Author Archives: Andrea

Email Readings

Why a psychic reading by email?  To have a written record.  There is a kind of magic that happens when you type your questions out.  You will have begun the process to attract accurate guidance. You may make your question as long and complex as you wish.  Whatever you want, I can help you make it happen.  Email and Paypal to

Some Kind Testimonials
Ask the Right Question
An email reading giving a detailed process to read for yourself

Predicting Astrological Compatibility

Compatibility is not only about lovers.  We want to be compatible with coworkers and business partners also.   We make or break anything in our lives by our attention and focus to it, astrology notwithstanding.  Nonetheless, I’ve found astrological comparison charts helpful in making decisions about how involved to get with someone new. When I met my former partner, our compatibility chart showed while he and I have houses 12 (the unconscious) and 1 (the personality) in common in our charts, our astrological “lessons” fall into houses 6 and 7.  I told him if we have a solid house 6 (work/service) relationship, then overpouring into the 7th house (relationship/partnership) will cause conflict.  It did.  Had I followed my heart rather than my ego who wanted to be a savior, much grief could have been avoided. Continue reading

A partner who won’t clear up his baggage?

A friend’s boyfriend just proposed. He owes two baby mamas years’ worth of child support and he’s still married to the wife he abandoned 3 years ago. My friend is smitten so she makes excuses for him. She knows she’s the one to change him. Ah, youth! Ask yourself how does a grown man get to the place where he has absolutely no friends in the world but you?   I don’t care what anyone does but since I hear all the stories, I see the patterns. I like everyone to know how Universal all stories are. You’re never the only one going through something. I might not want to go hiking if someone told me ahead of time how rocky the terrain was, so I like a heads up from those who’ve walked that way before me.  On Facebook I got some insightful responses:   Continue reading

I fix my torn screen door

My repaired screen

A pal was going to replace the raccoon-torn screen in the back porch door, but I beat him to it. I also pulled the ripped screen out of the 36×75 frame for the sliding glass door, breaking the lightweight frame in the process. Tomorrow it’s off to Home Depot. I love when the weather cools off, because it motivates me to work around the yard and around the house.  I love being outdoors when the weather is nice and the misquitoes are at bay. I love the sounds of the outside, the crickets, the birds, the cicadas.  I especially love to hear the outside sounds at night, especially our evening showers, they lull me right to sleep.

Know that each glitch will soon be over with, expect it

I’m flying through the work today. I’ve been updating my websites this week
Horizons MagazineAnimal Spirit GuidanceGoddess Grub Healthy Eats,
Invisible Counselors ProcessSecret To DollarsSisters of the Circle and sending people to my astrology page when suddenly this morning my server went down.  Drat!  In the past, I used to freak and reboot several times and email and call and text my brother asking about it. I learned through experience that it was always up within a short time .  So this time, as soon as I saw the entire website was down – even though my entire morning was dedicated to having my astrology page working – I knew it would be up shortly.  My faith carried me through, my belief and expectation that it was very temporary and on its way to being fixed.  That’s my philosophy about all of life as well.  Bring to mind the result I seek, stay focused on it. Have faith it is on its way to me.  Believe and expect it. Realize that  anything between me and my goal is on its way to being fixed.  Just having that thought in mind, just believing that and expecting that to happen helps a good result flow easily every time.

How do you trust the new one, how do you not compare?

A galpal asks how do you trust the love words of the new one when the “love” words of the last one are still stinging? How do you believe anything they say? My answer:  Don’t compare, period. There are 0nly so many combinations of words. Trust that words said in the moment are true for the moment.  I was once hurt by someone’s false words and it made me take with a grain of salt the next time I heard loving words. I let my past experience diminish the vastness of my partner’s disclosure in the Now.  It revealed to me that I was viewing him through a filter of every partner who came before him.  It was only when I witnessed consistent behavior for months that I began to relax into a place of trust. For me now, what I would do is trust from the first moment and see where it takes you. Communicate what you feel.  Be yourself. Don’t hold back.  Attract the same out of him. You will either mesh or you won’t, but there will be no surprises. See each person each day with new eyes, with no comparison. Act and respond as if every word spoken is the truth of the moment.  It’s the only way you have a chance.