Author Archives: Andrea

Excerpt “Invisible Supply: Finding the Gifts of the Spirit Within” by Joel Goldsmith

There are principles in every business, in every art, every profession, and every line of work. Those who abide by these principles, even though they may have many struggles, eventually achieve success. In our work it is more so. We need principles with which to work because we are continuously faced with appearances of discord, that is, sin, disease in every form, old age, death itself, lack, limitation, and poverty. The Bible tells us that we will have the poor with us always, and we certainly will have them until the principle of supply is understood, and we will have sickness until the principle of health is understood. The Infinite Way principle of supply is that in our oneness with God, we already have all that the Father has because “I and the Father are one and all that the Father has is mine.” If we individually are experiencing a lack, it is not because of any actual lack. It is because of our inability to make contact with our supply.   Continue reading

Coffea Cruda for sleeplessness with mental hyperactivity

At 2:22am, I can hear the thunder out there and it’s a beautiful starry night. I just took my first dose of coffea cruda, a homeopathic remedy for “sleeplessness with mental hyperactivity.”  Coffea cruda is green (unroasted) coffee beans. Even when I am relaxed, I can have segments of hyper mental activity. It’s an occupational hazard since I act as a vision keeper for friends who ask.  I can have a dozen thoughts of a dozen projects going on in my head at one time, all happy thoughts, all pleasant projects.  But it does keep my mind busy. When I need to shut it down, I’ve found a variety of natural sleep aids that work. I’ll keep you updated on the coffea cruda.

I’ll clean my floors until I fall asleep…

This morning’s meditation: Invisible Supply

My waking thought was the subject of this morning’s meditation: invisible supply, the fact that (my understanding of) God is my supply. This realization changed my understanding and changed my life. I see Google Books has an excerpt of Joel Goldsmith’s book online.  Pages 3-7 tell you enough to rock your world.  Read those pages over a few times, take them into meditation.  Your world will change.  It helps me to see supply, friends, happiness, money as coming out of me, just as an oak tree comes out of an acorn.  It’s all within us. All we need do, as Robert Browning wrote, is to open a way for the imprisoned splendor within us to escape.

RELATED: Meditation links

Who’s serving themselves on a half shell today?

Baby armadillo

How cute, all curled into his protective shell, no one can disturb him now. But that’s no way to live. Sometimes I do the same thing, go within, hide away. When I reconnect to inner guidance and remember there is no separation, I expand again and the shell drops away.

Control your anger – never be abusive to Mom in her own home

You know that controlling woman you’re so angry and hateful toward? That’s your mother who is giving you a roof over your head. Have some respect.  Don’t like the authority?  Grow up and do it on your own.  Never should you be verbally abusive to your mother in her own home. Stop and think before you react. Develop some discipline. Learn to control your anger.  Take that zen teaching into your heart and practice it.

I love when I can copycat my favorite restaurant recipes

Saturday we went to Pho Cali Vietnamese Noodle House in Mebourne and had crispy tofu with broccoli and brown garlic sauce. I tasted it and thought “I can make that!”  So tonight I did. I cut the tofu larger than normal, which resulted in it not getting crunchy all the way through.  The coating was crisp, and it was good, but I like the crisp crunchiness of the savory tofu I usually make. I cooked half the tofu last night.  For the next batch, I’ll cut it in smaller bites. It’s been in the fridge basking in panko crumbs so it will be perfect.  And I have another head of broccoli to test it out on! Maybe I’ll add some fresh green grapes to the sauce to sweeten it…

I couldn’t wait to put this on Facebook

A friend told about a movie he saw and he couldn’t recall the name of it. “Is it in your browser history?” I asked? “Yes,” he said, “Probably. It’s on my Facebook. I liked it so much that I wrote about it. Then I wondered what I was going to watch next.” Then he cracked up laughing because he was making fun of me putting everything on Facebook because he shares nothing. Brat.

A friend asks, “Why do I keep isolating?”

A friend writes, “Too often on the spiritual path I isolate to the extent that I get caught in my own head and I lose my ability to relate to people.  I begin to think I am superior to them in an intellectual or spiritual way.  I say I keep away because I don’t want to “be in their vibe” but the truth I feel unable to resist it when I’m near.  I say I’m just going with the flow, but I really feel adrift in an open sea, unable to navigate.  I isolate to find an anchor yet all that happens is I get caught up in my own head trips which makes me isolate even more. Only later when I read my daily journal do I realize my ego had complete control over me and it was all mental masturbation. Why do I keep doing this?”   Janell writes in Your Feeling Alone Is An Illusion  “You are cut from the divine cloth of the universe. You are carved out of that beautiful oblivion.

How to change the world? Write down what you’re afraid of

The question was “What’s one action that people can take right now to help move them forward towards their goal of changing the world?” Here is Seth Godin’s answer:  “Write down what you’re afraid of. Be vulnerable about it. Confront your shame and to be aware of the fact that if you’re not finding it difficult to write down, it’s probably not what you’re afraid of. That act leads to you taking responsibility for the next set of choices as opposed to blaming the outside world that is stacked against you because of what you look like, who your parents are, where you were born, how you speak, how old you are, who you know, who you don’t know and what cards you were dealt.  That’s all a given, right? But if we take that and put it right next to what are you afraid of, then I think you can chart a course that isn’t filled with excuses and deniability. Well of course it didn’t work because I have this whole list, which I used to carry around on a piece of paper in the back of my head before I finally got rid of it. This whole list of why it wasn’t fair. You say all right that’s all a given but given that, I chose to make this, what do you think? And the act of doing that is really, really difficult. No other creature on earth knows how to do it. Most humans are afraid to do it and if you can figure out what part of that process you are afraid of, I think you are going to discover your life changes.” —Seth Godin