Author Archives: Andrea

Out in the open, ah, that feels better

Don’t lament the heart that cracks open to let in the Light.  Just as in yoga where we intentionally tense the muscle so it can fully relax when we release it, sometimes there needs to be a big blowup before everything can settle into wholeness. Don’t let a match made in heaven slip away because your ego can’t handle the personality.

She sees now that she had incorrect advance info about me

A new client just told me I’m nothing like she’d been led to expect. She’d only recently discovered me and the magazine which she found through a link on someone’s page.  She’d heard a story about a story and got curious and booked a series of sessions with me.  Now that she’s gotten to know me, she said, she realizes she’d received incorrect info about me, from a misguided individual with an obvious agenda. I can’t really blame the people who criticize me without first hand knowing anything about me.  I was just like them once, so I can empathize.  A friend tells a story that we pass on, not knowing the cosmic/karmic consequence we bring down on ourselves for not checking the truth before passing it along.  After awhile, we wise up and live only in the truth. Life’s too short not to. We live, we learn. We grow up, we do better. All in our own time.  My job is to keep loving no matter what comes back.
RELATED: Intentionally creating emotion to heal our world 

The Universe always shows me evidence of where I’m vibing

I never need to wonder what my vibrational resonance, or my point of attraction is, because it is always being played out right in front of me. Every situation or person I encounter is evidence to me of what I’ve been vibing. If I’m having a less than stellar time,  I can’t blame anyone else. The only thing that got me there was the focus of my own attention.  Since it’s all related, failure to make peace in any area of my life will show up as resistance in other areas. When I’m engaged in doing good works and supporting others, I find myself supported by friends and strangers alike, I enjoy good health and I feel a huge sense of personal freedom. When I find myself in lack and limitation, my experience is that means I have inner work to do to tie up loose ends. And I never have to have a moment’s suspense. The evidence is always right in front of me.  As hopeless as any situation feels, it’s really only your thoughts that you’re dealing with, and you have the power to change those. Open your eyes and heart to dissolve the illusion and experience the perfection that Is.

The Power of the Chant?

I just ran a red light, right in front of a police car.  But first I ran out of chopsticks. I’d driven to the Asian market on Malabar Road for rice paper and chopsticks. In the car on the way home, I’m listening to Shiva chants and chanting along. I notice the traffic light ahead of me has been yellow a long while.  Bad planning on my part, mid-chant I sail through the red light, right past a police car facing me on the driver’s side.  I kept driving, slowly, expecting him to make a u-turn and ticket me. He did not. Did the power of the chant make me invisible? Or was I just so focused on feeling good that I didn’t have time to have a resistant thought? I’ll ponder that while I eat my salad with chopsticks.

The dryer won’t start – I have to close the door or not move forward.

The dryer won’t start.  Drat. I did laundry this morning and now the dryer won’t start. I checked all the connections.  I checked the fuse box. My thoughts ran to “I just had to replace the washer at my rental. ” I knew that didn’t have to be my experience. As Yinnie my Mini Cow rubbed my left leg,  I glanced down. I noticed the dryer door was not completely shut.  I shut it and the dryer started. What was my lesson here? That I can be completely connected, all systems go but unless I “close the door,” I can’t move forward.  My experience is if the past is not resolved, then I can expect that when things are going very well, it can all be yanked out from under me.  That’s why I get it all resolved when I’m down in the muck of it and have far less to lose.  That way I don’t spend my life looking over my shoulder and waiting for the axe to fall when things are going well.  That way the only momentum I have to be concerned with is forward momentum.  I contemplated the “close the door” metaphor and realized there are a few things I could close the door on, so I spent this early morning considering just how I might do that.
RELATED: Clear up the past in order to move forward 

3:00 a.m. Musings

Another three a.m. and I’m awake in the quiet, trying to wind down from getting the mag to press and chilling after a shakti-filled day. After midnight yoga and meditation, I felt filled with glowing goodness, so I moved furniture to ground myself. I can’t tell if it’s working. If anyone else was awake, I’ll be ready to play! Hoping to doze before sunrise, 3:00a.m. is a time when thoughts wander through, such as: hmmm, melatonin tonight? Or valerian root? Or Calm’s Forte? Or – the big guns- benadryl? I love staying up for this wonderful wild life, sleep is tough to schedule in… Now for a few days off to laze around and get to the beach. Low tide today about 1:30pm, high tide about 7am and 8:30pm. Full moon is Tuesday. Can it get any better than this?