Author Archives: Andrea

Comparing spidey sense notes for future predictions

A friend and I were comparing notes on how we first learned to give future predictions. My first time happened spontaneously. Afterward, I intuited a technique to project my consciousness into their emotional body at a future point in time.  Basically, as I stand in their emotional body, their astral field, several months down the road, I tune in to how I am feeling, what I am thinking about and where my focus is. That tells me all I need to know.  I often hear readers say, when asked for future predictions, that “nothing is written in stone.” That’s technically true, but more often no one takes the time to consciously change the course of their life, which is what renders the future so predictable.


Love watched over me all night as the sliver of the crescent moon and arose in my heart as the rising sun.

Nine Mind-Blowing Epiphanies That Turned My World Upside-Down by David Cain

Over the years I’ve learned dozens of little tricks and insights for making life more fulfilling. They’ve added up to a significant improvement in the ease and quality of my day-to-day life. But the major breakthroughs have come from a handful of insights that completely rocked my world and redefined reality forever. The world now seems to be a completely different one than the one I lived in about ten years ago, when I started looking into the mechanics of quality of life. It wasn’t the world (and its people) that changed really, it was how I thought of it. Maybe you’ve had some of the same insights. Or maybe you’re about to. Continue reading

As soon as you’re refocused, whatever challenge you’re in the midst of will begin to leave your experience. It never fails.

Today has been a long day, a busy day of back to back readings. I’m in vibrational resonance with quite a few who have good changes coming up. When change starts to freak us out, the perspective of someone who knows the patterns can really ease our mind by refocusing us. Ups, downs, it’s all part of the process. When you’re in the valley, you don’t always have a clear view, so someone who’s been to the mountaintop can be helpful on that journey with you. I can tell you where it gets slippery and where to find the handrails. I can tell you to ignore the ogre under the bridge and to give a wide berth to the snake on the rock. I can do this because I’ve taken this journey thousands of times with thousands of friends. I’ve seen the patterns.  I know most often what comes next. This isn’t ego talking, I simply know I have a gift and I’ve honed it so I can depend on it.  I’m not boastful, I just know who I am.  Are you in the middle of a challenge that’s freaking you out? We can take a look past it and see what is the next step. We’ll focus on being on the other side of it and begin attracting THAT into your experience. As soon as you’re refocused, whatever challenge you’re in the midst of will begin to leave your life.  It never fails and it can happen in a heartbeat. Let me know if you’d like a phone session with me, just $60 for 45 minutes.

Mercury enters Leo at 8:13am ET August 8, 2013

“The planet Mercury enters the sign of Leo on August 8, 2013 at 8:13 am ET. Mercury rules communications, information, computers and electronics, as well as travel, shipping and transportation. From now until August 23rd, people will have big ideas and Mercury will have you thinking about your role on the big stage of life. Are you ready for the spotlight? Make plans now for the future. The energy of this transit will encourage you to express thoughts and feelings.  Avoid emotional outbursts and be mindful while travelling.”
I was just brainstorming with a pal about a new business venture that blends what they do well with what I do well. Ok, I admit they were the brains of it all but it sounds intriguing and fun. I’m stoked to be included!

Ok, since I said “No I don’t want to go to Starbucks with you two,” doesn’t mean you can sit there and text me in tandem. I’m working!

You owe it to your partner to tell the truth, the whole truth

It’s interesting how a friend has a real chance for a real love and a real life with a real family and yet jeopardizes it all with his disregard to clearing up his past.  I can understand not wanting to do it before now.  When it’s the right person, you want a clean start.  This is the chance for that.  I suggested he tell the whole truth, as all it takes is her ordering his trial transcript to see he’s fibbed and allowed her to fib on her behalf. The whole truth is one he can’t deny if she wants to move forward in truth with this woman. She will accept the past behavior but may not accept the fact of the continued lie. Whatever it is, tell the truth. I promise it will set you free.

I get another opportunity to stop judging

I just saw a young mom on a walk with two toddlers. She was on her phone and the kids were walking in her cigarette smoke. I love it when the Universe gives me something new to stop judging. When it gives me another opportunity to work on releasing what is not mine to fix or even focus on. When I remember who i AM and recognize we are One and the same and that all I need to do is change my focus and my perception, that’s easy to do. Other times, not so much.

You tune out the dead like you tune out the living

A friend asked during a psychic reading session, “I am beginning to sense ghosts – or whatever – around friends and family. I don’t care for it.  How may I send them away?”  My answer was that it’s less about sending away the non-physical ones who seek you out than it is about perceiving the situation in a different way. It doesn’t matter if it is a deceased person, a ghost, an etheric imprint, an astral shell or a thoughtform.  Whatever anyone calls it, “they” will always be in the background of the ones who are sensitive to it and attracting it. It’s about strengthening your own power to enable you to dial them down to fade them into the background. So, instead of making them go away, you’re embracing them at the same time as realizing your power to tune them out when you want to. When you go to the market, you don’t get so wrapped up listening to the other shoppers that you forget what you’re there for.  No, you simply stay focused and pay no attention to the background sounds.  It’s the same idea.  Physical distractions or nonphysical, you choose where to keep your focus.