plays within the first few inches away from the body. When I see black, that is often an exterior shell that will break upon further questioning and reveal what underlies. Is it a blockage, an illness, a troubling thoughtform (which is all they ever really are) or maybe my own filter preventing me from seeing clearly? Ask and it will tell you. I also see what I look for. If I know anything about someone ahead of time, before viewing them or their photo, my mind sets up an expectation of what I might want to see evidence of and shows it to me. So the first impression might be an illusion, and I have to ask to see past that. To the degree I can drop any preconceived notions about what I might see, to that extent do I see clearly.
How the aura appears to me

I get the weekend off!

I finished final layout on the August Horizons today – early enough to get the weekend off!  I got error messages on two images. Hmmm. The same images were on the same pages as last month but there is something hidden in there. Galpal Anne Marie Anderson suggested I reinstall the program.  Sometimes the best thing we can do is delete an unstable program and reinstall it. That’s what meditation does for me . When I’m feeling unstable, I hit the mat and breathe away the unstability and breathe in new life. I ran out to the farmers markets in search of Rome apples.   I picked up lemons, broccoli, long beans, red peppers, cherries, peaches, apples. At the boardwalk for a surfcheck, the craft show was in the park so a quick walk through.  The water at low tide moved like molasses, it was tempting but the sun was too high to stay out in. Afterward, a quick stop at a friend’s and then onto my fave Pho Cali Vietnamese Noodle House for giant soups.  Life is good and getting better all the time.

The best is yet to be

Thank the Goddess for kindred spirits who are kind, thoughtful, loving and generous souls. The best is yet to be. The last of life for which the first was made.

You do everyone a dis-service when you don’t speak your mind

Oh, deliver me from galpals who can’t speak up! A gf just drove herself crazy for 2 weeks trying to figure out how to tell me I should really wear deodorant if I’m going to sweat like a pig and go anywhere with her. (Imagine that!) I would have in the first moment I noticed it given her a heads up! She thought it more humane to let me offend everyone else for 2 weeks while she fretted over how to tell me. I keep it natural when I’m at home so I forget the social niceties.  What I find offensive is someone who won’t speak their mind when they have something to say. Someone who thinks a topic like this would “hurt my feelings” yet letting me be offensive to everyone else is “okay.” Why would someone think topics like this are off limits? Everyone working on their throat chakra, please, learn to speak up and let your feelings be known.

When you really know your connection to Source, the influence of others is miniscule

It doesn’t matter if you’re talking about the flu, the ebola virus, or the economy.

There are 6 billion people on this planet.  If you pull out of their influence, what you think is what you live.  When you really know your connection to Source, the influence of others is miniscule.  Once you have withdrawn your attention from it, you don’t cross paths with it anymore.  Decide who you really are!  Am I source energy, or one who allows others to deprive them of source energy?  Imagine a village of people limping around.  You are bright and shiny and new and strong.  You wonder why they are limping, and you start limping.  When you are excited about your life, you are not noticing they are limping, and you stay strong, and another stops limping. Most people let their vibration be about what they are observing.  But ultimately, how you feel and how you want to feel dictates what you see.  I can’t notice what’s going on here, or in time, I will start limping, too.   Abraham-Hicks

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